Activity Listings
- Lease: Copy of lease for Village of La Jolla house. [Letter from Elisabeth B. Leslie to LP August 24, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Letter from Arthur Cherkin Veterans Administration Hospital to LP RE: Expresses his interest in helping LP research the behavior of perfluorinated compounds as he requested in letter dated August 15, 1967. Discusses some information on fluorine and it's compounds. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 64 Folder 64.9]
- Letter from Arthur Cherkin Veterans Administration Hospital to LP RE: Requests reprints of his recent papers on the structure of atomic nuclei. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 64 Folder 64.9]
- Letter from Elisabeth B. Leslie to LP RE: Sends LP copies of the lease. Two to sign and return, and one to keep for his personal records. [Lease August 24, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Robert Olby Botany School RE: Informs him that he and AHP will be unable to spend any time in Paris or London because of their tight schedule. Hopes they will meet in 1968 when Dr. Olby comes to California. (Response to letter dated August 17, 1967). [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 295 Folder 295.4]
- Letter from LP to Elisabeth Mann Borgese Encyclopedia Britannica RE: Suggests that she let him know soon about his and AHP's house in case, as she mentioned in letter dated August 15, 1967, she is not able to rent the house on Miramar Beach. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 28 Folder 28.15]
- Letter from LP to Ophera Freedman The Students' Society of McGill University RE: Expresses his regrets that he will be unable to participate in a program arranged by the Students' Society of McGill University as requested August 10, 1967. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 130 Folder 130.1]
- Letter from Larry Bliss Academic Programming Associated Students University of California to LP RE: Invites LP to visit if ever he is brought out to the University of California and give just a short talk, as LP was unable to come as a part of a series of speakers requested by the students. [Reply to letter August 23, 1967] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 42 Folder 42.1]
- Letter from Miss Sunila Khanna Indian Council for Cultural Relations to LP RE: Requests that LP complete the necessary paperwork for his account. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 182 Folder 182.1]