16. Personal Safe. 1912-1993.
The four drawers of Linus Pauling's personal safe contained an astonishingly rich
and diverse collection of items which have yielded a much fuller portrait of Pauling's
life and activities. Drawer 1 held over seven-hundred letters between Linus and Ava
Helen Pauling, most of them love letters. Drawers 2 and 3 contained a number of items
that Pauling had deemed to be either sensitive or important, including communications
with world-historical figures as varied as John F. Kennedy and Ho Chi Minh. Drawer
4 served as repository for the dozens of pocket notebooks that Pauling carried throughout
his life, as well as scores of Dictaphone belts on which Pauling had recorded chapters
of a proposed autobiography.
42 boxes
4. Linus Pauling's Safe - Drawer 4.
Note: This drawer is inventoried in chronological order, as it contains mostly small
journals and pocket planners from the late 1920's to the 1970's, except for items
4.058-4.100c, which are in a box marked "DIARIES Linus Pauling", and items 4.101-4.105,
which were loose in the drawer and are in a file folder.
4.036 - 4.045 (Page: 41 - 50)
Diary: 3.75x6" labeled as "My Trip" for 1954 for Ava Helen, with newspaper clippings and a letter from Asima Chatterjee to AHP,
April 15, 1955.
Diary: 2.75x4" labeled as "Westinghouse Notes and Data 1956".
Diary: 4x6" spiral bound labeled as "The Spiral Pastelle Notebook", "Crellin Pauling",
with a sketch of a month on the back of the back sheet, July - August 1957.
Diary: 3x4.5" labeled as General Electric 1958".
Diary: 2.5x4" labeled as "Diary with Indexed Memorandum" for 1959.
Diary: 3.25x5" spiral bound with no label, with a list of several names glued inside
the covers, and notes, 1959.
Passport and ticket holder: 4.25x8" with ticket stubs from 1960-1963, five ticket and baggage receipts from July 20, 1957 from Air France, a receipt from Portier Grand Hotel and a calling card for Mr. &
Mme. Jacques Monod on the "ticket" side, and Immigration Identification Cards for
LP and AHP [September 5, 1952], an order for auto repair for AHP with receipt, a Proposed Itinerary for Professor
L. Pauling's Visit as Guest of the Hebrew University, Information For All Persons
Coming To Canada As Immigrants, papers from Govan Agencies regarding a trip to India
by LP and AHP in 1955, a telegram from Mrs. MacDonald to LP, December 9, 1954, a calling card from Mr. & Mme. Rene Wurmser, a receipt from the Grand Hotel for
December 1954, and a receipt from AB Sverin's Photo on the "Passport" side.
Diary: 2.5x4" in poor condition, labeled as "addresses" from 1960 - it appears to
have been burnt or gotten wet - the corners of the papers are black either from soot
or dye leaking off the leather cover.
Diary: 4.5x7" ring notebook with addresses, No Date, but 1962-1963.
Diary: 6.5x8.5" spiral notebook labeled by LP as "SILVER L Pauling", containing a
range of dates from 1920 to 1963.
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31-40. 4.026 - 4.035.
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51-60. 4.046 - 4.054a.