Activity Listings
- Delivery Statement for IQ-213. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, University of California, San Diego, 1960, 1966-1969, 1970, 1978. Box # 1.037, Folder # 37.9 Budget Information, Grant Information and Receipts: University of California, San Diego, 1968.]
- Letter from Jana Junkermann, Secretary to LP, to Ruth Brooks, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, RE: LP requests that $695.66 be payed from his Guggenheim funds. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1960, 1963-1970, 1989, Box # 1.030, Folder # 36.7 Notes, Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1968.]
- Bank Statement: First Western Bank, Balance: $2,719.58 [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Tax Documents, 1965-1972, Box # 4.003, Folder # 3.4, Personal Income tax, 1968.]
- Letter from Charles Hitch, UCSD, to Chancellors, RE: Hitch is opposed to the grant ban on any individual who has been convicted of inciting, promoting or participating in a riot, as he feels it would be impossible for the University to administer and not in the best interest of either party for proper research. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, University of California, San Diego, 1960, 1966-1969, 1970, 1978. Box # 1.037, Folder # 37.4 Departmental Correspondence: University of California, San Diego, 1968.]
- Letter from George S. Hammond to LP, RE: The final version of the program has been assembled. Invites LP and his wife to attend the dinner on May 7, 1968. Included with two dinner cards. [Letter from LP to George S. Hammond, 0, 1968] [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1968), Box# 1968s, Folder# 1968s.11]
- Letter from Jewel Colbert to LP, RE: Colbert writes to LP about her neighbors being excited that she knows him. She asks for a copy of LP's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 78, Folder# 78.3]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Everett Edgar Sentman, Vice President and Editor in Chief, The United Educators, Inc., RE: Writes that he is unable to prepare a statement as requested by Mr. Sentman. [Letter from Everett Edgar Sentman, Vice President and Editor in Chief, The United Educators, Inc., to LP 5, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from Mrs. Diana Collins to LP, RE: Writes to LP because she has been told by Peter that she has been sending all of her letters to the wrong address. Informs LP that her husband, John, has been nominated by a group of Swedish Members of Parliament as a candidate of this year's Nobel Peace Prize and asks for LP's support. Sends a brief synopsis of John's work. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 66, Folder# 66.11]
- Letter from R. J. Gillespie, Professor of Chemistry, McMaster University Department of Chemistry, to Mr. Ernest C. Smucker, RE: Writes that Mr. Smucker's paper is too complicated and that he should discuss this with a professor when he goes back to graduate school before it can be published. Attached is Mr. Smucker's paper. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from Warren E. Preece to LP, RE: Preece responds to LP's letter regarding the years of birth and death of Julius Caesar. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 111, Folder# 111.7]
- Program: “Seminars”, University of California, San Diego, Revelle College. [Filed under LP Biographical: Scrapbooks: Box #6.009 Folder #9.55]