11 March 1946
Dearest Mom
Thank you very much for the money. I spent my last twenty five dollars on the rental of
a car for a couple of days so we could explore Indiana's chief scenic area Brown County. It is
pretty no doubt much more so in late spring and fall but almost any area in the west has it beat.
I enjoyed principally the light linked bare branched trees rising like smoke against a darker
background. I has a very good time.
So now your welcome donation will have to carry me though until April. I asked for an
extension on my furlough I hate going back to ossify in that crummy camp. So far I have
received no answer. I'll be glad to get home and treat myself to a normal curriculum.
An amusing part of going with Rebsie is that I find myself moving in a society
principally Jewish. It seems to me that that failure to intermingle is the root of anti-semitism.
Rebsie has no close Gentile friends, except me, of course. And some of her friends that I talk
with are horribly bitter and warped about the situation. One, a rather pretty girl (not compared
with Rebsie, though) has an interesting complex for getting even she encourages gentile boys to
fall in love with her and then laughs in their faces. She will come to no good end!
I've done more thinking and talking about religious prejudice in the last few months than
I had in my entire life heretofore in fact I never realized the extent of ill feeling. All this is
good experience.
By the way, there is a book out that I glanced at. It's written for children, I think, and it's
well worth acquiring. It's about the three major divisions Catholic, Protestant, and Jew, and
describes each clearly. It should be required reading in fact. A book I have never seen but that
should be written, is one explaining and comparing, Christianity, Mohamedanism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, etc.
How are Lindy and Crellin doing? I don't have to ask about Pete he seems to be
consistently excellent. But I haven't had any news of the youngest two for some time.
All my love you, Mom dear.