Activity Listings
- Letter from Frixos Charalampous, Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Wisconsin, to LP RE: States his intentions to be in Pasadena in the fall. [Letter from LP to Green March 6, 1950, Letter from Charalampous to LP March 22, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1950), #74.18]
- Letter from Gilbert H. Ayres, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Texas, to LP RE: Writes to ask if LP would have time to present a lecture on “Valence in Metals and Intermetallic Compounds” for a seminar in Physical Inorganic- Analytical Chemistry for the University of Texas while he is in Texas for the American Chemical Society lecture tour. [Letter from LP to Ayres March 25, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.2]
- Letter from Gilbert H. Ayres, Chairman Elect, Central Texas Section, American Chemical Society, to LP RE: Writes to confirm his lecture on “The Structure of Antibodies and the nature of Serological Reactions” for the meeting at 8 pm in the Chemistry Building at The University of Texas. The audience will consist of faculty, graduate students, and upper classmen in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Biology Sciences. Writes that an informal dinner consisting of faculty and their wives will precede the meeting. Also writes that a double room has been reserved for him and AHP at the Stephen F. Austin Hotel. [Letter from Wulf to Ayres March 20, 1950] [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1950-1964), Box #14.006, Folder #6.2]
- Receipt from F.C. Nash & Co. to AHP for $9.26. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bill, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]