May 6, 1946
Dr. H. C. Spruth
Bioassay Laboratories Abbott Laboratories
North Chicago, Illinois
Dear Dr. Spruth:
I trust that the six additional glossy prints of my photograph sent by my secretary reached you safely, and also that you received my telegram, giving the subject of my talk as "Modern Structural Chemistry". I think that I can prepare under this title a talk which will be of interest to a general audience as well as to chemists familiar with the field.
I am planning to arrive in Chicago at 1:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 16, and to remain until that evening. If it would be convenient for you and Dr. Marschner to see me at that time, please let me know. I shall arrive on the Santa Fe Chief, at the Dearborn Station.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling