May 3, 1946
Dr. Paul H. Emmett
Mellon Institute of Industrial Research
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dear Paul:
On returning from a trip East, which lasted for three weeks, I have found your letter, which I hasten to answer.
I thank you very much for your invitation to me to stay with you. I am coming on this trip alone — Ava Helen went along with me on the last trip to Philadelphia, Washington, and New York, and is staying at home this time. Moreover, I have got so behind in my work that I am making the visit to Pittsburgh as short as possible, and am staying only one night, at some hotel, as arranged by the Westinghouse Company. I have also signed up for two luncheons and two dinners, on Thursday and Friday, and so I shall not be able to visit you and Lela.
Ava Helen and I are hoping that when we come East together sometime we can stop off for a visit with you in Pittsburgh. I hope that on this trip I shall get to talk with you a little while — without doubt you will be attending some of the meetings.
Give our regards to Lela.
Sincerely yours,