Wednesday 1
Dearest little wife:
I love my little girl, and I have a nice surprise for her. Tonight the president of the Telluride House & several of the boys invited both you and me to live in the house in January. What do you think of that? Are you going to write to Sidegwich? I thought that hey would, but I wasn't sure.
I'm cold, and so I'm going home to bed now, although I'd like to stay and get some more work done.
I walked to town - clear to the station - and back to the Lab today, from 1
to 3
, carrying 3 bottles of champagne back. I'll bring them in my bag - they wouldn't ship them. I bought a bill fold with a zipper for Liny.
Tonight is my last night alone in the House - three more on the train - then a good rousing chase and I'll
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I've been interested to note some thing that I'll tell you when I see you (this is to pay you back for your curious experience).
I nearly froze walking (and running) home last night. My teeth began to chatter before I'd gone one hundred yards. The wind goes right through over my nice heavy overcoat.
I talked to some of the older boys in the house at & after dinner tonight about concentrating on their graduate work and not frittering their time away. They were interested, and felt that the Tel. Ass. took too much of their time for social activities.
I like your Sunday letter, which came this morning. I don't fool you, little love. I adore you. You are a perfect girl, and probably the Telluride boys will all get married at once after seeing you in January.
Tell Peter I like Rosie's Beau, & thank him for sending it.
You are seeing the play now. I love you, my sweet.
Your Paddy