27 March 1946
Dearest Mom,
The address you couldn't make out was "enlisted transient debarkee detachment."
Perfectly simple, you see. A better address, I suppose, is "Co. A, casual Detachment, Fort
Hamilton, N.Y."
I got two letters while in Indiana one forwarded by Reba I and one via Reba II. And
Dad gave me all that he brought. He told me the complete story of his infection. I had a very
good time with him we had a couple of meals with Moe together, saw Moe's family, say the
Mirskys, and wandered through the Museum of Modern Art.
I am doubtful that I can get our of the army before my time is up because there is no
economic necessity however, you might see what the local Red Cross has to say they're the
ones that verify cases of dependency. There is also a chance, although slight , that the time
requirement swill change in April.
I go the Mirskys about once a week, but I always take a box of candy or some flowers. I
think Reba likes to see me.
I'm surprised to hear that B Tyler is having a little one. She used to say that she like
having me around because I made a fourth at the table, an I would counter by saying that she
could without much difficulty produce her own. So whether she agreed or not , the lack of
difficulty is proved.
I was taken off Santa Paula at my own request; I had been told by those that were
qualified to know that I would be discharged immediately. So you can understand why I got off
the ship: This sort of confusion and inefficiency is more usual that otherwise on the army.
By the way, what happened to Coxes?
I got myself into a little trouble yesterday. The colonel came around on an inspection
and found a bottle of wine and one of cherry liqueur in my barracks bag. It's been so long since
an inspection of that sort that I forgot about the necessity of hiding the stuff. I could have been
court marshaled and spent six month in the guardhouse, but charges weren't pressed. So I
escaped retribution, but I lost a good bottle of wine.
Dad tells me Pete is leading a gay life, and also about Crellie's fluency in French. He
also said he thinks I ought to stay in school without interruption until I acquire a degree of some
All my love, Mom,
By the way, I acquired from the box office two tickets, 23rd row orchestra, for showboat
on the 25th, and two tickets, 20th row orchestra, or Oklahoma for Saturday matinee. Not very
good, but the best I could do without gong to our agency, which perhaps I should have done.
But they're expensive enough anyway, $19.20 for the four! Are there any other shows you
would like to see?