Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. John T. Edsall, Department of Physical Chemistry, Harvard Medical School to Judith Rooke, Secretary to LP, RE: Replies that the plan was to send Theorell fifty reprints in two separate batches. Adds that the three reprints destined for his labs have already arrived. (Notes in bottom margin: “Sent 25 copies 10/14/41 JR” “Sent 25 copies 10/28/41 JR”) [Letter from Rooke to Edsall October 2, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #106.5, file:(Edsall, John T., 1938-1939, 1941, 1945-1946, 1949-1951, 1953-1958, 1965, 1967-1968, 1971-1972, 1975, 1978-1979, 1987, 1993)]
- Letter from Hugh S. Taylor, Chairman, American Committee on Annual Tables, National Research Council to LP RE: Requesting a list of willing abstractors to compile a permanent Tables of Numerical Data. [Filed under LP Science: Box #14.027, Folder #27.4]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Alex Kossiakoff, Department of Chemistry, Catholic University, RE: Inquires if Kossiakoff has received the reprints and reminds him that 50 should be sent to Cal Tech. Regrets that he was unable to see Kossiakoff and Arabelle while in Washington, D.C. [Letter from LP to Kossiakoff April 30, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200.6, file:(K: Correspondence, 1941)]
- Letter from V. Bush, Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, to LP. Appoints LP as a Member to Section B-5 in Division B of the NDRC, oh which Dr. Adams is Chairman. Lists the appointments which this one supersedes. LP Safe: Drawer 2, Folder 2.004
- Note from Dr. Thomas Addis to AHP RE: Reports on LP's latest visit for lab tests and agrees that a vacation would be good for him, but doubts that he will take one unless it is chemistry related. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.1, file:(Addis, Thomas, 1940-1945)]
- Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis. Breakfast: 1 p melon, 1 egg, ½ c cream, 2 sm p toast / Lunch: 1 c soup, 1 c milk, 1 p cheese, 1 sl bread, 1 p melon, 1 quart juice / Dinner: (no entry) [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #3.1, file:(Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis kept by Ava Helen Pauling, 1941-1942.)]