November 15, 1946
Dr. F. H. Spedding
Atomic Research Institute
Iowa State College
Box 14-A, Station A
Ames, Iowa
Dear Dr. Spedding:
I thank you for your letter of November 7. I am very interested to learn that you have been having such good success with the rare earth program, and that you are planning to investigate rare earth metals and their alloys. Best wishes to you.
In view of this circumstance, we shall, I believe, give up the main program which we had planned, and carry out only a small amount of work on these metals, in order to test some special points.
In particular, we would like to make measurements of the lattice constant of cerium as a function of temperature, and also to reinvestigate the magnetic properties of the metal. It would be a great help to us to have some of the pure cerium which you have prepared, and I would be grateful if you could send us a supply, perhaps 25 grams.
I shall be very interested to learn the results that you obtain about the crystal structure of samarium, as well as all the other results that you and Dr. Rundle and coworkers obtain. I assume that your investigations on the properties and crystal structure of these metals and their alloys will be published without delay.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
cc: J.H.Sturdivant