Activity Listings
- Letter from A. N. Bourns, Chairman of the Redman Lectures at McMaster University, to LP RE: Thanks LP for confirming his plans for arrival in Hamilton and requests the titles of LP's speeches as soon as possible to put in the advertisements. [Filed under LP Speeches: Box 1967s3, Folder 1967s3.7]
- Letter from George Tunell University of California Riverside to LP RE: Writes to inform him of his doings. Discusses several PhD students he's had who are interested in the geochemistry of elements. (Response to letter dated July 1, 1967). [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 412 Folder 412.4]
- Letter from LP to Dr. H.B. Merlin Deep River Science Association RE: Sends his regrets that he will be unable to lecture at the Deep River Science Association as requested July 12, 1967. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 260 Folder 260.3]
- Letter from LP to Dr. J.F. Culverwell RE: Answers questions on the effect of an explosion of a hydrogen bomb on the earth's orbit asked by Culverwell July 10, 1967 and explains his argument for why he believes it would not have any great affect. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 78 Folder 78.2]
- Letter from LP to Dr. John C. Helmer RE: Responds to Dr. Helmer's letter of July 21, 1967 by informing him that he believes there is promise in applying gas-molecule electron-diffraction technique to the problems of molecular structure. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 170 Folder 170.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. L.G. Elliot Atomic Energy of Canada Limited RE: Sends his regrets that he will be unable to visit the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories as requested July 17, 1967. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 113 Folder 113.8]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Yoshiharu Iwasaki RE: Informs him that he has accepted a professorship at University of California and therefore will be unable to meet with Dr. Iwasaki as requested July 17, 1967. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 185 Folder 185.28]
- Letter from LP to Professor Bruno Zimm, RE: Sends an update of research being done at his home in Salmon Creek until his office is ready in La Jolla. Requests to be told when his office will be ready. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.037, Folder 37.8]
- Letter from LP to Professor D. Lavergne Encyclopaedia Universalis RE: Regrets that he cannot accept the invitation to write an article for the new encyclopedia as he feels he is not enough of an expert in the general field of protein structure. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 28 Folder 28.15]
- Letter from LP to Professor Robert B. Corey California Institute of Technology RE: Requests that the CIT shop make some models for him. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 67 Folder 67.5]
- Letter from Mrs. Bernice Isenberg Drogosz to LP RE: Writes about schizophrenia in which she is interested having been diagnosed schizophrenic herself. Informs him of her theory that environmental stress causes adrenaline which, if unused, converts into a toxic substance which then causes Schizophrenia. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 100 Folder 100.1]
- Letter from Walter B. Dandliker Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation to LP RE: Expresses his pleasure on hearing that LP plans to come to UCSD. Brings him up to date on his studies of antigen-antibody reaction by fluorescence polarization and kinetics. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 89 Folder 89.3]