Letter from Linus Pauling to N.V. Sidgwick. Page 1. May 1, 1951
Letter from Linus Pauling to N.V. Sidgwick. May 1, 1951. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 3 pp.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Bill from the Nelson-Gordon Egg Ranch to AHP for $12.76. Handwritten note: “Pd 5-4.” [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Assorted Bills, Receipts and Invoices, 1951-1962.), Box #4.060, Folder #60.1]
  • Letter from Carey McWilliams to LP, RE: Encloses an editorial from The Nation. Tells LP that she would appreciate any ideas, suggestions, or comments from him on The Nation. [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: (Correspondence re: University of Hawaii, 1950-1954.), Box #2.005, Folder #5.2]
  • Letter from Curtis Crellin to LP, RE: Says that he has read the newspaper articles about LP and has defended LP’s case when asked about it. Discusses his father’s political beliefs. Says that he hopes LP will visit him during his trip to Hawaii. Handwritten note in the top margin gives Crellin’s address. [Letter from LP to Crellin, May 8, 1951] [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: (Correspondence re: University of Hawaii, 1950-1954.), Box #2.005, Folder #5.2]
  • Letter from Dr. George W. Beadle, Cal Tech to Henry Allen Moe, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, cc: LP RE: Explains that he does not know enough about electron microscopy to be able to tell what Van Winkle’s photographs mean. Accepts the criticism of the proposal given by Wyckoff and does not support funding the proposal in the requested amount, but possibly a less amount would do. [Letter from Moe to Beadle April 27, 1951, Letter from LP to Moe May 10, 1951] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952), Box #14.014, Folder #14.6]
  • Letter from J. A. Leermakers, Research Laboratory, Eastman Kodak Company, to LP RE: Confirms that they will be providing LP with samples of substituted gelatin. [Letter from LP to Leermakers, May 8, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Eastman Kodak Company), #111.1]
  • Letter from Jan Kocourek, Biochemistry Student, to LP RE: Asks if he can translate LP’s article “Antibodies and specific biological forces” into Czech. [Letter from LP to Kocourek, May 10, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (K: Correspondence, 1951), #200.16]
  • Letter from LP to C. F. Poole, Secretary of the Hawaii Chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi, College of Agriculture at the University of Hawaii, RE: Accepts Poole’s invitation to speak before the Hawaii Chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi. Informs him that Dr. Bilger will arrange for the times that he will give his scientific talks. Suggests his talk be on “The Structure of Antibodies and the Nature of Serological Reactions.” [Letter from Poole to LP, April 27, 1951] [Letter from Poole to LP, May 14, 1951] [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues (Correspondence re: University of Hawaii, 1950-1954.), Box #2.005, Folder #5.2]
  • Letter from LP to F. O. Schmitt, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RE: Inquires if Schmitt would be interested in considering Henry Bull for an appointment at MIT. States that he was impressed with Bull’s work on proteins. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Schmitt, Francis O.), #357.9]
  • Letter from LP to George Wald, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, RE: Regretfully declines the invitation to lecture at the Biology Colloquium in Boston on May 18. States that he would like to hold Wald’s invitation until a later date. [Letter from Wald to LP, April 27, 1951] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (Wald, George), #431.1]
  • Letter from LP to Irving H. Wagman, Chairman, Elections Committee, American Association of Scientific Workers, RE: Informs him that he does not intend to run for the office of vice-president. States that he does not feel he has devoted enough time to the organization because he has been involved with other matters. States that perhaps he could be on vacation for a year or two and then stand for election again. [Letter from Wagman to LP, April 24, 1951] [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups (Am)), Box #4.009, Folder #9.1]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. E.B. Wilson RE: Clears up his confusion about his reprint orders. [E.B. Wilson’s letter April 38, 1951] [Filed under LP Science:( National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951); Box #14.019, Folder #19.4]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. W.A. Noyes Jr. RE: Requests permission for reprints of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, in which he wrote a letter to the editor with Prof. Corey entitled “Two Hydrogen- Bonded Spiral Configurations of the Polypeptide Chain.” [Filed under LP Science:( National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951); Box #14.019, Folder #19.4]
  • Letter from LP to the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RE: Informs them that there will be a meeting of the Division on May 4th to act on recommendations of the Graduate Committee for appointment of Noyes Fellows and to discuss graduate courses for the next year. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: (CIT: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1946-1956.), Box #1.020, Folder #20.5]
  • Letter from Lloyd. L. Ely, MD, Medical Director, Don Baxter, Inc, to LP and Dr. Dan H. Campbell, CIT, RE: Sends quote from reply of Dr. Chauncey Leake of the University of Texas when asked if he had anything to report on OPG. States they think oxypolygelatin has some advantages of Dextran. [Filed under LP Science: (Materials re: Oxypolygelatin Blood Plasma Substitute, 1945-1951), Box #6.003, Folder #3.3]
  • Letter from Robert S. Dawson to LP, RE: Informs LP that his automobile insurance policy will expire on June 1st and that they would appreciate his renewal. The details of the renewal policy are outlined in the letter. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: (Insurance Documents, 1922-1992), Box #4.040, Folder #40.2]
  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee on Graduate Study. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: (CIT: Material re: Teaching and Advising of Graduate Student by Linus Pauling, 1936-1963.), Box #1.018, Folder #18.2]