Activity Listings
- Letter from Dr. Randolph T. Major, Merck and Co., Inc, to LP RE: Replies that they cannot mack many assays, but they would be willing to try some of Zechmeister's compounds. Adds that if successful, they could expand the testing facilities to run more assays. (Notes in margin: “How many mg? 2 now, later a 3rd.”) [Letters from LP to Major October 8, 1941, October 28, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #254.9, file:(Merck and Co., Inc.)]
- Letter from LP to Barse Miller RE: Forwards a letter from Moe's secretary. Adds that Moe would probably agree to an extension if the application cannot be completed by November 1. Invites Miller to visit the Paulings soon.
- Letter from LP to Dr. Addis RE: Informs him that he will be coming to San Fransisco on November 10th to speak at the Pasteur Society and asks if it would be possible to come by Addis' laboratory on the 8th to leave some samples. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.1, file:(Addis, Thomas 1940-1945)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. J. D. Porsche, Armour and Company. RE: Informs him that he has written to Cohn for permission. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: Oxypolygelatin, 1941-1945, 1951-1952, 1972,1974: Box #13.004 Folder #4.1]
- Letter from LP to Dr. M. Koizumi, Chemistry Department, Osaka Imperial University, RE: Write that he has forwarded the letter concerning translation of his book to the Cornell University Press. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200.6, file:(K: Correspondence, 1941)]
- Letter from LP to Dr. R. H. Gillette, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan RE: responds to letter that he would be very glad to have Gillette as a Guggenheim Fellow. Mentions that considerable work is done in the summer and if he wanted his fellowship to begin in the summer, that would be alright. [Letter from Gillette to LP October 13, 1941] [Letter from LP to Gillette March 24, 1942] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.017, Folder 17.3]
- Letter from LP to Dr. R.A. Millikan RE: Informs him that LP and Dr. Eyster examined the published work of Dr. Woo and decided it wasn't worth anything, and explains he accordingly wrote Woo a letter saying they are unable to offer him financial support. [Letter from LP to Woo October 20, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 443.9]
- Letter from LP to Miss Rosalie Silverberg RE: LP will be very pleased to speak before the Pasteur Society on the evening of November 10th. The title of the speech will be: “The Manufacture of Antibodies.” [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1941s.5]
- Letter from LP to Prof. Poleon Woo, National Wu-Han University in China RE: Regrets to inform him that there are no funds available presently which would let the Institute grant him a research fellowship or teaching position to cover his living expenses, and they hope that conditions change so he can still spend his sabbatical year here. [Letter from LP to Woo March 17, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 443.9]
- Letter from LP to Robert B Downs, Chairman, A.L.A. Board on Resources RE: Responds that the only library he can recommend is that of the University of California, which he consults regularly. [Letter from Downs to LP September 10, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #98.6, file:(D: Correspondence, 1941)]
- Letter from LP to W. S. Schaefer, Cornell University Press. RE: Telling Schaefer of a letter regarding the translation of his chemistry book into Japanese, but does not know the current situation with royalties and copyright situations. [Filed under: LP Manuscripts of Books, 1939b.2]
- Letter from Margaret Blumenstiel to Elizabeth H. Enquist, RE: informs that the rush order of Irving Fisher Speeches and Resolutions for Mrs. F.W. Sammis were sent to the wrong location and a duplicate is now being sent to the correct place. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Inc.: Box # 5.004, Folder 4.1]
- Letter from W. B. Allen, Chairman, Local Board No. 112 to Caltech RE: informs that deferment for Robert S. Worthington expires in November. [Memo from Hinrichs to Lacey October 21, 1941] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.018, Folder 18.4]
- Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis. Breakfast: 1 c orange juice, 1 egg, 2 sl toasts, 1/4 c cream / Lunch: soup, 3 T cottage cheese, 1 banana, brown betty, 1/4 c cream / Dinner: 1 c milk, 1 potato, 2 carrots, 1 egg, 2 nut oatmeal, cookies [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #3.1, file:(Record of LP's diet while ill with nephritis kept by Ava Helen Pauling, 1941-1942.)]
- Writes cheque to "Athenaeum," $3.90. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
- Writes cheque to "Dr. H.H. Whipple," $33.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
- Writes cheque to "Reed and Miller," $6.15. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
- Writes cheque to "Rio Grande Oil Co.," $13.03. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
- Writes cheque to "S. Calif. Tel. Co.," $5.75. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
- Writes cheque to “Athenaeum” $3.90 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.4]
- Writes cheque to “Gym clothes for Linda. Reed & Miller” $6.15 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.4]
- Writes cheque to “H Cl. Wilson Co?” $33.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.4]
- Writes cheque to “Rio Grande” $13.03 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.4]
- Writes cheque to “S. Calif. Tel. Co” $5.75 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.4]