Wednesday 11 PM
[March 20, 1946]
Dear love:
Liny has just left to go back to camp — we have been together since 5, and we had dinner at Henry's with Edith & Chris (Hollis) and a boy (16) from Oregon, friend of Chris'es [sic]. I gave Edith some Jensen flower cards and Liny gave her some candy. He expects to be out May 5, possibly sooner. He seems not quite sure about medicine. He is looking well.
I'm in trouble — I can't remember the name of the CalTech Alumnus president or the place of the luncheon or anything, & can't find the letters — tomorrow morning I'll have to start telephoning to somebody.
I had a nice experience today. I stopped to see Henry at noon, & he had Capt. Steichen, the great photographer, with him. He took us to lunch, & then to a projection room where we looked at some striking experimental films — those by Maya Deren — "Summer Afternoon", "At Land", — were most interesting, also those by John Whitney (a Pasadena man) were interesting — perhaps Harvey
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Eagleson should have them shown by the Humanities Division — or we might sometime have a showing and invite friends.
I've been feeling pretty well. I'm going to read a bit and go to bed.
Love from your