Activity Listings
- Article: “Tenney is Forced Out!”, The Open Forum, July 9, 1949. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academic Freedom — Loyalty Oaths at the University of California, 1941-1961: Box #2.033, Folder 33.14]
- Letter from Dr. E.J. Crane, Editor, Chemical Reviews, to Dr. J.J. Bikerman, cc: LP RE: Thanks him for his interest in the matter abstract length, and assures him that the issues will be resolved shortly. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #70.2, file:(Chemical Abstracts, 1948-1956)]
- Letter from Dr. S. K. K. Jatkar to LP RE: States that he is presently working on the dislocation theory of ionic solids. Mentions that he is interested in getting a teaching fellowship at the Institute so that he can study developments on the Nature of the Chemical Bond. [Letter from Jatkar to LP June 15, 1949] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #192.15, file:(J: Correspondence, 1949)]
- Letter from Wilbur H. Miller, Chairman Public Relations and Educational Committee, to LP. RE: Sends a photograph. Encloses a copy of the news release. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1949-1950: Box #14.005 Folder #5.1]