"The Stochastic Method and the Structure of Proteins." Page 1. July 29, 1953
"The Stochastic Method and the Structure of Proteins." July 29, 1953. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 3 pp.  View Transcript

Travel: Stockholm, Sweden

Activity Listings

  • LP Newspaper Clippings: 1953n. Stockholms-Tidningen article "Brittisk Strom Mot Dulles". July 30, 1953 [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1953n2.6]
  • Invitation from the President of the International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry to LP and AHP for dinner. [Filed under LP Speeches: Speeches by Linus Pauling, 1953), Box 1953s, Folder 1953s.12]
  • LP Newspaper Clippings: 1953n. German newspaper article titled "Neue Möglichkeiten der Eiweiβforschung" with accompanying photo of LP holding a model of a protein structure. [rough translation of article: "New Possibilities for Protein Research"]
  • LP Newspaper Clippings: 1953n. Stockholms-Tidningen newspaper with a photograph of LP on the front page. [articles in Swedish]
  • LP Newspaper Clippings: 1953n. Swedish newspaper Stockholms-Tidningen with an article about LP titled "Duell mellan USA:s--Sovjets kemistlejon: Vetenskapliga inblickar på ömse sidor järnridån". [rough translation of article title: "Duel between USA, Soviet Chemists: scientific insight from both sides of The Iron Curtain"]
  • Pauling Scrapbook: Stockholms-Tidningen article entitled "Duell mellan USA:s-Sovjects kemistlejon" RE: [article in Swedish] [photos of Ryssen K.T., Harold Urey, etc.]. [Filed under: LP Biographical, Box 6.006, Folder 6.37]
  • Pauling Scrapbook: Stockholms-Tidningen newspaper articles entitled "Rysk-amerikansk kemistduell" and "Kein forbinds med allt levande Inledningsforelasning om aggviteamnen" RE: [articles in Swedish] [pictures of several people including LP]. [Filed under: LP Biographical, Box 6.006, Folder 6.39]
  • Pauling Scrapbook: Svenska Dagbladet Newspaper article entitled "Livets byggstenar kartlaggs Utopi verklighet inom 10 ar" and "Amerikanerna kombinerar kongressresa med semester." RE: [articles in Swedish] [pictures of Profs. The Svedberg, Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, Harold C. Urey and AHP, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Skey and Mrs. Daniels included with article]. [Filed under: LP Biographical, Box 6.006, Folder 6.38]