3500 East Fairpoint
Pasadena 8, California
July 27, 1949
Dr. W. E. B. Dubois
American Continental Congress for World Peace
Suite 70, 49 West 44th Street
New York 18, N.Y.
Dear Dr. DuBois:
I am very pleased that you are going to serve as one of the United States vice-presidents for the American Continental Congress for World Peace. I regret that, because of the great distance of Pasadena from New York and some local problems that are keeping me tied up this summer, it is not possible for me to come to the meeting of the United States Committee on Monday, nor to attend the Congress itself.
I feel that the fine group of people not only in the United States but elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere who have already responded to the call for the Continental Congress for World Peace assures its success. Please feel free to call on me whenever I can be of help.
With very best wishes to you and your colleagues, I am
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling:W