Pauling Diary: "France and England 1952 / Also Toronto." Page 23. 1952
Pauling Diary: "France and England 1952 / Also Toronto." 1952. Page 23  Larger Images / More Information.

Travel: Paris

Activity Listings

  • LP journal entry in journal entitled "France and England 1952 also Toronto" RE: "Prob. Gen Ch. Worked by AH to check crystallized Hb found to contain 0.328% of Fe. Assuming one iron atom be in the molecule, calc. the MW (Note that there may be 1 or 2 or 3...; hence 1 gives min. MW, which may have to be multiplied by 2,3,...) Prob. Same for Co, vitamin B12. Prob. five CO2 and H2O from C12H22O11." "Mesomorphic state- smectic or nematic (Friedel) Hermann (Z. Krist. symp. on [liquid] [Xls?] tabulated 18 types. Put in Gen. Chem." "G. Ch. Optical bleaches developed by German for white paper- fluorescent in blue- color must be just complimentary to yellow produced in cotton cloth by soil- now put in almost all soaps used for washing clothes. Most are stilbenes. A simple one is" [drawing of a stilbene molecular configuration]. "Jim Watson will come to Pasadena (Delbrick) in 1953. DNA x-ray TMV pattern - 31 molecules in 3 turns. 63 [Angstroms]." "One or two years ago Lwoff (also Bertain) pointed out that some phage are temperate- thus P2 + [Shiga?] [goes to] Shiga (P2), which are lysogenic (some bacteria are lysed, others not, but become infected). A virulent phage lyses all the bacteria. Lwoff says they have been known 28 yrs., but not clearly recognized. Much work now done on genetics of phage." "Sh is sensitive to T1 T2...T7 but Sh (P2) is sensitive only to T1 T3 and T7. Hence Sh made lysogenic by P2 becomes resistant to certain strains. Sh (P1) is resistant to P2. Mark Adams (NYU) finds 0.1% of phage (T5) is heat resistant. That is, he gives higher temperature for heat inactivation. These are phenotypes- they give progeny like original T5. A mutant (genotype) that is heat-resistant is present 1x10-7, and can be cultured out. Rate of inactivation of 5 strains of T5 all different, but of 5 phenotypes and the heat-res. genotype the same. I suggested that a new rate-determining process has become operative in the 5 phenotypes and the mutant. [drawing to the left] Lwoff says that there is good evidence that the phage reproduces at one time- not by liberative separate genes. All genes seem to be in one string, some close together. Hershey used radio S in phage, let them act for 2 min. on bacteria and washed them off; All S* remained out, although bacteria then lysed. Hence it must have been the nucleoproteins (DNA) inside the phage that went into the bacterium and did the organizing. Radio P, on the other hand, went in. The bact. (phage) lysagenic complexes seem to reproduce only DNA part: then when shocked my UV or mustard (radiomimetic) they produce phage and are lysed.
  • Letter from Jesse P. Greenstein to LP RE: sends LP manuscripts by Ronwin which were submitted to the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, knowing that the editors would be grateful of LP's opinion of it. [Letter of response from Verner Shomaker to Dr. Greenstein August 20, 1952] [Filed under G: Correspondence 1952, Box #140, Folder #16]