Letter from Linus Pauling to Frank Chilson. Page 1. July 3, 1969
Letter from Linus Pauling to Frank Chilson. July 3, 1969. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from K-G Paul, Rector, University of Umeå, & Kjell Viberg, Chairman, Students P. U. Committee, to LP RE: Invites LP to visit Umeå during his visit to Sweden for the Nobel Symposium: "The Place of Value in a World of Facts", preferably on September 21st. Says that the theme would most likely be "How does research influence to-day's economic world distribution?" and tells him that they are inviting two other people from the symposium. [Letter from LP to Paul & Viberg, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1936-1970), Box #421, Folder #421.27]
  • Note from LP to Dr. Ian Keaveny RE: Tells him to see Structure Reports for 1961, Vol. 26. For page 335 (Cu I), he notes that he prefers the sequence ABCACB and requests that Keaveny check the original papers. For page 84 (KSi, etc.), he cites Table I and Figure 2b and requests that Keaveny get the paper and check bond lengths because the K positions in the drawing don't look right. [Letter from Keaveny to LP, 1969] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Individual Correspondence (Kamb - Kendrew)), Box #197, Folder #197.12]