Oregon State UniversitySpecial Collections & Archives Research Center

David and Clara Shoemaker Papers, 1930-2000

7. Shoemaker Personal Library. 1905-1994.

Texts on advanced mathematics, physics and chemistry form the heart of the Shoemaker Personal Library.

266 books

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Adamson, Arthur W. A textbook of physical chemistry. 1979. QD453.2 .A3 1979.
Addison-Wesley Press, pub. A guide for authors. 1951. PN147 .A3 1951.
Ahmed, F. R., S.R. Hall and C.P. Huber, eds. Crystallographic computing; proceedings of an International Summer School organized by The Commission on Crystallographic Computing of the International Union of Crystallography and held in Ottawa, 4-11 August 1969. 1969. QD911 .I58 1969.
Ahmed, F. R., K. Huml and B. Sedláček, eds. Crystallographic computing techniques : proceedings of an International Summer School organized by the Commission on Crystallographic Computing of the International Union of Crystallography and held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 28 July to 5 August 1975. .
Aitken, A. C. Determinants and matrices. 1956. QA191.A5 1956.
Alberty, Robert A. Physical chemistry. 1983. QD453.2 .D361 1983.
Alberty, Robert A. Solutions manual for Robert A. Alberty Physical Chemistry. 1983. QD453.2 .D36 1983.
Amdur, Isadore. Chemical kinetics; principles and selected topics. 1966. QD501 .A6.
American Chemical Society. Handbook for authors of papers in the journals of the American Chemical Society. 1967. T11 .A4 1967.
American Chemical Society. Handbook for authors of papers in the research journals of the American Chemical Society. 1965. T11 .A4 1965.
American Physical Society. APS membership directory. 1994. QC16.2 .A43.
Atkins, Peter William. Physical chemistry. 1982. QD453.2 .A88 1982.
Azároff, Leonid V. Introduction to solids. 1960. QD905 .A9.
Azároff, Leonid V. The powder method in X-ray crystallography. 1958. QD945 .A9.
Bacon, George E. Neutron diffraction. 1962. QC721 .B117 1962.
Bacon, George E., ed. X-ray and neutron diffraction. 1966. QD945 .B3.
Baerlocher, Ch. DLS-76: a program for the simulation of crystal structures by geometric refinement. 1978. QD911 .B15 1978.
Ballhausen, Carl Johan. Introduction to ligand field theory. 1962. QD475 .B3.
Band, William. An introduction to quantum statistics. 1955. QC174.4 .B2.
Bateman, Harry. Partial differential equations of mathematical physics. 1944. QA377 .B2 1944.
Belov, Nikolaĭ Vasilévich. Crystal chemistry of large-cation silicates. 1963. QD921 .B376.
Belov, Nikolaĭ Vasilévich. A Classroom method for the derivation of the 230 space groups. 1957. QD911 .B452 1957.
Bergman, B. Gunnar. A structural investigation of the mercury-tin system; The determination of the crystal structure of the sigma phase by application of x-ray diffraction methods to this phase in the iron-chromium and iron-molybdenum systems. .
Bernal, Ivan. Symmetry; a stereoscopic guide for chemists. 1972. QD921 .B45.
Berry, R. Stephen. Physical chemistry. 1980. QD453.2 .B48.
Bethe, Hans A. Elementary nuclear theory; a short course on selected topics. 1947. QC173 .B4 1947.
Bethe, Hans A. Splitting of terms in crystals. 195-. QD339 .B4.
Bevington, Philip R. Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences. 1969. QA278 .B48.
Boerner, Hermann. Representations of groups; with special consideration for the needs of modern physics. 1970. QA171 .B6 1970.
Bolliet, L. Un nouveau langage scientifique, Algol, manuel pratique. 1964. QA76.5 .B68 1964.
Bowen, H. J. M., ed. Tables of interatomic distances and configuration in molecules and ions. 1958. QD65 .T3 1958.
Bragg, William Lawrence. Atomic structure of minerals. 1937. QE364 .B7.
Breck, Donald W. Zeolite molecular sieves: structure, chemistry, and use. 1974. TP159.M6 B7.
Brillouin, Léon. Wave propagation in periodic structures; electric filters and crystal lattices. 1946. QC157 .B7.
Brisse, François. La symétrie bidimensionnelle et le Canada. 1981. N7431 .B75 1981.
Buckley, Harold E. Crystal growth. 1951. QD921 .B8.
Buerger, Martin J. Vector space, and its application in crystal-structure investigation. 1959. QD911 .B76.
Buerger, Martin J. X-ray crystallography; an introduction to the investigation of crystals by their diffraction of monochromatic X-radiation. 1942. QD945 .B8.
Bunn, Charles W. Chemical crystallography; an introduction to optical and X-ray methods. 1946. QD951 .B8 1946.
Burington, Richard Stevens. Handbook of mathematical tables and formulas. 1933. QA47 .B8.
Byerly, William Elwood. An introduction to the use of generalized coördinates in mechanics and physics. 1916. QA871 .B9.
Campbell, George A. and Ronald M. Foster. Fourier integrals for practical applications. 1942. QA404 .C18.
Carslaw, Horatio Scott. Introduction to the mathematical theory of the conduction of heat in solids. 1945. QC321 .C2 1945.
Castellan, Gilbert W. Physical chemistry. 1964. QD453 .C28.
Charles Supper Co., pub. Manual for the use of the Buerger precession camera: as manufactured by the Charles Supper Company. 1950. QD945 .H49 1950z.
Compton, Arthur H. X-rays in theory and experiment. 1935. QC481 .C6 1935.
Condon, Edward U. The theory of atomic spectra. 1951. QC454 .C6 1951.
Corning Glass Works, pub. CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. 1986. QD65 .C5.
Corning Glass Works, pub. Laboratory glass blowing with Corning's glasses. 1967. QD63.G5 L32 1967.
Corning Glass Works, pub. Laboratory glass blowing with Pyrex glasses. 1961. QD63.G5 L33 1961.
Corning Glass Works, pub. Properties of selected commercial glasses. 1963. TP857 .C6 1963.
Cornwell, J. F. Group theory and electronic energy bands in solids. 1969. QC174.5 .C57.
Cotton, Frank A. Chemical applications of group theory. 1971. QD461 .C6 1971.
Cotton, Frank A. and Geoffrey Wilkinson. Advanced inorganic chemistry; a comprehensive text. 1972. QD151 .C6 1972.
Cracknell, Arthur P. Applied group theory. 1968. QC174.5 .C7 1968.
Daniels, Farrington. Experimental physical chemistry. 1970. QD457 .D15 1970.
Daudel, Pascaline. Atomes, molécules, et lumière. 1946. QD461 .D35.
Davidson, Norman R. Statistical mechanics. .
Decius, John Courtney. Molecular vibrations in crystals. 1977. QC454.V5 D4.
Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense. National directory of architectural, engineering, and consulting firms with certified fallout shelter analysts. 1967. NA53 .N38.
Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense. National directory of qualified fallout shelter analysts. 1964. NA53 .N3.
Dickinson, Roscoe G. An outline of thermodynamics. 1956. QD501 .D534 1956.
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice. The principles of quantum mechanics. 1947. QC174.1 .D5 1947.
Doetsch, Gustav. Theorie und Anwendung der Laplace-Transformation. 1937. QA320 .D62 1937a.
Donnay, J. D. H. Crystal data; determinative tables. 1963. QD908 .C7 1963.
Donohue, Jerry. The structures of the elements. 1974. QD466 .D6.
Dornberger-Schiff, Käte. Lehrgang über OD-Strukturen. Von K. Dornberger-Schiff. Mit Abbildungen, Tabellen und Lösungen zu den Aufgaben in einem gesonderten Anhang, v.1. 1966. QD911 .D6 1966.
Dornberger-Schiff, Käte. Lehrgang über OD-Strukturen. Von K. Dornberger-Schiff. Mit Abbildungen, Tabellen und Lösungen zu den Aufgaben in einem gesonderten Anhang, v.2. 1966. QD911 .D6 1966.
Drude, Paul. The theory of optics. 1939. QC355 .D8 1939.
Dubois, Marguerite-Marie. Modern French-English [English-French] dictionary. 1960. PC2640 .M6 1960.
Dunitz, Jack D. Perspectives in structural chemistry, v.1. 1967. QD471 .P4.
Dyson, Freeman J. Symmetry groups in nuclear and particle physics. 1966. QC793.28 .D8.
Eddington, A. S. The mathematical theory of relativity. 1924. QC6 .E293 1924.
Eggers, David Frank. Physical chemistry. 1964. QD453 .E336 1964.
Einstein, Albert and Leopold Infeld. The evolution of physics; the growth of ideas from early concepts to relativity and quanta. 1938. QC7 .E5.
Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler. Coordinate geometry. 1960. QA551 .E581 1960.
Electrochemical Society. Corrosion Division. The surface chemistry of metals and semiconductors; a symposium sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and the Electrochemical Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1959. 1960. QD506 .E5.
Ephraim, Fritz. Inorganic chemistry. 1943. QD151 .E7 1943.
Epstein, Paul S. Textbook of thermodynamics. 1937. QC311 .E7.
Eshbach, Ovid W. Handbook of engineering fundamentals, prepared by a staff of specialists under the editorship of Ovid W. Eshbach. 1936. TA151 .E7.
Evans, Robert Crispin. An introduction to crystal chemistry. 1964. QD905 .E86 1964.
Eyring, Henry. Quantum chemistry. 1944. QD453 .E9.
Fackler, John P., Jr., ed. Symmetry in chemical theory: the application of group theoretical techniques to the solution of chemical problems. 1973. QD461 .F23.
Fackler, John P., Jr. Symmetry in coordination chemistry. 1971. QD461 .F24 1971.
Federov, Evgraf Stepanovich. Symmetry of crystals. 1971. QD911 .F4131.
Feynman, Richard P. Quantum electrodynamics; a lecture note and reprint volume. 1961. QC680 .F38.
Findlay, Alexander. The phase rule and its applications. 1923. QD501 .F5 1923.
Fine, Leonard W. Chemistry for engineers and scientists. 1990. QD31.2 .F565 1990.
Fisher, Werner. Space groups and lattice complexes. 1973. QD921 .S63 1973.
Frauenfelder, Hans. The Mössbauer effect; a review, with a collection of reprints. 1962. QC477 .F7.
Frenkel, J. Wave mechanics; elementary theory. 1950. QC174.2 .F73 1950.
Gillespie, Louis J. Physical chemistry, an elementary text, primarily for biological and pre-medical students. 1931. QD453 .G5 1931.
Gilman, Henry, et al., eds. Organic chemistry: an advanced treatise, v.1. 1943. QD251 .G55 1943.
Gilman, Henry, et al., eds. Organic chemistry: an advanced treatise, v.2. 1943. QD251 .G55 1943.
Glasstone, Samuel. Text-book of physical chemistry. 1940. QD453 .G55 1940.
Glasstone, Samuel. The theory of rate processes; the kinetics of chemical reactions, viscosity, diffusion and electrochemical phenomena. 1941. QD501 .G5.
Griffith, John Stanley. The theory of transition-metal ions. 1961. QC176 .G7.
Grinberg, Aleksandr Abramovich. An introduction to the chemistry of complex compounds. 1962. QD475 .G653 1962.
Groth, Paul. Physikalische Krystallographie und Einleitung in die krystallographische Kenntniss der wichtigsten Subtanzen. 1905. QD905 .G88 1905.
Hauptman, Herbert, ed. Direct methods in crystallography : proceedings of the intercongress symposium / sponsored by the International Union of Crystallography and the Medical Foundation of Buffalo, Inc., Research Laboratories, and held in Buffalo, New York, Aug. 3-6, 1976 . 1976. QD901 .D57 1976.