Activity Listings
- Letter from C.R. Heck, Ziff-Davis Co., to LP . RE: Heck reminds LP of his company's interest in General Chemistry, and says that he would like to offer LP a contract when he is ready to discuss publication. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.12]
- Letter from Dan H. Campbell, CIT, to Dr. P. Berman, Los Angeles County Hospital. RE: Encloses data from laboratory tests on Oxypolygelatin. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work Materials re: Oxypolygelatin, 1941-1945, 1951-1952, 1972-1974: Box #13.004 Folder #4.2]
- Letter from E. R. Buchman to Robert E. Waterman, cc: LP RE: Requests information on what research work J.K. Cline has been doing recently, as Cline has requested lab space of LP at Cal Tech. [Telegram from Cline to LP September 11, 1944] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #74.12, file:(C: Correspondence 1944)]
- Letter from E.R. Buchman to R. R. Williams, cc: LP RE: Requests information on J. K. Cline's current research and insights on why he wants to transfer to Cal Tech. [Telegram from Cline to LP September 11, 1944] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #74.12, file:(C: Correspondence 1944)]
- Letter from LP to Harry V. Welch, Secretary, American Chemical Society. RE: Is looking forward to serving as the speaker on October 6th. Suggests the title for his talk. Will need a projection machine for standard slides, also a blackboard and some chalk. [Filed under LP Science: American Chemical Society: Correspondence, 1943-1948: Box #14.003 Folder #3.2]
- Meeting Minutes of the Graduate Committee on Post-War Policies. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.2]
- Research Notebook of LP, RNB 19R RE: Molecular weight calculations, pp. 21.
- Writes cheque to “Adohr Milk” $32.24 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.2]
- Writes cheque to “Flornina. Clothes for me” $72.03 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.2]
- Writes cheque to “Mira Loma H2O Co. H2O for August. The big best biel we've ever had. AHP” $15.18 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.2]