Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

January 1
  • Photo: Crellin Pauling celebrating New Year's Day by wearing a paper hat and blowing a noise-maker. “Crellin Pauling celebrating New Years Day 1941 Age 3 ½ years” “Neg made. 325 0821” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #3761] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1941i.40]
  • Photo: Linda, Crellin, and Peter standing outside their house, blowing noise makers and wearing party hats. “Linda, Crellin, Peter January 1,1941.” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #634] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1941i.1]
  • Photo: Linda, Peter, and Crellin blowing noise makers, standing on a driveway in front of the house. “Linda 8 ½, Peter 10 e.g. 9 11/12, Crellin 3 ½, January 1, 1941.” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #636] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1941i.3]
  • Photo: Peter and Linda Pauling outside, walking away from the camera and towards their house. Both blowing noise makers and wearing party hats. Photographed from the back. “Peter and Linda, January 1, 1941.” Photographer unknown. Black and white print. [Ship #635] [Filed under LP Photo Box: 1941i.2]

January 2

January 3

January 4
  • Letter from Dr. Leslie Bliss to LP RE: Thanks him for the paper sample tests and asks him about the travel allowance policy of an organization for purposes of comparing those at his institution. [Letter from LP to Bliss January 7, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.8, file:(B: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from LP to Fred Allen RE: Regrets that he will not make it to Purdue this Spring. Notes that he will begin giving the freshman lectures at Cal Tech next week. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #5.2, file:(Allen, Fred 1941-49)]
  • Letter from LP to Roger Lescohier RE: Writes he has given Lescohier's letter to the Dean of the Graduate School who will send him a catalogue. Discusses national defense courses to be given at Cal Tech. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.7, file:(L: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from LP to William McPherson, Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University, RE: Recommends to him Prof. Thorfin Hogness as a potential candidate to replace Dr. William Lloyd Evans as chair of the department after his retirement. [Letter from McPherson to LP December 30, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #162.5, file:(Hogness, Thorfin)]
  • Letter from unknown (unsigned) to Bessie Little, RE: encloses a letter from Mr. Shippey and membership dues. Also gives updates on membership status of several people. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.5]

January 6
  • Letter from George B. Moffat to Whoever may be interested, RE: suggests that immediate action be taken to promote the Union idea due the recent occurrences in the war. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.007, Folder 7.4]
  • Letter from T. K. Sherwood, National Defense Research Committee, to LP. Is curious to find out what LP has found on the shock of hydrogen peroxide. Requests a report on the oxygen indicator. [Letter from Chadwell November 29, 1940, Letter from LP to Sherwood, January 10, 1941] [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 File1.1]
  • Research Notebook of LP, RNB 19R, p. 3 RE: Rate of Reaction of 2 Fe+++ + Sn++ → 2Fe++ + Sn++++.

January 7

January 8
  • Writes cheque to "Southern Pacific R.R. Co.," $ 29.18. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Letter from Alpheus W. Smith, Dean of the Graduate School, Ohio State University, to LP RE: Thanks him for the letter recommending Prof. Hogness for the position of Chair in the Department of Chemistry. [Letter from LP to Smith December 30, 1940] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #162.5, file:(Hogness, Thorfin)]
  • Letter from William McPherson, Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University, to LP RE: Thanks him for his suggestions. Mentions Dean Smith's trip to California.. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #255.8, file:(M: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Writes cheque to "Am. Ass. Univ. Professors," $4.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Am. Phys. Soc." $9.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Cal. Inst. Tech." $12.88. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "First Federal Savings and Loan Co.," $210.24. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Frank Aisawa," $28.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Mr. E.W. Crellin," $80.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "William and Wilkins Co.," $7.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “AA Univ Prof. Dues” $4.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]
  • Writes cheque to “Am Phys Soc & Chem Phys” $9.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]
  • Writes cheque to “CIT B1 -10g.” $12.88 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]
  • Writes cheque to “Chem Rev” $7.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]
  • Writes cheque to “First Federal. Jan 1 payment” $210.24 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]
  • Writes cheque to “Frank Aisawa. Gardening” $28.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Mr. EW Crellin. Jan 1 payment” $80.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]

January 9

January 10
  • Letter from A. A. Scullin, Technical and Research Div., The Texas Co., to LP RE: States that Dr. L. R. Zumwalt is applying to their company and has given LP as a reference. Asks for LP's opinion on Zumwalt and any other pertinent information about his abilities. [Letter from LP to Mr. A. A. Scullin January 16, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1941), #377.11]
  • Letter from Dr. A. M. Pappenheimer, Jr., Department of Bacteriology, University of Pennsylvania, to LP RE: Writes to inquire about a letter and manuscript he sent to LP for comment two months ago. [Letters from Pappenheimer to LP November 5, 1940, from LP to Pappenheimer January 23, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #312.6, file:(P: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. R. Bowling Barnes RE: Informs Barnes of his schedule so that he knows when best to come to Cal Tech. Recommends Dr. Zumwalt for work correlating infrared and Raman results. [Letter from Barnes to LP January 3, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.8, file:(B: Correspondence, 1928-1954)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. T. K. Sherwood, National Defense Research Committee. RE: Gives a report on the progress of the oxygen indicator. Hopes the indicator will be ready in one month. [Letter from Sherwood to LP January 6, 1941, Letter from Sherwood to LP January 17, 1941] [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.1]
  • Letter from LP to Gustav Albrecht RE: Suggests that he have his research director at U.C.L.A. write a letter to the Draft board on his behalf. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #4.1, file:(Albrecht, Gustav 1939-1964)]
  • Note from William Seifriz, Botanical Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, to LP RE: Discusses the outcome of the protoplasm symposium and asks LP to write the introduction to the published symposium, or if he can use LP's book to help him write the introduction. [Letter from LP to Dr. William Seifriz January 20, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #361.5]
  • Research Notebook of LP, RNB 19R, p. 9 RE: Decomposition of H2O2 and Test for H2O2.

January 11
  • Letter from Charles D. Russell, Dept. of Chemistry, Duke University, to LP RE: States he has listed LP as a reference on two job applications and that he is looking for work in the field of National Defense. Describes his current work and education, and thanks LP for the reprints. [Letter from LP to Mr. Charles D. Russell January 16, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #340.6]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, RE: States that they look forward to seeing him on January 24th. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #279.5, file:(Noyes, W. A., Jr.)]
  • Letter from unknown (unsigned) to Bessie Little, RE: encloses associate membership cards for several people. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.5]
  • Note from Dr. James LuValle, Department of Chemistry, Fisk University, RE: Discusses the situation at Fisk, commenting on the lack of apparatus in the physical chemistry department and the pay cuts staff are being asked to take due to a budget crisis. Asks LP to help him find another position. Regrets that it may be difficult for him to be hired at many universities or firms as he is black. Also requests permission to use LP as a reference. [Letter from LP to LuValle January 16, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #218.11, file:(LuValle, James E.)]
  • Writes cheque to "Mrs. E.T. Lewis," $12.50. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Mrs. E. T. Lewis. 100 lbs of soap” $12.50 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 13
  • Writes cheque to “Arden. Milk, butter, eggs etc” $30.40 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 14
  • Letter from Byron Higman, Kingswood School, England to LP RE: Sends LP extracts from his manuscripts concerning the “modern treatment of molecular structure” for comments by LP/ Notes he has been consulting LP's “The Nature of the Chemistry Bond” extensively during his research. [Letter from LP to Higman March 21, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #165.6, file:(H: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from Stuart. R. Brinkley, Jr. to LP RE: states that Dr. Bryce Crawford has informed him that there are occasionally fellowships available for post-doctorate research. Would like to apply if any become available in the next year. [Reply from LP January 30, 1941] [Letter from Crawford to LP January 25, 1941] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.017, Folder 17.3]
  • Letter from W. Mansfield Clark, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, to Dr. Frank B. Jewett, President, National Academy of Sciences. RE: Informs him that Harrison has been elected vice-president, and Mitchell and Fred have been elected councilors. Asks to know his opinion of their choice. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1939-1944: Box #14.018 Folder #18.2]
  • Letter from W. Mansfield Clark, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, to LP. RE: Informs him that E. B. Fred and S. A. Mitchell have been nominated as councilors. Informs him that Dr. Harrison has been nominated as vice-President. Is writing the President to for approval. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1939-1944: Box #14.018 Folder #18.2]
  • Letter from Warren Weaver, The Rockefeller Foundation to LP RE: Weaver will be in Pasadena in February and hopes to discuss at length LP's proposal/request for aid for immunology experiments. [LP's letter January 2, 1941; LP's reply January 30, 1941] [Filed under LP Science: Rockefeller Foundation, 1936-1946: Box #14.038 Folder #38.9]
  • Writes cheque to "Helms Bakeries," $5.80. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Helms Bakeries” $5.80 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 15
  • Letter from L. A. Moyer, Executive Director and Chief Examiner, United States Civil Service Commission, to Head, Chemistry Dept, Cal Tech, RE: States they need metallurgical engineers who are not involved in essential industry work. Encloses information and applications. [Letter from LP to the United States Civil Service Commission January 28, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #421.3]
  • Letter from unknown (unsigned) to John Rankin, RE: provides list of names.. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.007, Folder 7.2]
  • Research Notebook of LP, RNB 19R, p. 10 RE: Photochemical Explosion H2 + Cl2.
  • Writes cheque to "H.G. Whipple," $50.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Philharmonic Auditorium,' $25.30. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Sanitary Laundry," $8.84. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Laundry. Sanitary Laundry” $8.84 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Whipple. My Teeth. $50.00 on account” $50.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque “Ballet” $25.30 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]

January 16
  • Letter from Jerome Alexander to LP RE: Asks him for a reprint of No. 783, which appeared in the Oct. 1940, number of the Journal of the Am. Chem. Soc. Once again requests an article on colloidal molecules for Alexander's new book. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #6.1, File:(Alexander, Jerome 1940-1954)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. James E. LuValle, Department of Chemistry, Fisk University, RE: Regrets to hear of the problems at Fisk. Notes that he will keep him in mind for position openings and is glad to serve as a reference. Suggests LuValle apply for a Civil Service appointment. Sends news from Cal Tech, noting that he is teaching freshman chemistry, Eyster is there as Hale Fellow, and that Schomaker is planning to go to Harvard on a Guggenheim Fellowship. [Notes from LuValle to LP January 11, 1941, February 13, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #218.11, file:(LuValle, James E.)]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. A. A. Scullin, Technical and Reserach Div., The Texas Co., RE: Describes the relevant education and experience of Dr. L. R. Zumwalt, as well as his personality. [Letter from A.A. Scullin to LP January 10, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1941), #377.11]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Charles D. Russell, Dept. of Chemistry, Duke University, RE: States he is glad to Russell's reference, and expresses interest in Russell's current work. Encourages Russell to work on magnetic studies of sulfhemoglobin and catalase. [Letter from Mr. Charles D. Russell to LP January 11, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #340.6]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, JACS, RE: Thanks him for the report on Theorell's manuscripts and requests copies of the other manuscripts. [Letter from Lamb to LP January 20, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #191.1, file:(Journal of the American Chemical Society)]
  • Letter from LP to the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Inc. RE: Sends his recommendation that Dr. Roscoe Dickinson be inducted as associate member to the organization. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #94.5, file:(Dickinson, Roscoe G.: Correspondence, 1936-1941)]
  • Letter from William Boyd to LP RE: Sends comments on LP's manuscript with Campbell and Pressman. Includes discussion on agglutination and clump formation in antibody-antigen reactions, as well as continued debate of the lattice theory versus the framework theory. Attached are some diagrams and a chart. (There are several notes in pencil by LP) [Letter from LP to Boyd January 9, 1941, January 29, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #29.3, file:(Boyd, William C., 1939-1945, 1956-1960)]
  • Writes cheque to "Calif. Inst. Tech." $27.03. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Willetts," $5.11. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Cit. Pewter” $27.03 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Willetts?. Peat Moss, bulb, etc” $5.11?” [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 17
  • Approximate statement of the Rockefeller Budget [Filed under LP Science: Rockefeller Foundation, 1936-1946: Box #14.038 Folder #38.8]
  • Letter from J.E. Mack, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, to LP RE: Requests he send reprint of LP's article on atomic scattering factors. (Note under text: “Acknowledge 1/21/41 JR”) [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #255.8, file:(M: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from T. K. Sherwood, National Defense Research Committee, to LP. RE: Thanks LP for his letter reporting on his progress. Sending information on hydrogen peroxide decomposition to the group studying engine performance with chemical fuels. [Letter from LP to Sherwood January 10, 1941, Letter from Chadwell to LP March 8, 1941] [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.1]
  • Research Notebook of LP, RNB 19R, p. 11 RE: Equilibrium Fe+++ + 3 SCN-⇄ FeSCN++and Zeolite Water Softeneing.

January 18
  • Letter from Prof. George Glockler, Department of Chemistry, State University of Iowa, to LP RE: Sends an application blanks and requests LP consider sending a student to do PhD work with him. [Letter from LP to Glockler January 25, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #136.15, file:(Glockler, George)]
  • Letter from unknown (unsigned) to Bessie Little, RE: encloses an adherent card for Priscilla Beattle, membership renewal check from Annie J. Pitou, and Pasadena Star News and Pasadena Post bill. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.5]
  • Telegram from A.H. Compton to LP RE: Requests a confidential opinion of Warren Johnson's qualifications for a professorship at the University of Chicago. [Telegram from LP to Compton January 18, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #74.9, file:(C: Correspondence, 1940)]
  • Telegram from LP to A.H. Compton RE: Replies that he considers Johnson one of the six best young in-organic chemists in the country. [Telegram from Compton to LP 12:24 p.m. January 18, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #74.9, file:(C: Correspondence, 1941)]

January 19
  • Writes cheque to "Polytechnic Elementary School," $50.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Poly. On account” $50.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 20
  • Letter from Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, JACS, to LP RE: Sends the two manuscripts by Dr. Fajans via airmail. Explains his doubts about the two papers. In a post-script mentions that he has written a “Notice to Authors” to appear in the January 1941 issue. (Notes in right margin: “No reason for preliminary pub.” “Contains nothing new [?] published by Fajans + discussed by many others.”) [Letters from LP to Lamb January 16, 1941, January 22, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #191.1, file:(Journal of the American Chemical Society)]
  • Letter from F. B. Jewett, President, National Academy of Sciences, to Dr. W. Mansfield Clark, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. RE: Raises a question about Harrison as vice-president, as he is heavily involved. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1939-1944: Box #14.018 Folder #18.2]
  • Letter from H. I. Schlesinger, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chicago, to LP RE: Discusses the details of the September symposium and the topic on which they would like LP to speak: “Resonance, Its Scope and Applicability to Organic Reactions.” Asks for a formal acceptance by LP. [Letters from LP to H. I. Schlesinger January 7, 1941, January 23, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #357.7]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Max Delbrück RE: Sends his responses to the Frank-Kamenetzky proposal. Regrets that he will be unable to attend the symposium on April 4 and 5. Adds that he has sent the reprint to Jordan. [Letter from Delbrück to LP January 7, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #92.1, file:(Delbrück, Max, 1940-1941)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. William Seifriz, Botanical Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, RE: Agrees to help with the introduction but states he will be very busy. Mentions the work he is doing on Jerome Alexander's book and offers to send some of the useful information to Seifriz. [Note from William Seifriz to LP January 10, 1941, letter from William Seifriz to LP May 6, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #361.5]
  • Permit from Courtenay Monsen, Secretary Pasadena Board of Education, to Mrs. Theodore Dunham, Jr., of Pasadena Chapter of Federal Union, RE: allows to use of McKinley Jr. High auditorium for meeting on January 28, 1941. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.7]
  • Writes cheque to "A.C. Vroman," $10.04. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Farmer's Produce," $5.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Mira Loma Mutual Water Co.," $2.72. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Richfield Oil Co.," $9.88. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "William W. Taylor Jr." $8.45. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “A. C. Vronam. Books” $10.04 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Dr Whipple. My teeth. Paid in full” $50.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “H2O. Mira Loma H2O” $2.72 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Records - get money loan for W. C.” $0.77 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “S. Cal. Ed. Co. Two mo” $26.40 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Wm. Taylor, clothes, etc” $8.45 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 21
  • Letter from Dr. Karl Landsteiner, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, to LP RE: Sends comments and suggestions on LP's manuscript. Discusses his recent experiments with the S.A. immune sera in the context of LP's paper. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #212.7, file:(Landsteiner, Ernest Karl)]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Edward C. Barrett RE: Informs that Miss Edris Roseland (Mrs. Jack Rauchfuss) resigned her position as Office Assistant in Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry on January 9. Requests a check be issued to her covering January 2 to 9. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.1]
  • Writes cheque to "F.C. Nash," $20.09. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Standard Oil Co. of Calif." $3.35. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to S. Counties Gas Co.," $5.14. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “F. C. Nash. Presents” $20.09 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Richfield Oil Co. Gasoline” $9.88 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “S. C. Gas Co. Gas” $5.14 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]
  • Writes cheque to “Standard Oil Co.” $3.35 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 22
  • Federal Union Inc. Headquarters Bulletin No 10. Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. [Filed under Publications re: Union Now/Federal Union, Inc., 1940-1941: Box # 5.009, Folder 9.6]
  • Letter from Jack M. Tien to LP RE: inquires about available fellowships or assistantships in the department. [Reply from LP January 30, 1941] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.017, Folder 17.3]
  • Letter from LP to Arthur B. Lamb, Editor, JACS, RE: Recommends the communication to the editor by Dr. Brown be published. Comments on the communications by Fajans and recommends that they not be published. [Letter from Lamb to LP January 20, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #191.1, file:(Journal of the American Chemical Society)]
  • Letter from W. Mansfield Clark, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, to LP. RE: Encloses a copy of President Jewett's letter. Informs them of their votes. Asks for a vote between the names mentioned. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1939-1944: Box #14.018 Folder #18.2]
  • Research Notebook of LP, RNB 19R, p. 12 RE: Amphoteric Hydroxide.
  • Writes cheque to "S. Calif. Tel. Co.," $11.90. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Taylor's Market," $5.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Telep. S. Calif. Tel Co. 2 months” $11.90 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 23

January 24
  • Freshman Chemistry Quiz (25 minutes) closed book and notes. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.012, Folder 12.6]
  • Letter from Hugh S. Taylor, Frick Chemical Laboratory, Princeton University, to LP RE: Recommends Mr. J. W. Sease as a graduate student who might fit the needs of Cal Tech. Asks for Cal Tech to recommend a graduate student to Princeton “so that we might have an additional measuring stick with which to grade our own products.” [Letters from LP to Hugh S. Taylor December 7, 1940, January 30, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #405.6]
  • Letter from LP to Mr. Edward C. Barrett RE: Recommends Mr. Norman Abrahamsen be appointed Research Assistant to Dr. Koepfli until June 30, 1941 to be paid $100 per month from the General Chemistry fund. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.1]
  • Memorandum from Henry Allen Moe, Secretary, to members of the Committee of Selection. RE: Reminds them of the first meeting of the Committee. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1925-1945: Box #14.013 Folder #13.7]

January 25
  • Letter from B. L. Crawford, Jr., School of Chemistry, University of Minnesota RE: discusses the work and character of Stuart R. Brinkley, Jr. and hopes that LP can find a position for him at Caltech that does not involve experimental work. [Letter from Brinkley to LP January 13, 1941] [Reply from LP January 30, 1941] [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.017, Folder 17.3]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Frank H. Spedding, Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State College, RE: Thanks Spedding for the letter about Mr. Sayre. [Filed under LP Correspondence: #367.3]
  • Letter from LP to Prof. George Glockler, Department of Chemistry, State University of Iowa, RE: Informs him that his top graduating students this year are two American-born Japanese. Asks if Glockler would be willing to give a fellowship to one of them. Notes that Latimer at Berkeley also recently sent a student of Japanese ancestry to the Midwest. [Letters from Glockler to LP January 18, 1941, January 28, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #136.15, file:(Glockler, George)]
  • Letter from Thomas K. Sherwood, Technical Aide, Division B, National Defense Research Committee, to LP. RE: Is getting into a problem of masks and oxygen breathing equipment for aviators. Asks if LP could produce 3-4 of his instruments for this use. [Telegram from Sturdivant to Sherwood, January 30, 1941] [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.2]
  • Letter from unknown (unsigned) to Bessie Little, RE: encloses an adherent card for Margaret E. Brown. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.5]
  • Writes cheque to "Mr. Paul Strand," $15.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]

January 26
  • Approximate statement of the Rockefeller Budget [Filed under LP Science: Rockefeller Foundation, 1936-1946: Box #14.038 Folder #38.8]
  • Writes cheque to “Paul Stand. 48 Grove St. N.Y. Mexican book” $15.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.2]

January 27
  • Letter from H. I. Schlesinger, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Chicago, to LP RE: Thanks LP for accepting the invitation to speak at the symposium and mentions the other speakers as well as other programs throughout the week. [Letters from LP to Dr. H. I. Schlesinger January 23, 1941, from H. I. Schlesinger to LP April 14, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #357.7]

January 28
  • Copy of letter from W.F. Coover to LP RE: Informs him that the Chemistry Department at Iowa State College plans to hire an assistant professor. Asks LP to recommend potential candidates, and give his opinion of a Dr. Palmer. (Notes in left margin: “Randle, Palmer, Randle - carbohydrate chem. at Nebraska, Bear”) [Letter from LP to Coover February 14, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #304.3, file:(Palmer, Kenneth J.)]
  • Letter from Dr. Henry Eyring, Department of Chemistry, Princeton, to LP RE: Recommends to him Dr. Purdandu Nath Chakravorty, a PhD from India who has been at Windaus's lab in Heidelburg and is looking for work in the U.S. [Letter from LP to Eyring February 8, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #110.8, file:(Eyering, Henry, 1935-1936, 1939, 1941, 1949, 1964-1966)]
  • Letter from George B. Moffat, Head of Office of Pasadena Chapter of Federal Union, to all office workers, RE: suggests when not completing another tasks to write letters to others, especially those of high public or social status, advocating Federal Union. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.3]
  • Letter from HJ Lucas to Mr. Edward C. Barrett RE: Outlines an accident that happened in the lab the previous day when a flask holding material exploded. Mr. Clark Gould was taken to the hospital and is feeling alright. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box #1.029 file 29.1]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Albert Schoenflies RE: States that they can find support for Schoenflies' three sons in California if they can find a way to get them from Holland to the U.S. [Letters from Albert Schoenflies to LP October 21, 1940, March 15, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #358.1]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Arthur Cope RE: Thanks him for writing Dr. Marvel about Schlatter. [Letter from Cope to LP January 23, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #67.3, file:(Cope, Arthur C., 1940-1941, 1954, 1958, 1964)]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Henry Allen Moe, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. RE: Informs him of his arrival time on February 2nd. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1925-1945: Box #14.013 Folder #13.7]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Oliver Wulf RE: Replies that he will put the reprints to use and comments that he had not noticed the interesting discoveries about the atmosphere Wulf is studying and wishes that they were closer so he could learn about these things directly. [Letter from Wulf to LP January 23, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 443.9]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Roger Adams RE: Recommendation letter for Maurice Schlatter to a post-doctoral appointment at the University of Illinois. Mentions Schlatter's work under Prof. Lucas and Dr. E. R. Buchman. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #1.3, file:(Adams, Roger)]
  • Letter from LP to the United States Civil Service Commission RE: States that announcement by the Commission has been placed on bulletin boards. [Letter from L. A. Moyer, Executive Director and Chief Examiner, United States Civil Service Commission January 15, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #421.3]
  • Letter from Prof. George Glockler, Department of Chemistry, State University of Iowa, to LP RE: Notes that he has already sent one application to Ikeda and will another for Ikawa. Regrets that neither are interested in physical chemistry. Adds that they “will consider their qualifications irrespective of race.” [Letters from LP to Glockler January 25, 1941, February 8, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #136.15, file:(Glockler, George)]
  • Letter from Secretary, Chemistry Div., Caltech, to Mr. Norman E. Schneider RE: Writes: “I regret that we haven't any special information for Tinning on copper and brass.” [Note from Norman E. Schneider to Gentlemen, CatTech, January 23, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1941), #377.11]
  • Letter from W. F. Coover, Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State College, RE: Describes a position they have opening for an assistant professorship and asks if LP has any recommendations for candidates. [Letter from LP to Dr. W. F. Coover February 14, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #336.12]
  • Letter from W.F. Coover to LP RE: Informs him that the Chemistry Department at Iowa State College plans to hire an assistant professor. Asks LP to recommend potential candidates, and give his opinion of a Dr. Palmer. (Notes in left margin: “Randle, Palmer, Randle - carbohydrate chem. at Nebraska, Bear”) [Letter from LP to Coover February 14, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #74.9, file:(C: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Postcard from G. Lewiston, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Dairy Industry, to LP RE: Requests a reprint of “The Structure of Proteins” by LP and Carl Niemann. (Note under text: “Sent 2/13/41 JR.” [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.7, file:(L: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Writes cheque to "Department of Motor Vehicles," $16.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.016, Folder 16.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Dept. Motor Vehicles. Ford. $3.90 Zephyr $12.10" $16.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.072, folder 72.3]

January 29

January 30

January 31
  • Letter from A. N. Kemp, President, Lincoln Club, to LP RE: Informs LP that he has been elected to membership in the club. Invites him to their annual meeting in honor of Lincoln's birthday on February 12. Also informs him of the necessary dues to be paid upon acceptance of membership. [Letter from LP to Kemp February 11, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.7, file:(L: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from Dr. Denis L. Fox, The Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, to LP RE: Informs LP that he is looking for a research assistant for the labs for the period of a year. Includes information relevant to benefits and expected fields of research. Requests LP recommend a candidate. Mentions Dr. Zechmeister's visit earlier in the month. (Note in left margin: “Jacobson”) [Letter from LP to Fox February 14, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #120.10, file:(Fox, Denis L.)]
  • Letter from Prof. J. Murray Luck, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, to LP RE: Invites LP to a chemistry conference to be held at Stanford the week of June 23, 1941. [Letter from LP to Luck February 8, 1941] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #230.7, file:(L: Correspondence, 1941)]
  • Letter from Roger Stanton, President Students Fund, Inc to LP RE: Requests donation to contribute to the scholarship fund in order to make new loans to students. [Note on bottom: $10.00 sent 2/6/41] [Filed under California Institute of Technology: Materials re: Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 1933-1963, No Date: Box #1.024, Folder 24.9]
  • Letter from unknown (unsigned) to Bessie Little, RE: encloses membership card and check and gives updates on membership status of several listed people. [Filed under AHP: Federal Union, Pasadena Chapter: Box # 5.006, Folder 6.5]
  • Postcard from W.W. Hoskins, Division of Entomology and Parasitology, UC Berkeley, to LP RE: Requests reprint. (Note in top right: “Sent 2/13/41 JR”) [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #165.6, file:(H: Correspondence, 1941)]