"Civil Defense - A Delusion." Page 1. March 25, 1967
"Civil Defense - A Delusion." March 25, 1967. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 15 pp.

Activity Listings

  • LP Research Notebook RE: N ~ 90; Binding energy of dineutrons. p. 142. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 32R] 
  • LP Research Notebook RE: Transition at N ~ 90. p. 136-141. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 32R] 
  • Letter from V. R. Damerell to LP RE: Thanks LP for letter and continued interest in his "interdisciplinary activity". Promises to answer LP's questions and suggests he read an article Damerell has written entitled "Is There a Basic Commandment" addressing some great religious controversies. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 89 Folder 89.2]