14 November
Dear Petie,
We arrived home late Tuesday night. Our touch down in London lasted several hours! A bird flew into one nose cone – or rather the nose cone caught up with a bird as we came in so repairs or replacement had to be made. If we had known it we might have tried harder to find you.
Alas! My paper shade is black and white. The black is very striking and in a black and white room would be exciting. It is a harlequin touch. But I want an all white. I’ll give this one away. In looking at the stamp on the envelope I see that the “black” is not apparent and only the “white” designation is there. That explains the error.
How are you? We are a bit weary and are going to the ranch today. I’m not sure we can spend Thanksgiving there for Paddy has a talk here the 22nd.
Our resonance energy is being put to too great a strain I think and we keep slapping our double bonds around like a windmill.
How is Julia? I hope better. Jack Sherman quit his job and lives now in Paris. He knows a lot about computers (?). Do you remember him? He has gout but controls it with colchicine – no diet.
Love (and kisses to Sarah)