Activity Listings
- Letter from Graham Weeks to LP RE: Weeks has read No More War and is interested in reading more on the subject. However, he asks LP’s opinion on whether he should purchase The Nature of Radioactive Fallout and its Effects on Man. [Letter from LP to Weeks March 6, 1961] [Filed under LP Peace: Materials re: Fallout and Radiation Shelters, and Civil Defense, 1954-1961: Box #7.007, Folder #7.22]
- Letter from LP to Murray Goodman, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. RE: Was pleased to participate in the symposium honoring Professor Mark. Informs him of his expenses. [Filed under LP Speeches: (Speeches by LP, 1960) Box #1960s3 Folder #1960s3.19]
- Letter from Marie Sutphin to LP RE: Offers her mongoloid child to LP for him to do research and also offers to participate in clinical testing. [Letter from LP to Sutphin January 17, 1961] [Filed under LP Science: (Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966), Box #11.089, Folder #89.10]
- Letter from Ralph Simon, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, to LP. RE: Asks him to provide the correct address for Dr. Seymour Jonathan Singer. [Filed under LP Correspondence (S: Correspondence, 1961): Box #381 Folder #381.2]
- Letter from Syd Cassyd, Administrative Aid to LP, to Jean Kennedy, Producer of “Open End,” RE: Compliments Kennedy on the timeliness of “Open End.” He thinks that there should be a ti in with TIME’s list of the Men of the Year, of which LP is one. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (O: Correspondence, 1937-1965), #300.23]
- Memorandum from Syd Cassyd to LP RE: Attaches a statement with additional material from the protest against inclusion of the added material by Dodd. Suggests they send it to the ECLC and he could forward it to the signers. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Correspondence re: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 1960-1981), Box #2.017, Folder #17.3]
- Note from Klare Neuwelt to LP, RE: This is the first fan letter for Neuwelt, who is a 14-year-old freshman in high school. She recently heard LP speak at Temple Israel, and was able to convince some of her friends to come as well. She thought the speech was wonderful, and hopes that LP continues his work. [Letter from LP to Nuewelt, undated] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (N: Correspondence, 1957-1964), #288.5]
- Note from “A Donor” to LP RE: Thanks LP for letter sent to the donors of gifts in memory of Andrew Mann. Suggests not sending the accompanying sheet listing the amounts and names of donors in case those who donated little might be embarrassed. [Filed under LP Science: (Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966), Box #11.088, Folder #88.17]
- Receipt from First Western Bank to LP RE: “Receipt Portion.” For a deposit. $328.36. [Envelope 1961] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.030, Folder #30.1]
- Receipt from John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation RE: Total of $250.00 for an honorarium. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.062, Folder #62.1]
- Report: “Knowledge Detection: A Non-Physical Inspection Method for Arms Control,” Lockheed Electronics Company Systems Research Center. [Filed under LP Peace: Assorted Non-Pauling Peace Materials: Articles, Typescripts, Pamphlets, Booklets: Ad-Bo: Box #8.001, Folder #1.16]