July 25, 1957
Dr. Linus Pauling
Hotel Slon
Titova 2
Ljubljana, Jugoslavia
Dear Dr. Pauling:
It was nice to learn from your letter of the 21st that you are continuing to enjoy yourselves. As for being busy, this is probably a normal state with both of you, but I hope you can find a day now and then for yourselves.
Enclosed is the only article I could find in MD with any reference to bomb tests. I am also enclosing the Bengelsdorf reprints which you requested.
Bea sailed on Sunday from San Francisco and dropped a postcard to us before sailing. It seems lonely around here with both of you gone, but we like to think you are having a grand time and that we may hear some of the details of your travels at a later date.
I don't know just how much news has been passed on to you by Bea but little seems to have happened here in the last few days. People are, of course, coming and going. Warren Bush will have his oral tomorrow. Dr. Roberts is in Madison, Wisconsin for two weeks. I am told Dr. Johnston is leaving the area Saturday. Dr. Matsuda has English lessons three times a week from Kay Nakamura and is coming along beautifully now.
Linda looks well, although perhaps a little tired. Now that Barclay is here I am sure life is much more interesting. Crellin seems fascinated by the new arrival and delights in sharing the details of her upbringing.
Alice Home just called in regard to your letters to Drs. DuBridge and Bacher about Francis Perrin. Both are off campus at present and are not expected back until the end of next week. In view of this, she thought you might wish to extend the invitation yourself.
Perhaps more events worth noting will take place in the next few days and I shall pass them on to you then. Meanwhile, our fondest thoughts are with you and Mrs. Pauling, and while we want you to have a truly fine trip, things will seem more "right" around here after your return.
Lucille Lozoya