Activity Listings
- Handwritten Letter from AHP to Peter Pauling, RE: AHP wants to know if Peter is coming to visit, and if he is, she would love it if he could bring an innovative gardening tool that she came across for pulling up weeds by the roots. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Family Correspondence: Peter Jeffress Pauling, 1960-1974. Box # 5.044, Folder # 44.10, Correspondence: Peter Pauling, 1968.]
- Letter from Kahlil Samra, President, American Schizophrenia Foundation, to LP, RE: Asks LP if it is possible to get 1,000 reprints of his science article to give to technical members, and mentions that the science editor of The Saturday Evening Post is doing an article on the psychiatric profession and would like to get information on LP's work. Handwritten note at top right: "Ans'd by mail" [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from LP to Anne Livingston, RE: LP writes that he does not know enough about biochemistry to express an opinion to Livingston's letter. LP sends a copy of his recent paper and some other material under a separate cover. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 234, Folder# 234.2]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Katherine Schaeffer, Chief, Cytology Res. Lab., Veterans Administration Center, RE: Writes that there is nothing in his experience that could add to Dr. Schaeffer's discussion about the association of copper and sickle-cell-anemia hemoglobin. [Letter from Katherine Schaeffer, Ph. D., Chief, Cytology Res. Lab., Veterans Administration Center, to LP 1, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Michael J. Pedelty, RE: Writes that he was not provided with reprints of his Madras paper, so he is sending other papers. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 315, Folder# 315.5]
- Letter from LP to Miss Anne Altman, RE: Responds to Miss Altman's letter of May 20 by stating that he has not done any research in epilepsy and writes that there may be a possibility that large doses of some vitamins may help. LP sends a copy of his paper and some other material. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 15, Folder# 15.3]
- Letter from LP to Miss Beastrice Lawson, RE: Points out that the pamphlet by Charles M.
Brusch is largely nonsense. There are chemical errors in the pamphlet. [Letter from Miss
Beastrice Lawson to LP, 0, 1968] [Filed under LP Science: Box# 10.006, Folder# 6.4]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Alfredo Carpio Aguirre, RE: Recommends trying several vitamins and sends a copy of his recent paper on Orthomolecular Psychiatry. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 15, Folder# 15.3]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Patrick Maranzino, RE: Asks Mr. Maranzino to write to him again if Mr. Maranzino has not received the materials now. [Letter from Mr. Patrick Maranzino, (second letter) 1968] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Correspondence concerning orthomolecular psychiatry, 1962-1988, Box# 11.079, Folder# 79.2]
- Letter from LP to Mrs. Mervin Harris. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 170, Folder# 170.2]
June 19, 1968
Mrs. Mervin Harris
819 Devon Avenue
Los Angeles, Calif. 90024
Dear Mrs. Harris:
I have been interested to read your letter of 27 May. I am sorry to say that I have been away on a trip, giving two commencement lectures in universities, and accordingly did not see your letter in time to write to you about your visit to La Jolla on 5 June.
My feeling about the problem of malnutrition in the United States is that it is too great a problem to be handled by the method of voluntary contributions that you suggest in your letter. There are 40,000,000 people in the United States in the category of poor people. The average income of these 40,000,000 people is only one fifth of the average for the other Americans, and of course many millions of these poor people are far poorer than the other poor people. The total income of the 40,000,000 poor people is $10,000,000,000. To double their income, which would permit them to live properly, would require an additional $40,000,000,000, and there is no chance of getting such a great sum of money by voluntary contribution.
Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of my recent paper on Orthomolecular Psychiatry, together with some other material.
Linus Pauling
- Letter from LP to Stirling A. Colgate, RE: Writes that he enjoyed visiting Socorro. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 289, Folder# 289.4]
- Letter from Walter C. Alvarez, M. D., to LP, RE: Thanks LP for the reprints and the note. Expresses his hope that LP will find the ideal drug to block the effects of the chemical leading to schizophrenia. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 15, Folder# 15.3]
- Receipt: Western Auto Associate Store, $4.68. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1965-1968, Box # 4.062, Folder # 62.2, Receipts, 1967-1968.]