Activity Listings
- Bank Book Entry: H.B. Creighton. $350.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Letter from LP to Sue Oxley RE: Tells her that while he is gone, if something important comes up, she is to go to his office and have his secretary help to get in contact with him. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 301 Folder 301.2]
- Letter from Lt. General jose Luis Avellanal-Jimenez to LP RE: Thanks him for his acceptance letter of October 25, 1967 and sends instructions regarding making a biographical sketch and sending pictures so that he might be included in the Legion of Honor. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 7 Folder 7.4]
- Letter from Richard Diener to LP RE: Writes wondering where the "spirit" of the U.S. is going. Comments on the policies in Vietnam and compares them to the "noble" history of the country. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 100 Folder 100.1]
- Letter from Sarah Shoresman to AHP, RE: Shares with AHP that her friends have named a Gloxinia strain after LP. [Filed under Box 1.004, Folder 4.4]