Activity Listings
- Carnegie Program: Science and Government; Arms Control seminars: Second Term, session IX, submitted by D. C. Elliot, RE: Discusses the sacrifices made by people and society in general for what the believe in (specifically peace). [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #76.1]
- Draft Letter from Gunther Anders to Editor, RE: The Claude Eatherly Case. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from AHP to John Engh, RE: AHP hopes that Engh could prepare an announcement about the conference from materials she will send him. AHP thinks that an announcement on the conference would mean more if it came from Oslo. AHP asks if Engh will circulate the petition in Norway and notes that she and LP have had wonderful success with the petition in the United States. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from AHP to Mary Van Stalk, RE: AHP has received Van Stalk’s request for more copies but believes that it would be easier to have circulation carried out by Canadians themselves. AHP and LP are now planning the conference in Oslo and hope that their success will be significant. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from AHP to Mildred Olmsted, RE: AHP is certain that she will not be able to come to Philadelphia. AHP notes that the response is remarkable for the petition and that she hopes they will have many thousands of signatures. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from Edward Eichel to LP, RE: Eichel is sending in several copies of the appeal which he already has full with signatures. Eichel asks for copies of the petition so that he may circulate them for more signatures. Eichel hopes that when LP visits New York in May that he will be able to meet with a group of students to discuss his peace work. [Letter from LP March 10, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from Frances Landy to LP, RE: Landy asks for twelve copies of the appeal and thanks LP for giving her the opportunity to help in his efforts for peace. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from Gunther Anders to ‘the Editor’, RE: A letter from many signatories, written by Mr. Anders, claiming that the Hiroshima Pilot Claude Eatherly is being held in the Psychiatric Ward of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Waco, Texas, for political reasons, rather than mental, and requests that an unbiased counsel examine him. [Letter from Gunther Anders to LP, April 26, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence, 1958-1961), #13.4]
- Letter from H. Mark, Editor, Journal of Polymer Science, to Colleague, RE: There will be a special issue of “Die Makromolekulare Chemie” in honor of the 80th birthday of Professor Staudinger. The Journal of Polymer Science would also like to honor him by publishing a message of congratulations signed by her American friends and colleagues. Invites LP to be a part of this. Handwritten on the side: “returned 7 March 1961". [Filed under LP Correspondence: (J: Correspondence, 1933-1934, 1936-1964), #192.27]
- Letter from Hallock Hoffman to LP, RE: Mr. Hoffman has the copies of the petition and will circulate them and return them filled out as soon as possible. He wishes he had had a chance to see LP when he was in Santa Barbara. The repercussions from his appearance have all been beneficial, even for those who don’t agree with LP’s views. Mr. Hoffman cannot express how much he admires LP. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Individual Correspondence. (Hoffman-Huggins)), #162.1]
- Letter from L. Petrov, International Institute For Peace, to LP. RE: Transmits the text of a telegram that they received on behalf of LP. Encloses the English translation as well. [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
- Letter from LP to John Engh, RE: LP asks if Engh can make a press release on the Oslo Conference in the 12th of March. LP is sending Engh a statement which he can use as the base for his announcement. LP asks that it be pointed out in the announcement that Protest mot Atomvapen is making the local arrangements for the conference. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from LP to John Engh, RE: LP is ready to make a public announcement about the Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. LP would like for a press release to run on Sunday, March 12th. LP thinks that the release will get more attention in Oslo than in Pasadena. The Conference also has, at this point, twenty sponsors. [Filed under LP Peace: (Oslo Conference Against the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, May 2-7, 1961), Box #2.001, Folder #1.1]
- Letter from LP to Robert David Golden, RE: Says that he will be unable to accept the invitation for debate with Dr. Teller as his own circumstances have changed. Says he would prefer to give a public address about disarmament, rather than divide the available time with someone whose ideas differ significantly from his own. [Letter from Golden February 24, 1961] [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: (Materials re: Virginia and Clifford Durr), Box#4.003, Folder#3.1]
- Letter from Michael J. S. Dewar, F.R.S. to LP RE: Under separate cover, Dewar is sending LP a set of the papers for the Symposium even though one or two have not arrived. If the papers do not arrive in the next day or two, Dewar will abandon them. Asks LP for his comments on the paper and asks that a copy be sent to him and the author. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: (Manuscripts and Typescripts by LP, 1961), Box #1961a, folder #1961a.4]
- Letter from Nicholas Cheronis to LP, RE: Cheronis is enclosing an article that he thinks that LP may be interested in reading. Cheronis notes that he recently received communication from Evelyn Hodak for the Brooklyn Council of Peace Groups. Cheronis would like to check on the accuracy of some statements that were in the communication, mainly he would like to know if it is true that LP has resigned from the National Sane Group. [Reply from LP [Filed under LP Peace: (SANE: Materials regarding Dodd Committee Investigation and Subsequent Controversy Over Membership of Communists in SANE, 1960-1962), Box #4.004, Folder #4.2]
- Letter from Otto Steen to LP, RE: Steen requests ten copies of the appeal to be sent to him. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from Robert L. Faucett, to LP. RE: Suggests that he read a book by Gorham Munson entitled “Aladdin’s Lamp”. Quotes from the book. Also suggests books by Professor Soddy. [Letter from LP March 6, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: F: Correspondence, 1961: Box #129 Folder #129.5]
- Letter from Robert W. Locke, Manager, College Department, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., to LP, RE: Recently, a copy of the new Second Edition of Lewis and Randall’s Thermodynamics, revised by Kenneth S. Pitzer and Leo Brewer, was sent to LP. Locke describes the changes and new features, and asks that LP send any comments he has after he has had a chance to look it over. [Letter from LP to Locke, March 10, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (McGraw-Hill and Co., 1936-1984), #253.10]
- Letter from Ruth Bennett to LP, RE: Bennett thanks LP for the four copies of the appeal and asks for 25 more copies. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from Ruth Grumbrine to LP, RE: Grumbrine asks for 25 copies of the appeal so that she may circulate them among her friends for signatures. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Letter from S. Sutton to LP, RE: Sutton asks for three copies of the appeal and plans to circulate it as much as he can. [Filed under LP Peace: (Correspondence re: circulation and signing of An Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, January-March, 1961), Box #5.012, Folder #12.3]
- Memorandum from Ivan F. Betts to LP RE: Thanks LP for the original copy (of the Notification and Statement of Grant Award) and encloses a copy for LP’s file. [Filed under LP Science: (United States Public Health Service: (Assorted Grants, 1954-1964), Box #14.042, Folder #42.2]
- Newsletter: “Facts,” Temporary Committee for Peace Organization, Brooklyn, New York, March 2, 1961. [Filed under LP Biographical: (LP Scrapbooks, 1961-1965), Box #6.008, Folder #8.35]