Activity Listings
- Check from AHP to Mrs. Elizabeth Gillette for $10.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: (Business and Financial: Bank Statements and Canceled Checks, February 1956-December 1957), Box #4.024, Folder #24.2]
- Hotel receipt: Hotel Atala, Paris [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.3]
- Itinerary [in French]: 3:00 PM meeting with M. Daudel, Centre de Chimie Theorique de France [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.3]
- Itinerary: Paris [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder #2.3]
- Letter from A.D. McLaren to LP, RE: It has been questioned by Science magazine if Communist organizations are behind LP's appeal. McLaren suggests that LP bring his appeal to a mail ballot by the entire A.A.A.S. [Filed under LP Peace: (An Appeal by Scientists to the Governments and People of the World, 1957-1959), Box #5.002, Folder #2.1]
- Letter from D. Had_i to LP RE: Thanks him for sending notice about a change in plans. Notifies him that there is no flight from Zagreb to Ljubljana on Sundays so they will have to take a train. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (H: Correspondence, 1957), #167.2]
- Letter from Lewis Strauss, United States Atomic Energy Commission to Reverend and Mrs. Murphy RE: Replies to their comments made to President Eisenhower about nuclear testing. Explains that the decision to continue testing bombs was not made lightly but they feel it is in the best interest of national security to keep testing. Handwritten note in upper right corner, "for Dr. Pauling." [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1957), #257.2]
- Letter from Richard C. Elliot to LP, RE: Elliot is attaching a copy of a letter that was sent to the United States Atomic Energy Committee which was obviously intended for LP. [Filed under LP Peace: (An Appeal by Scientists to the Governments and People of the World, 1957-1959), Box #5.002, Folder #2.1]
- Receipt: Agence de Voyages [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.3]
- Receipt: Hotel Atala, stamps and courier service [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.3]