Activity Listings
- Check from LP to Beatrice Wulf for $250.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
- Check from LP to Bennett Travel Agency for $448.40. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
- Check from LP to Josef Bruchta for $39.68. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, December 1948-November 1950; 1960-1962), Box #4.019, Folder #19.2]
- Expense Report: LP and AHP’s trip to the East Coast, February 2-11, 1950. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1950s.2]
- Letter from Byron Riegel, Chairman, Fortieth Willard Gibbs Medal Award Jury, Chicago Section American Chemical Society to Willard Gibbs Medalists residing in North America and Gentlemen of the Jury RE: Lists the two final nominees for the medal, explains that the jury did not reach the necessary two-thirds vote so the jury has been expanded and a new vote will have to be made. Includes a copy of LP’s ballot and background information on the two nominees. [Filed under LP Science: (American Chemical Society: Materials re: Committees and Awards, 1948-1951, 1967), Box #14.010, Folder #10.7]
- Letter from George K. Tanham, Master of Student Houses, Caltech, to LP RE: Asks LP for the names of some faculty members that would like to attend student functions. [Letter from LP to Tanham February 17, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (T: Correspondence, 1950), #410.15]
- Letter from H. J. Muller to George B. Pegram, cc. LP, RE: Informs them on the issues surrounding the publication of his article in the January issue of “American Scientist”. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Sigma Xi) #375.2]
- Letter from LP to A. Stoll RE: Confirms his visit and speech on May 31st. [Letter from Stoll to LP January 25, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1950), #378.4]
- Letter from LP to Dr. A. M. Zarem, Director of the Los Angeles Division, Stanford Research Institute, RE: Accepts his invitation to take part in the Advisory Panel Discussions on the problem of atmospheric pollution. [Letter from Hobson to LP February 14, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Stanford Research Institute), #376.7]
- Letter from LP to Eugene Rabinowitch, Editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, RE: Informs him that there is no reason why the Bulletin should refrain from addressing the super bomb. [Letters from Rabinowitch to LP January 17, 1950] [Filed under LP Peace: (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1948-1964), Box #3.016, Folder #16.3]
- Letter from LP to Sam Naiditch RE: Thanks him for his letter and the photo. Tells Naiditch about his hope to make a trip east. Assures Naiditch that he will let him know if there are any job openings on the mainland. [Note from Naiditch to LP January 28, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1950), #287.17]
- Letter from LP to the Director of Research, Charles Pfizer and Company, Inc. RE: States that he was pleased to see the recent report in Science on the new crystalline antibiotic Terramycin. Discusses the research being conducted at the Gates and Crellin Laboratory. Inquires if Pfizer would be able to provide them with a sample of the new antibiotic Terramycin for research and study. [Letter from Weyer to LP February 10, 1950, letter from LP to Weyer February 16, 1950] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Charles Pfizer and Company, Inc., 1950, 1969), #70.1]
- Letter from LP, Trustee, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, to Dr. Eugene Rabinowtich, Editor, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, RE: States that there is no reason why the Bulletin should refrain from discussing the super bomb. Writes that it is likely that he would make a contribution a little later. [Letter from Rabinowtich to LP January 17, 1950] [Filed under LP Peace: (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1948-1964), Box #3.016, Folder #16.3]
- Memo from LP to President DuBridge, cc: Professor Sturdivant, RE: Asks him to consider the purchase of a recording ultraviolet spectrophotometer in the present since the value will increase if they do not purchase it now. [Letter from Sturdivant to LP January 31, 1950] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: (California Institute of Technology: Administrative Files, 1938-1971.), Box #1.030, Folder #30.2]
- Newspaper Clipping: “16 Score Conviction of Counsel for Reds”, New York Times, February 1, 1950. [Filed under LP Biographical: Civil Liberties — House Un-American Activities Committee, 1948-1960. (House Committee on Un-American Activities)), Box #2.040, Folder #40.3]
- Statement from LP to Mira Loma Mutual Water Co.: Provides them with the water meter readings from his property. Handwritten note by LP indicates the bill was paid. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1945-1950.), Box #4.059, Folder #59.3]