Activity Listings
- Letter from Carl Marzani, Marzani & Munsell Publishers, to Syd Cassyd RE: Writes that they published a paperback edition of No More War! which has almost been exhausted. Explains that there are around 300 copies left and if LP is interested in having a substantial number of copies, perhaps they could do a reprinting. [Letter from Cassyd to Prometheus Books December 28, 1960, Letter from Cassyd to Marzani January 25, 1961] [Filed under LP Books: 1958b3.1]
- Letter from Carl Marzani, Marzani & Munsell, Inc. Publishers, to Syd Cassyd, Caltech, RE: Discusses details of the printing rights and publication of different editions of No More War! [Filed under LP Books: 1958b3.1]
- Letter from Daniel Singer to LP, RE: Singer was grateful to receive, on behalf of the Federation of American Scientists, LP’s remarks on Fallout and Nuclear Warfare. [Filed under LP Peace: (Federation of American Scientists, 1948-1993), Box #4.007, Folder #7.3]
- Letter from Günther Anders to LP, RE: Writes about the capture and detention of Eatherly. Has alerted European press to the situation. Sends condolences about Schroedinger’s death. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (A: Correspondence 1958-1961) #13.4]
- Letter from LP to B. Clifford Hendricks, RE: LP himself sent the phonograph record, but is glad that Mr. Hendricks turned it over to Professor Staub of Lower Columbia Junior College. [Letter from Mr. Hendricks to LP, December 29, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #168.1]
- Letter from LP to Barclay Kamb, RE: Sends a letter from Dr. Archer, who published an article with Dr. Carroll in Science about an interpretation of Dr. Finkel’s work, which she replied to, and they replied back. All of this was done without mention of Dr. Kamb’s work. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal and Family: (Box 2, Family Correspondence: Linda Helen Pauling Kamb, 1960-1988), Walter Barclay Kamb, 1960-1981]
- Letter from LP to Barclay and Linda Kamb, RE: LP just found their last letter and decided he had not answered it. He got behind in answering other letters, and didn’t respond to Dr. Johannson in time for him to accept the fellowship. LP wishes he had known Tschikvadse before they left in November, that way they could have called on him, but he is pretty sure they will both be invited to work in Belov’s lab for a few months. LP and AHP are still undecided as to what to do with the house and lot. Part of the land could be subdivided, which would cut down on taxes. [Letter from Barclay Kamb to LP, October 24, 1960] [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal and Family: Linda Helen Pauling Kamb, 1940-1994), 1960-1969]
- Letter from LP to Bishop, US Committee for a Campaign for a World Constitution. RE: Informs him that he has decided not to accept the invitation due to demands on his time. [Letter from Bishop November 18, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (U: Correspondence, 1960) #421.18]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Hiden T. Cox, Executive Director, American Institute of Biological Sciences, RE: LP cannot attend the Conference on Science Information; he is too busy. [Letter from Hiden T. Cox to LP, December 22, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #76.1]
- Letter from LP to Frank P. Hood, RE: LP asks that Mr. Hood substantiate his claims with some evidence. Handwritten at bottom: “Copy of NMW! Sent under separate cover.” [Letter from Mr. Hood to LP, December 21, 1960] [Letter from Mr. Hood to LP, January 16, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #168.1]
- Letter from LP to Gilbert A. Harrison, Editor and Publisher, The New Republic, RE: Encloses a page from the Pasadena Star News, which printed a letter from Margaret Brown with the sentence “printed in Communist papers such as the New Republic.” LP thinks that this is libelous, and that Harrison should ask for a retraction. [Letter from Harrison to LP, January 18, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1957-1964), #288.5]
- Letter from LP to Harvey Lomas, University of Southern California. RE: Cannot accept his invitation to speak to a group of USC medical students. [Letter from LP December 30, 1960] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1960) #381.1]
- Letter from LP to Jeanne Robinson. RE: Has not gathered much information on ions and their effect on human beings. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (R: Correspondence, 1960) # 342.1]
- Letter from LP to Lee Shippey. RE: Thanks him for the note and clipping. Sends a copy of a phonograph record he made recently. [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
- Letter from LP to Mrs. Mary Bassett, RE: Thanks Mrs. Bassett for the note. [Note from LP to Mrs. Mary Bassett, January 1, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (B: Correspondence, 1958-1961), #39.4]
- Letter from LP to Mrs. Maynard Omerberg RE: Thanks the Omerbergs, Jaffees, and MacKays from their contribution in memory of Andrew Mann, age 9, to support his work on basis of chemical disease. Handwritten note “$15.00.” [Letter from Omerberg to LP December 31, 1960] [Filed under LP Science: (Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966), Box #11.088, Folder #88.17]
- Letter from LP to Rogan Jones, KVOS, Inc., RE: Thanks Jones for the letter and writes that he and AHP were very happy to see him again. Mentions that AHP is especially interested in his broadcasting station. Writes that he is not sure his affair with the Bellingham Herald is quite over, because he doesn’t feel they apologized and retracted in the proper way. [Letter from Jones to LP December 22, 1960] [Filed under LP Biographical: (Pauling v. Bellingham Publishing Company, 1960-1963, 1965), Box #3.001, Folder #1.8]
- Letter from Richard Carpenter to LP, RE: Asks LP if he will read and comment on a manuscript concerning the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the principle of force. [Letter from LP to Richard Carpenter, January 11, 1961] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (C: Correspondence, 1961-1962), #76.1]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Sane Comment: First Priority For President Kennedy,” by David R. Inglis, Publication unknown. [Filed under AHP materials re: Women and Peace: (Assorted Publications: SANE), Box#4.006, Folder#6.3]
- Typescript: “The Abundances of the Rare Gases in Nature and Problems in Absolute Age Determination” by G.J. Wasserburg. Grant proposal approved and returned on January 5, 1961. [Filed under LP Biographical: California Institute of Technology: Committee on Sponsored Research, 1960-1961), Box #1.026, Folder #26.2]