July 18, 1949
Mr. Paul J. Kern
11 West 42nd Street
New York 18, N. Y.
Dear Mr. Kern:
It was just called to my attention today that in the advertisement which appeared in the July 15 New York Times my connection with the American Chemistry Society was mentioned. On checking back on the literature of the Bill of Rights Conference I find that I am referred to there as President of the American Chemical Society, and also with a reference to the California Institute of Technology.
I sent you the following telegram on learning of
these facts:
I must protest unauthorized mention of American Chemical Society on letterheads and newspaper advertisements.
I have in general taken great care not to have use made of my connections with the California Institute of Technology and the American Chemical Society in my political activities. Usually I have pointed out to the responsible people that mention was not to be made of these organizations.
My absence from Pasadena may have caused a delay in my learning of the mention of these organizations on the letterhead of the Bill of Rights Conference. The matter had, in any case, escaped my attention until today.
I regret the necessity of having to call this to your attention, and I trust that there will be no future reference to the California Institute of Technology or the American Chemical Society.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling:W