An OAC cadet in his dormitory room, ca. 1905.
Walter R. Baker Photograph Collection (P 018). (Click to enlarge)
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University History - Online Audio/Video
Among the materials held in SCARC are a rich collection of videos and sound recordings. Over time, a portion of these materials have been digitized and made freely available online. The videos collected on this page primarily reflect campus life and scholarly research, while most of the audio clips are of school-related songs recorded by campus choral groups. Below is an itemization of the OSU History-specific video and audio currently available online. A large volume of material related to sports at OSU is available on the Athletics Videos page. For more see also the Natural Resources, Oregon Multicultural Archives and History of Science video and audio pages.
Alumni Features
- Linus Pauling visit to OSU, December 2, 1966. (0:01:37) Pauling is shown speaking in Gill Coliseum, standing outside the arena with OSU chemistry professor Ken Hedberg, and interacting with students in the Memorial Union.
- Linus and Ava Helen Pauling visit the OSU Archives, May 20, 1980. (0:02:36)
- "Class of 1941 through the Years," 1991. (0:18:54) Produced by the OSU Alumni Association in commemoration of the 50th reunion of the OSC Class of 1941.
- "Class of 1966: Twenty-Five Year Class Reunion," 1991. (0:15:41)
- Distinguished Alumni Award Ceremonies: Henry L. Bauer, 1994 (1:16:15); Robert D. Cess, 1991 (0:48:39); Ronald T. Miller, 1998 (0:29:06); Warren Washington, 1994 (0:38:56).
- Television news reports of Linus Pauling's death, August 1994. (0:16:11) A compilation of local news packages reporting on Linus Pauling's death and the ramifications of his passing.
- "The Everyday Philanthropist," 1999. (0:27:18) Documenting the life, community involvement and philanthropy of Douglas C. Strain (1919-2008), founder of Electro Scientific Industries. See also, Doug Strain on the Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers. (0:04:34)
- See the Athletics Videos page.
- "Oregon State College Library Tour," ca. 1960. (0:29:55) An overview of the OSC Library and its services, as presented by Rodney Waldron, then the Assistant Librarian. The film details the structure and function of the Kerr Library, which was then housed in present-day Kidder Hall.
- "Oregon State University Library orientation film," ca. 1963. (0:13:03) This silent film depicts the spaces and services available in the newly opened Kerr Library building. Additional footage shot for this project is available here. (0:08:44)
- "Dedication of the Kerr Library," May 8, 1964. (1:45:01) Dedication ceremony for the newly completed William Jasper Kerr Library at Oregon State University. The ceremony, which was held in the Home Economics Auditorium in Milam Hall, featured remarks by OSU President James Jensen, U.S. Representative Edith Greene, University of Kansas library director Thomas Buckman, Robert Kerr (son of William Jasper Kerr), State Board of Higher Education member Elizabeth Johnson, OSU library director William Carlson, Herbert Childs of the library committee, and student body president Grant Watkinson.
- "Using Kerr Library: A Research Strategy," ca. 1977. (0:29:08) Produced by the Kerr Library at Oregon State University in cooperation with the OSU Classroom Television Center. Written and coordinated by the Library Videotape Committee (Evelyn Lesher, Mary Lewis, and Laurel Maughan), directed by Jon Root, and featuring interviews with Blaik Jensen, Mary Lewis, Laurel Maughan, and Michael Kinch.
- Kerr Library footage, ca. 1980. (0:05:43)
- McDonald Rare Book Room presentation, March 22, 1984. (0:51:47) An overview of the holdings collected into the Kerr Library's McDonald Rare Book Room, as presented by University Librarian Rodney Waldron.
- Linus Pauling announces the donation of his papers to OSU, April 18, 1986. (0:33:16). Also an OSU audio press release (0:10:27) announcing this donation.
- Kerr Library Micro-Computer Lab, ca. 1991. (0:05:14) An overview of the personal computing lab located in the basement of the Kerr Library. Includes footage of an interview conducted with John Skelton, director of University Computing Services and lab manager Doug Berham.
- Tour of the Kerr Library, 1992. (0:21:29) Includes footage of library staff describing the work that they do and the services provided by the library, including reference and information; circulation, interlibrary loan; CD center and online databases; microfilm and government documents; map collections; photocopy; stacks maintenance; special collections; cataloging; and administration. Incorporates interviews with the following staff: Robert Baker, Garry Browning, Karyle Butcher, Polli Butzner, John Donel, Janet Galloway, Debbie Hackleman, Neta Howard, Mike Kinch, Clifford Mead, Shiela Osheroff, Claudia Painter, Shirley Scott, Lorretta Shuck, Doris Tilles, and June Wilson.
- OSU Library Campaign promotional video, 1994. (0:10:39) A promotional video detailing the history of libraries at Oregon State University, the current services offered by the Kerr Library, and the need to expand and renovate the library building.
- Valley Library groundbreaking ceremony, May 24, 1996. (1:02:05) This film includes a performance by OSU alum Roosevelt Credit and presentations by OSU President Paul Risser, University Librarian Mel George, SRG Partnerships architect Dennis Cusak, president of Hoffman Construction Cecil Drinkward, OSU Provost Roy Arnold, alum and fundraising campaign chair Bob Lundeen, ASOSU President April Waddy, and OSU President Emeritus John Byrne.
- Valley Library dedication ceremony, May 28, 1999. (0:58:26) Featuring presentations by OSU President Paul Risser, Valley Foundation president Steve Tanner, OSU President Emeritus John Byrne, University Librarian Emeritus Mel George, alum and fundraising campaign chair Bob Lundeen, ASOSU Vice President Joshua Stroud, and University Librarian Karyle Butcher. The film concludes with a Native American blessing and musical performances led by OSU alum Roosevelt Credit.
Memorial Union
- Ceramics 80 Conference. The Ceramics 80 Conference, held in June 1980, was organized by Oregon State University Craft Center Manager Don Johnson and three others in the ceramics community. The conference was held in Snell Hall on campus and at other campus and community locations. The event featured presentations and workshops by nine nationally known ceramicists, including Rudy Autio, F. Carlton Ball, Dorothy Bearnson, Daniel Rhodes, and Paul Soldner. Films from the conference include: Corvallis Arts Center 1 (0:22:22); Corvallis Arts Center 2 (0:06:19); Corvallis Arts Center Interviews (0:55:22); Friday Night Discussion (0:50:43); MU Craft Center Interviews 1 (0:48:02); MU Craft Center Interviews 2 (1:02:07); Registration (0:07:13); and Tile Decoration at McAlexander Fieldhouse (0:39:00).
- Memorial Union Orientation, 1989. (0:14:03)
- George Stevens News Story, KVAL-TV (Eugene), June 1990. (0:02:17) George Stevens served as director of the Memorial Union from 1963 until his retirement in 1990.
Weatherford Hall
- "Weatherford Hall: A Story of Seven Decades," 2001. (0:30:46)
- Weatherford Hall - Two News Stories Produced by KVAL-TV. (0:00:29)
Other Buildings
- Gill Coliseum dedication, January 13, 1951 (0:04:17). Includes scenes of remarks being delivered by OSC president August Strand and head basketball coach Slats Gill, among others; a recognition of former players in attendance; and a Beaver basketball scrimmage.
- Parker Stadium dedication ceremony, November 14, 1953. (0:04:49) Held prior to OSC's homecoming football game versus Washington State College, this event featured speakers Lynn Sabin, past president of the OSC Alumni Association; OSC president August Strand; and, briefly, construction engineer Charles T. Parker, an OAC alumnus who led the stadium fundraising effort.
- OSU Radiation Center, circa 1960s. (0:00:46) Silent footage including exterior and interior shots of the Radiation Center as well as director Chih Wang, among other staff members.
- Horner Museum, March 1982. (0:07:12)
- "A New Family Study Center at OSU," 1987. (0:07:24) OSU College of Home Economics fundraising appeal in support of a family study center that would improve researchers' understanding of family life amidst changes in demographics in the United States. The OSU Child Development Center, also known as Bates Hall, was ultimately opened in 1992.
- Dedication of the Benton Hall Clock Tower, 1989. (0:02:41)
- Family Study Center, ca. 1990. (0:10:08)
- OSU Printing Department fire, July 13, 1992. (0:13:55)
- Kelley Engineering Center groundbreaking ceremony, September 21, 2002. (1:08:43)
Campus and Community Life
- "The Old Grad Comes Back," 1925. (0:08:05) This silent black-and-white film was prepared under the direction of the College Editor, E.T. Reed, and received rave reviews from audiences in Corvallis and around the state. Filmed on 35 mm nitrate stock, it was transferred to 16 mm safety base film in the 1960s. Produced originally in two parts; this version combines portions of both and includes the following vignettes: Homecoming; Commerce Hall; Alumni Headquarters; Pushball game; Montana Grizzlies vs the Beavers in football; OAC Wrestlers Northwest Champions, 1925; OAC Basketball Team, 1925 Champions of the NW Conference; OAC Baseball Team, 1925 Champions of the NW Conference; Alumni Luncheon Picnic, 1925; Class of 1911 in reunion at flag pole (class gift); Chiming hall clock, a gift of the Silver Jubilee, Class of 1900; The Academic Procession from Library to the gym; and Commencement.
- "Hail to OSC," ca. 1939. (0:36:48) "Hail to OSC" is a silent film produced by the Alumni Association and the Century Club in the late 1930s or early 1940s, and including extensive color footage of Oregon State academic programs as well as student activities. Of special note are construction of the homecoming bonfire, a baseball game, and homecoming house signs for a football game against the University of Oregon.
- Withycombe House role playing demonstration, circa 1955. (0:08:42) In this film, six Oregon State College undergraduates residing in the Withycombe home management house act out a role-playing exercise in which they demonstrate a strategy for meeting as a group to coordinate schedules and resolve potential conflicts. The exercise touches upon social expectations within the house, as well as different obligations - including care for infants - assumed by those who live there. Following the conclusion of the exercise, additional footage showing preparation of picnic foods, packing of baby foods, and ironing of a table cloth is included.
- OSC Home Management House and Nursery School, 1955-1956. (0:14:15) Silent footage of children playing with snakes and being read to, and of babies being fed and soothed.
- "Rush at OSU," 1963. (0:06:31) Depicts sorority rush for women students at Oregon State University. It includes footage of Dean of Students, Robert Chick, and Dean of Women, Helen Moor. The film describes the process for sorority rush and the costs of being a sorority member. It includes interviews with two women students and footage of women participating in rush events, computer punch cards being processed, and the interior and exterior of sorority houses. The raw footage shot for this film is (0:13:25) is also available.
- OSU Peace Corps Training, 1964. (0:13:27) This film documents training offered to Peace Corps volunteers intending to travel to India to provide support for programs in swine and poultry production. Footage includes scenes of language instruction, a program overview and rationale, and agricultural training.
- "Anatomy of Protest," July 6-9, 1966. (0:40:48) Scenes from a week-long examination of protest, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts. This film includes remarks by Socialist minister and presidential candidate Norman Thomas and U.S. Senator Gale McGee, both of whom were invited speakers. Also shown are an exhibition of artworks on protest created by Oregon artists and discussed by Rachael Griffin, curator of the Portland Art Museum; and a University Theatre presentation examining protest in contemporary drama, poetry and folk music.
- Student registration in Gill Coliseum, 1967. (0:02:14) Footage of students gathered in Gill Coliseum and completing computer punch cards to register for Fall classes.
- OSU Centennial parade, October 26, 1968. (0:05:36) Silent footage of the Oregon State University centennial parade - themed "The Spirit of 1868" - passing by City Hall in downtown Corvallis. The parade included dignitaries such as Oregon governor Tom McCall and OSU president James Jensen, many of whom wore period dress. The footage also features scenes of antique cars, marching bands and floats passing by a viewing stand. Another film (0:20:02) consisting mostly of campus scenes likewise includes footage of the 1968 parade.
- Engineering Spree Races. Footage of gravity-propelled "recycled racers" being piloted down the Jefferson Street hill just south of the Kerr Library in 1975 (0:00:25) and 1981 (0:07:02). Centerpieces of the annual Engineering Spree celebration, the "racers" were constructed of recycled materials collected and repurposed by competing engineering societies.
- Army Infantry Training, 1976. (0:06:37) Footage of an interview with an unidentified lieutenant on the specifics of Army Infantry training at Fort Lewis, Washington for soldiers in the 9th Division. The film also includes footage of soldiers engaged in field training with rifles and rocket launchers.
- "Heart of the Valley," 1976. (0:22:04) Produced in conjunction with local celebrations marking the bicentennial of the United States, this film includes historical still photographs and interviews with descendants of pioneers and early residents of Corvallis to explore the history of the mid-Willamette Valley.
- OSU Student Activities, ca. 1970s. (0:10:35) Silent footage of OSU students engaged in extracurricular activities at the Memorial Union and Dixon Recreation Center, as well as with the OSU Flying Club.
- Campus and Community Raw Film Montage, ca. early 1980s. (1:25:16) Raw film shot for eventual inclusion in OSU News and Communication Services film productions. Footage includes shots of harvesting and analyzing experimental wheat plots; class instruction in the McDonald Forest; the OSU dairy farm; paintings on display at the Art About Agriculture exhibit; students exercising at Dixon Recreation Center; students conducting research in a biology lab; scenes from the Corvallis Fall Festival; a professor and students in a seminar class; assorted scenes from campus and downtown Corvallis; an interview with Tony Van Vliet at the Career Planning and Placement Center; and a conversation with a local orchardist.
- Dean of Students Office training videos, ca. 1980s: "Non-Confrontation" (0:16:09); "Older than Average at OSU" (0:26:35); "Student Assistance Information Center" (0:08:12)
- Aerial footage of campus and Corvallis, January 1983. (0:16:41) Footage documents a short helicopter tour that was provided for OSU football recruits.
- "Insight: Parent/Student Relations," 1984. (0:09:41) Produced by Barbara J. Modey, an OSU student in Broadcasting, this film addresses the transition from high school to college. It includes footage of students, campus scenes, and Mom's Weekend activities, as well as on-camera interviews with faculty member J. Jerry O'Connor and multiple students.
- CHIPS Invitational Mascot Ski Race, 1986. (0:03:15)
- Computer Center pipe bomb incident, 1987. (0:28:03) On the morning of February 6, 1987, an anonymous bomb threat was issued indicating that a bomb had been placed in the Milne Computer Center. Shortly thereafter, a briefcase containing a nine-inch pipe bomb was discovered in the computer center. It was subsequently relocated to the Kerr Library quad where it was deactivated using sandbags and an injection of water. This film consists of a press conference with OSU President John Byrne, Vice President for Finance and Administration Ed Coate, campus security representative Orville Powell and Corvallis Police Department officer Lael Gunter. Following the press conference is footage of the bomb itself and the scene surrounding the incident on campus.
- Mom's Weekend Fashion Show, 1987. (1:19:36)
- Mom's Weekend Fashion Show, 1988. (1:31:52)
- Mom's Weekend Fashion Show, 1991. (1:33:47)
- Da Vinci Days, July 1989. Scenes from Corvallis' annual celebration of art, science and technology. Part 1 (0:22:15); Part 2 (0:20:53)
- OSU Archives news coverage: OSU Mink Research Center vandalism, Jun 1991 (0:01:53); Donation of the Oregon State Yank Collection to OSU (0:02:21)
- "A Warning," 1992. (0:05:26) Featuring former fraternity president Michael Ryan, this film recounts a series of "dirty rush"-related incidents that resulted in legal action being filed against Ryan and his house.
- Miss OSU Pageant, 1989. (1:50:35) The "Miss OSU 1989 for MDA Pageant" was held during Dads Weekend in the LaSells Stewart Center on February 25, 1989. It was sponsored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity as a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Participants competed in three categories: an evening gown competition, a talent competition, and a bathing suit competition. The event also included remarks by event co-organizer Jeanne Anderson and MDA representative Connie King.
- Ms. OSU Pageant, 1992. (0:18:24)
- Phi Delta House plaque rededication, 1999. (1:56:33) Honoring Bill Corvallis and Stanley McGuire.
- Dibble Garden dedication ceremony, October 30, 2000. (0:14:01) Footage includes presentations made by OSU President Paul Risser and First Lady Les Risser, OSU Foundation representative Kim Thompson, friend of the Dibble family Estora Moe, and representatives of the Associates Students of Oregon State University. The Dibble Garden is located near the southeast corner of the Valley Library.
- Accessibility on campus, April 19, 2001. (0:30:03) From a KBVR-TV program titled "OSU Today" hosted by Necia Gretz, this discussion of accessibility problems on the OSU campus features guests Jacob Fitzpatrick (OSU student) and Tracy Bentley-Townlin (Director of Services for Students with Disabilities).
- OSU Student Development Seminar, 2006. (0:31:23)
Classroom and Instruction Footage
- Closed-circuit television chemistry lectures by OSC professors Wendell Slabaugh and Max Williams, April 1957. (0:28:56) A lecture and demonstrations by Slabaugh on the chemistry of silicon, tin and lead, and by Williams on the basics of organic chemistry. These lectures were a component of the first television course offered for credit by any college or university in Oregon.
- Horseshoeing instruction, 1964. (0:17:22) Silent footage of Oregon State University students learning the craft of horseshoeing. The lead farrier shown in this film may Charles Dickinson.
- Pharmacy student work, 1968. (0:02:4) Scenes of Oregon State University Pharmacy students preparing medicinal compounds.
- "Slate It!...Slate It Again," 1976. (0:18:21) Produced by undergraduate cinematography students (SP 406) at Oregon State University, this film demonstrates a handful of concepts fundamental to the craft of filmmaking. Specific topics examined include: camera movement, camera support, shot selection and editing, and sound (both lip sync sound and wild sound).
- Classroom and Laboratory Activities, 1980: Engineering, January 1980 (0:22:55); Home Economics, January 1980 (0:05:01); Music, Education and Pharmacy, February 1980 (0:18:22).
- University Honors College class footage, circa 1990s. (0:15:28) Biology professor Kate Lajtha teaching an environmental ecology class to OSU Honors students.
- Commencement, 1979. (1:59:12) A recording of Oregon State University's 110th Commencement Exercises, held in Gill Coliseum on June 3, 1979.
- Commencement, 1980. (2:05:31) A recording of Oregon State University's 111th Commencement Exercises, held in Gill Coliseum on June 1, 1980.
- Commencement, 1994. (2:39:17) A recording of Oregon State University's 125th Commencement Exercises, held in Gill Coliseum on June 12, 1994.
- Commencement, 1995. (2:51:55) A recording of Oregon State University's 126th Commencement Exercises, held in Gill Coliseum on June 11, 1995.
- Commencement, 2001 and 2002. OSU commencement ceremonies for undergraduate (2:19:00) and graduate students in 2001 (1:23:00) as well as graduate students in 2002 (1:43:00). In 2001 the graduate ceremony was held in the LaSells Stewart Center and the undergraduate ceremony at Reser Stadium; this was the first outdoor commencement ceremony to be held at OSU. In 2002 both undergraduate and graduate ceremonies were held at Reser Stadium.
- Horace Robinson Films. Silent footage (May 1975; 0:12:43) and an interview with University of Oregon President Robert D. Clark (ca. 1969; 0:10:55) on the work and impact of Horace Robinson, UO's longtime Director of University Theatre.
- Interviews with OSU Deans, ca. 1984. (0:55:07) Includes interviews with George Keller, Dean of research; Bill Wilkins, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts; Michael Maksud, Dean of the College of Health and Physical Education; E. Edward Wedman, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine; and Ludwig Eisgruber, Dean of the College of Agriculture.
- Interview with Andris Kaneps, School of Veterinary Medicine, ca. 1984. Dr. Kaneps discusses his research on the use of laser therapy as a treatment for horse injuries.
- Harrison Branch with OSU Art Students, April 1986. (0:20:58) Footage of photographer and OSU Art professor Harrison Branch discussing artwork with students in Fairbanks Gallery. Film also includes scenes of OSU students walking and riding bicycles on campus.
- Interview with Nelson Sandgren on Bernard Malamud, May 28, 1988. (1:01:42) Interview conducted by Suzanne Clark.
- "Home is Where the Heart Is," 1994. (1:48:20) Videotape interview of Bob and Alice Henderson made by their daughter, Alice Rampton, in 1993-1994 at several locations on campus and at various houses where the Hendersons lived in Corvallis. The interview documents the Hendersons' student days, their early married years, neighbors connected with the university, household wares, and Bob's teaching career. Bob Henderson graduate from Oregon State College in 1938 with a BS in Agronomy, and served as a Farm Crops faculty member and Assistant Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station from 1946 until his retirement in 1976.
Hatfield Marine Science Center
- Construction and Launch of the Totem Buoy Project, circa 1966-1968. (0:09:28) Totem buoys were tubular steel devices about 180 feet long that served as platforms on which to mount instruments to gather oceanographic or meterological information.
- Yaquina and Cayuse research vessels, 1976. (0:05:11)
- Totem buoy project, 1977. (0:10:35) Silent footage of work being done on a Totem buoy from the stern of the R/V Yaquina.
- Marine Science Center laboratory footage, March 1980. (0:23:16)
- "OSU Goes to Sea," April 1983. (0:14:11) Channel 2 News Special on the R/V Wecoma.
- KATU-TV Feature on the Hatfield Marine Science Center, 1986.. (0:04:18) Feature produced for the program "Two at Four," KATU-TV Portland, November 7, 1986.
- Interview With Captain Barry Fisher - Part 1 (1:02:54) and Part 2 (0:40:51). Interviewed by Ellen Pikitsch, Newport, Oregon, August 1987.
- Dedication of Guin Library at Hatfield Marine Science Center, July 4, 1990. (0:38:46)
- Hatfield Marine Science Center Slide Tape Programs - Film 1 (0:11:26) and Film 2 (0:11:20), circa 1992. Films focus on HMSC research activities and public outreach.
- Earth and Sea Investigators Program - Salmon Migration, April 28, 1994. (0:46:19)
- Earth and Sea Investigators Program - Demonstration Tape 2.0, 1994. (0:05:03)
- The Oregon Story – Fishing, 1997. (0:57:42)
- A Tour of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, 1998. (0:09:55)
- "Undersea Landscapes: The Earth and Sea Investigators' Program," circa 1990s. (0:17:49) Featuring segments with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Resources Program director Jim Golden, OSU Geosciences professor Dawn Wright, and OSU graduate student Darren Taylor.
KBVR-TV Productions
More than two-hundred video and audio files created by KBVR-TV from the mid-1990s to mid-2010s have been digitized and released online. A selection of specific shows and events is itemized below; all of the digitized KBVR-TV content is available here.
- "Anchors," 2012. (2 episodes)
- "Around Town," 1988. (1 episode)
- "Back to the Theatre," 2010. (6 episodes)
- Battle of the Bands, ca. 2000s. (7 videos)
- "Beaver Sports Show," 2008-2012. (45 episodes)
- "Blind Date Oregon State," 2002. (1 episode)
- "Blonde Bombshells on the Hour," 2011. (7 episodes)
- "Bodywise," 1994. (1 episode)
- "C2 Music Videos," 1999. (1 episode)
- "Campus Corner," 1993. (1 episode)
- "Campus View," 2008. (5 episodes)
- Corvallis da Vinci Days - Kinetic Sculpture Race, 1999. (1 video)
- "Dr. Haydrogen German Vids," 2013. (2 episodes)
- "Echoes of Humanity," 1994. (1 episode)
- Flat Tail Music Festival, 2010. (3 videos)
- "Greek Pads," 2009. (8 episodes)
- "The Jota Show," ca. 2000s. (3 episodes)
- "KBVR News," 2004-2012. (17 episodes)
- "KBVR Sports Extra," 1998. (1 episode)
- "Limited Reality," 1999. (7 episodes)
- "Locals Live," 2001-2013. (10 episodes)
- "The Meow Meow Show," 2004. (12 videos)
- "Mid-Evening with Brock Jacks," 1997-1998. (2 videos)
- "Naomi's Itadakimasu," ca. 1998. (1 episode)
- "No Big Whoop," 2004-2008. (5 episodes)
- "Open World," 2008. (3 episodes)
- "Oregon Diary," 1989. (1 episode)
- "OSU Dating Game," 2008-2009. (5 episodes)
- "OSU Today," 2001. (1 episode)
- "Out and About," 1998. (1 episode)
- "Questions on the Quad," 2011. (2 episodes)
- Snow in the Quad, 2006 [snowboarding and skiing event]. (5 videos)
- Student Films, 2002-2009. (14 videos)
- "Trading Rooms," 2007-2008. (5 episodes)
- "Who Wants to be a Beaver?" 2000-2001. (2 episodes)
- "The Wookies" 2000. (KBVR-TV Awards Show)
- "Yeah, Right!" 1994. (1 episode)
KOAC-TV Productions
- "She Flies with Her Own Wings: Oregon Joins the Union," 1959. (0:14:30)
- Demonstration of civil defense activities in Oregon, 1966. (0:23:59) Dramatized demonstrations of three types of civil defense activities across the state of Oregon. In one scene, Civil Air Patrol volunteers assist with the fighting of a fire in a wheat field near Condon. In a second scene, a Baker County resident describes the exterior construction and interior outfitting - including water, dehydrated food, gas masks and geiger counters - of a fallout shelter built on his ranch. In the third scene, the Benton County sheriff's office and civil defense volunteers use handheld radio communications to coordinate the search for a child lost in the woods near Philomath.
Lectures and Panel Discussions
- Charter Day Convocation, October 27, 1967. (0:01:42) Silent footage of the convocation held in Gill Coliseum in celebration of Oregon State University's 100th anniversary celebration. Features scenes of Charter Day lecturer A.F. Spilhaus as well as OSU President Roy Young, Liberal Arts Dean Gordon Gilkey, and nuclear chemist Chih Wang, who received the OSU Alumni Association's Distinguished Professor Award on the day.
- Charter Day Convocation and Banquet, October 27, 1968. (0:13:30) Silent footage of Charter Day activities held in concert with the Oregon State University Centennial celebration. The Charter Day convocation was held in Gill Coliseum and included a greeting from J.W. Forester of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education; the offering of Centennial awards and the Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award (to Oceanography professor Wayne Burt); a musical performance by the OSU-Corvallis Symphony Orchestra; and an address by Fred Harvey Harrington, president of the University of Wisconsin. A banquet was held later in the Memorial Union Ballroom and featured a performance by the OSU Choralaires and remarks by Iowa State University president W. Robert Parks.
- OSU Centennial speakers, February 1969. (0:02:48) Silent footage of invited speakers delivering their addresses in commemoration of the Oregon State University centennial celebration. Speakers depicted include Charles Frankel, Philip Abelson, Edward E. David, Jr., and Daniel Aldrich, Jr. Their talks were delivered at Gill Coliseum on February 26-27, 1969.
- College of Home Economics Lecture Series, 1985-1989
- Ted Dowell on discipline in schools, October 16, 1985. (0:47:32)
- Kay Mehas on food science education, November 17, 1986. (1:58:19)
- "Perspectives on Aging," lecture by Joanne Miksis, November 17, 1986. (1:02:32)
- Gini Teemer on family life education in the Medford public schools, 1986. (1:20:58)
- Arlene Holyoak on special education, February 25, 1987. (0:51:20)
- Gini Teemer on family life education, December 2, 1987. (0:45:00)
- Doris Brannan on high school home economics education, June 30, 1988. (1:01:18)
- Clara Pratt on gerontology, June 30, 1988. (1:28:38)
- Kathy Sansone on controversial topics in parenting and relationships classes, February 15, 1989. (0:58:25)
- Joanne Miksis on teen parent programs, circa 1980s. (1:32:24)
- Debbie Zeller on fashion merchandising and Gerry Olson on personal finance, circa 1980s. (1:09:23)
- Betty Hawthorne on the history and evolution of Home Economics, February 10, 1986. (1:40:30) Betty Hawthorne (1920-1990) was a faculty member in Foods and Nutrition at Oregon State from 1946-1983, and served as OSU's Dean of Home Economics from from 1965 until her retirement from the university in 1983. In this lecture and Q&A session, she discusses the history and evolution of home economics as a discipline nation-wide.
- "Law Science and Medicine," May 12, 1986. (1:13:40) Delivered by Patricia King, a professor of law at Georgetown University, this lecture discussed the legal aspects of medical decisions and the rights of minors and those incapable of making their own decisions in accepting or rejecting health care.
- "Revolutions in Our Time," October 15, 1986. (1:23:18) A lecture by economist and diplomat John Kenneth Galbraith.
- "Sabbaticals at OSU" seminar and roundtable, 1987. (1:23:03) Film consists of presentations on the sabbatical application process as presented by Pete Fullerton, associate vice president for academic affairs, and Kathy Meddaugh, academic personnel officer. Following these presentations is a roundtable conversation highlighting individual faculty members' perspectives and experiences on their own sabbaticals. Participants include Bob Burton, mathematics; Tom Plant, electrical and computer engineering; Clara Pratt, human development and family studies; Carol Soleau, physical education.
- "Hazing," April 10, 1989. (1:35:10) Presentation delivered by David Westoll, a past Assistant District Attorney of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and president and executive director of Theta Chi fraternity.
- Art appreciation lecture, circa 1980s. (0:47:58) In this lecture, Erik Sandgren discusses the introduction of math and perspective in Renaissance art. A painter and printmaker, Erik Sandgren is also a Corvallis native and the son of former Oregon State Art professor, Nelson Sandgren.
- Nutrition and Food Management, 1990. (0:59:38) Short subject lectures by Zoe Ann Holmes delivered for Nutrition and Food Management (NFM) 235 class. Topics include measurement; egg white beating, muffin mixing; flour; and flour mixtures.
- "The Right to Privacy: A Socratic Dialogue," October 24, 1991. (1:46:40) Moderated by broadcaster Fred Friendly, this panel featured the following participants: Karen Hoppes, Lake Oswego high school teacher and president of the Oregon Council for Social Studies; Sandra Nelson, Beaverton resident and president of the Eagle Forum; Russ Dondero, political scientist at Pacific University; Leslie Roberts, Portland attorney and American Civil Liberties Union board member; Melissa Mills, news reporter for KATU-2 television in Portland; Cliff Trow, state senator and professor of history at OSU; Judith Horseman, journalism professor at OSU; Lon Mabon, chair of the Oregon Citizens Alliance; Paula Abrams, law professor at Lewis & Clark College; Kate Brown, attorney and representative of the Women's Rights Coalition (and future governor of Oregon); Sam Zellman, executive producer at CNN; and Jay Conroy, civics teacher at Crescent Valley High School.
- "A Discussion About Careers in Mathematics," 1991. (0:44:34) Hosted by OSU mathematics faculty member Robby Robson and featuring commentary from Lea Murphy (Mathematics), Paul Cull (Computer Science) and Paul Simpson, this conversation focuses on graduate student life and the professional landscape for students majoring in mathematics and related fields.
- "Establishing an Effective Electronic Distance Education Program," 1991. (1:21:52) Teleconference presented by OSSHE ED-NET - Jon Root, moderator; Glenn Wilde, presenter.
- "OSU Town Hall II (Second Race Meeting)," February 10, 1992. (1:43:07) This panel sought to speak to issues related to diversity, anti-harassment, and racial sensitivity on campus. The event was led by OSU President John Byrne, with panelists including Tom Scheuerman (Associate Director of Housing), Stephanie Sanford (Affirmative Action Program Director), Phyllis Lee (Acting Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs), Janet Lee (Women's Studies Program Director, member of the Cultural Diversity Course Committee), Janelle Factora (Vice President, ASOSU), Inez Ruiz (President, Hispanic Student Association), and Brooke Gelfande (Women's Affairs Task Force, ASOSU)
- "Community on Campus: Defining It, Developing It, Living It," March 4, 1992. (1:31:31) A panel discussion hosted by Jo Anne Trow, OSU Vice-Provost for Student Affairs, and moderated by David Schuman, a faculty member at the University of Oregon School of Law. Panelists included OSU faculty, staff and students Jim Foster, Narcie Roderiguez-Smith, J. Roger Penn, Janelle Factora, Jerry Pettibone, Navvab Pike, John Byrne, Tudy Seistrup, Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet, Hani Obeid, and Stephanie Sanford.
- "What Price, Oceans?" March 11, 1993. (1:39:18) Lecture by Sylvia Earle, a renowned marine scientist and founder of Deep Ocean Exploration and Research, a company dedicated to improving marine engineering.
- Ursula Le Guin lecture and reading, October 19, 1993. (1:33:45) A highly acclaimed, Oregon-based science fiction writer, Le Guin had most recently published a collection of short stories titled "Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand" at the time of her lecture. Her 1993 OSU talk included readings from her fiction and poetry, as well as an audience question and answer session.
- "The Future of Health Care in America," November 16, 1993. (1:01:05) Given by Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Minnesota.
- "The American Experience: A Perspective on the Clinton Administration," January 20, 1994. (1:59:16) Given by Clarence Page, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Chicago Tribune, this talk focuses in particular on discrimination against African American journalists by the print media.
- Sen. Ron Wyden lecture, April 10, 1996. (0:36:51) Lecture hosted on the OSU campus and sponsored by the Governor Tom McCall Memorial Lectureship in Public Affairs.
- "My Father is a Book," 2007. (0:27:12) Visiting Writers Series lecture by Janna Malamud Smith, November 9, 2007. Malamud Smith, who was born in Corvallis during the years of her famous father's tenure as an English professor at what was then known as Oregon State College, spoke as part of the OSU Visiting Writers Series. The Series is sponsored by the OSU English Department, The Valley Library, the Office of the Provost, and Friends of the Benton-Corvallis County Library.
A collection of talks sponsored and recorded by the OSU College of Home Economics. Presenters included members of the OSU faculty as well as high school home economics teachers and administrators from around the region.
Multicultural Communities
- "Gotta Start Somewhere...Minorities in the Mass Media, 1973. (0:14:06) A documentary that focuses on a broadcasting workshop and internship program hosted for students of color at OSU in the early 1970s.
- "Nothin' Comes Easy," 1974. (0:12:22) A scripted film that examines university support services for students of color. Topics referenced include financial aid, academic support, and recruitment through the Educational Opportunities Program. The film also highlights the potential for study in Pharmacy, Communications, Engineering, and Forestry, as well as involvement in the operations of the Memorial Union, the Black Student Union and other cultural organizations.
- "Paths with Proud Moments," ca. 1992. (0:19:03) This film was produced by the Indian Education Office in about 1992 for the purpose of recruiting Native American students to Oregon State University. The production includes footage of Native American students and staff describing their experiences at Oregon State University and campus views.
- "The Native American Community at OSU," 1993. (0:30:20) Office of Indian Education production.
- Indonesia Night, 1994. (1:47:32)
- OSU Student Boycott and March, 1996. (1:56:25)
- "Conversations on Race," [KBVR-TV] May 21, 1998. (1:08:45) Subtitled "Part 8: The Challenge of Building a Multiracial Campus Community," this conversation is introduced as having been the ninth held at OSU in direct response to President Bill Clinton's call for a national conversation on race. The broadcast was moderated by OSU Professor of Speech Communications, Dick Weinman, and featured a panel of four students as well as the ability for viewers to participate by phoning in. The student panel consisted of Melanie Spraggins, Ryan Jones, Chin Nguyen, and Faye Miller.
- International Cultural Dance, February 25, 1999. (0:36:28)
- India Night, 1999. (1:38:39)
- Hawaiian Night Luau, 2001. (1:24:08)
- China Night, 2007. (1:51:41)
- "Glory Road and the Desegregation of College Basketball: The Untold Story at OSU," 2011. (1:23:00) A presentation, panel discussion, and Q & A regarding the desegregation of the OSU basketball team during the 1960s. Panelists were Norm Monroe, first black walk-on player during the 1960-1961 season; Charlie White, first black player recruited on scholarship, 1964-1967; Paul Valenti, OSU Basketball Head Coach, 1964-1970; Craig Robinson, OSU Basketball Head Coach, 2009-present; Dr. Larry Griggs, Director of the Educational Opportunities Program, 1985-2008. More information about this event is available here.
- "Pioneers of Change: Black Football Players at OSU from 1951-Present," 2014. (2:10:07) This event paid posthumous tribute to the first African American football player at OSU, Dave Mann (1951-1954) and also discussed the desegregation of football and what that has meant for the Oregon State athletic program. Panelists included past football players Earnel Durden (1956-1958) and Ken Simonton (1998-2001); football historian Dr. Michael Oriard; author Herman Brame; and sociologist Dr. Dwaine Plaza. More information about this event is available here.
OSU Historical Motion Picture Films Collection (FV 048)
Primarily consisting of promotional films produced by Oregon Agricultural College in the 1920s and 1930s, this collection provides rare insight into campus culture and the Land Grant mission during the early twentieth century.
- Memorial Union Dedication, May Day Pageant, and National Boys Club Winners, ca. 1928-1929. (FV048:001; 0:12:36)
- Coos County 4-H Clubs; Milking Contest at Bankers’ Short Course, ca. 1920s. (FV048:001; 0:10:31)
- 4-H work in Klamath and Josephine Counties, ca. early 1930s. (FV048:003; 0:13:23)
- 4-H Summer School and other 4-H activities, 1925-1926. (FV048:004; 0:12:07)
- Oregon State Fair and Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1920s-1930s. (FV048:005; 0:10:40)
- National Dairy Champions show and Dairy Bureau exhibit, 1925. (FV048:006; 0:10:49)
- Eugene, Oregon, ca. 1920s. (FV048:007; 0:05:41)
- Saint Paul, Oregon, Livestock Center, ca. 1920s-1930s. (FV048:008; 0:13:45)
- Football Game, Babe Ruth, and Rose City Motorcycle Climb, ca. 1926. (FV048:009; 0:11:29)
- "The Old Grad Comes Back," 1925. (FV048:010; 0:08:05)
- ROTC, Horses, and Horsemanship, ca. 1920s-1930s. (FV048:011; 0:012:22)
- Detroit, Toledo, and Ironton (D.T. & I.) Railroad, 1925. [FV048:012 - silent version (0:15:16), version with sound (0:10:21)]
- Marching Band and Tractor Contest, ca. 1930s. (FV048:013; 0:15:17)
- "Coeds in Training at OAC: Grace, Beauty, Health," ca. 1920s. (FV048:014; 0:14:33)
- Women's Stunt Show and Men's Wrestling, 1931. (FV048:016; 0:12:52)
- Football practices and 4-H activities, ca. 1930s. (FV048:017; 0:14:37)
- "Partners 4-H," ca. 1920s. (FV048:018; 0:13:49)
- Pageant, Josephine County 4-H Activities, and Football Game, ca. 1920s. (FV048:019; 0:13:46)
- Pageant and 4-H activities, ca. 1920s. (FV048:020; 0:14:57)
- "The Romance of Engineering," 1921. (FV048:021; 0:10:48)
- 4-H in Douglas and Klamath Counties, 1923. (FV048:022; 0:22:15)
- "Hail to OSC," ca. 1939. (FV048:030; 0:36:48)
- "Salmon Poisoning in Dogs," ca. 1930. (FV048:031; 0:08:34)
- "OSU: The First Hundred Years, 1868-1968". (FV048:033; 0:28:23)
- Modern Dance Films, 1930s-1960. Digitized from film reels held in the papers of long-time Oregon State modern dance professor Betty Lynd Thompson. Classes in Creative Dance, ca. 1930s (0:12:29); "Episodes from a Trial" and "Campus Moods," ca. 1930s (0:18:31); "Compositions in Modern Form," ca. 1940 (0:12:34); Dances Students, 1950s [sound] (0:36:48); Dance Outdoors, 1950s (0:02:59); Untitled Dance Footage, 1950s (0:00:52); Dance Students, ca. 1960s (0:03:55); Dance Class, ca. 1960s (0:04:35).
- "OSU Revue" variety show, February 1983. (0:17:10) The OSU Revue variety show took place on February 26, 1983 in conjunction with Dad's Weekend. This file also includes footage of a personal computer demonstration hosted at OSU in winter 1983.
- "A Raisin in the Sun," March 1983. (0:22:21) "A Raisin in the Sun" was the first OSU theatrical production to focus on the African American experience. It was staged from March 8-12, 1983 in the Cortright Studio Theater in what was then known as Education Hall (present-day Furman Hall). One cast member, Loretta Smith, who played the role of Ruth, was elected to the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners in 2010.
- The Prague Orchestra at LaSells Stewart Center, April 1983. (0:14:06)
- The Groove Merchants at Java Rama, 1993. (0:56:04)
- IFC Sing
- IFC Sing, 1994. (1:56:24)
- IFC Sing, 1996. (1:49:22)
- IFC Sing, 1997. (1:58:07)
- IFC Sing, 1998. (2:00:03)
- IFC Sing, 1999. (1:58:51)
- IFC Sing, 2000. (1:46:43)
- IFC Sing, 2001. (1:57:12)
- IFC Sing, 2002. (2:12:30)
- IFC Sing, 2004. (2:33:42)
- All University Sing, 2006. (1:42:30)
What was once known as IFC Sing originated in 1936 as a homecoming event where OSC fraternities gathered in the Memorial Union Lounge for a singing competition. During World War II, when all of the college's fraternities became inactive, OSC's sororities continued the tradition by creating their own singing competition. In 1951 the performance formally became a collaboration between sororities and fraternities, was held on in the Spring during Mom's Weekend, and was moved to Gill Coliseum order to incorporate choreography into the performances. Today the event is known as "All-University Sing," though it continues to be organized by OSU's Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council.
Presidents of OSU
- Oregon State College to Oregon State University name change ceremony, March 6, 1961. (0:03:49) Includes footage of Oregon Governor Mark Hatfield signing the legislative bill that changed the name of Oregon State from "College" to "University." Also includes statements made by Hatfield and OSU President August L. Strand.
- Reflections by President Robert MacVicar, May 21, 1984. (0:19:03)
- President Robert MacVicar Retirement Reception, October 31, 1984 (0:07:43) and Retirement Dinner, [Part 1 (0:53:46), Part 2] November 17, 1984. (0:29:00)
- "Preparing for the Future: The Inauguration of John V. Byrne, Oregon State University President," 1985. (0:28:46) A produced compendium of highlights from John Byrne's inauguration as OSU's twelfth president. The film includes remarks made by OSU Faculty Senate President H. Ronald Cameron; Oregon Governor Victor Atiyeh; State Higher Education Superintendent William E. Davis; OSU President Emeritus Robert MacVicar; and President John Byrne. Interspersed throughout the film are scenes from daily campus life. The inauguration event took place on March 10, 1985 in Gill Coliseum.
- President John Byrne Reports to the OSU Faculty Senate, February 4, 1993. (0:32:39)
- President John Byrne Retirement Tribute, ca. 1995. (0:08:06)
- "John Vincent Byrne: Celebrating a Wonderful Life," April 14, 2024. (2:33:49) A memorial celebration for OSU President Emeritus John Byrne held in the CH2M Hill Alumni Center. Speakers at the event included Bill Robbins, Tuba Ozkan-Haller, Jo Anne Trow, Rachelle McCabe, Lloyd Wagenschutz, David Robinson (in absentia), and Trey Phillips; daughters Donna Byrne and Karen Byrne; and also Shirley Byrne, John's wife of more than 69 years. Music was performed by the Steve Matthes Ensemble.
Promotional Films - University, Colleges and Departments
- "The Romance of Engineering," 1921 (0:10:48). Primarily depicts the Annual Engineering Show at Oregon Agricultural College, where students present aspects of their studies to the public. Also includes footage of engineering buildings, surveying field work, electrical machinery in operation, testing machine experiments, views of students at work, operation of the traveling crane in the Engineering Laboratory, and other scenes of students' training in civil, electrical, highway, and mechanical engineering and the industrial arts.
- "This is Oregon State," 1958. (0:22:17) Produced by the Oregon State College Alumni Association and several student organizations, this film includes a general introduction to Oregon State College as well as profiles of each academic school, student activities, and athletics.
- "Home Economics Careers," circa 1960. (0:13:53) Following an overview of the mission of the School of Home Economics provided by Dean Miriam Scholl, this film highlights multiple current students or recent graduates and describes the professional work that they intend to pursue. Career paths discussed include work as a teacher, county extension agent, nursery school employee, social work and public health employee, and hospital dietician. Career opportunities in the food and appliance industries, journalism, clothing and textiles, research, and commercial food service are also discussed.
- "This is OSU," 1962. (0:29:48) Scripted broadcast produced by Voice of America. Subjects include James H. Jensen, forestry research, white muscle disease, the Choralaires, the Morrill Act, alkaline bees, William Jasper Kerr, football, the Information Department, "the knight of the burning pestle," and the Oceanography Department.
- "OSU: The Possible Dream," 1968. (0:29:31) A film commissioned to celebrate OSU in conjunction with its centennial in 1968.
- "OSU: The First Hundred Years, 1868-1968". (0:28:23) "The First Hundred Years" tells the story of Oregon State's first century as a college and university. The film was produced by the OSU Centennial Committee as part of the celebration marking the OSU centenary in 1968.
- "Industrial Engineering - The Profession with a Future". (0:13:46) Presented by the OSU Industrial Engineering Department, this often lighthearted film stresses Industrial Engineering as being the "people-oriented engineering."
- OSU News and Communications File Tapes. (20 items) Created from 1979 to 1985, these tapes are comprised of footage shot and produced by OSU News and Communications Services. Touching on multiple corners of the university's work, the tapes include numerous packages related to OSU research and campus milestones. Included in the films are pieces on alternative energy sources, the groundbreaking for the LaSells Stewart Center, the OSU Honors Program, methanol cars, the R/V Wecoma, TCK wheat disease, robotics and veterinary medicine among many other topics. The tapes also include a number of features on OSU athletics as well as a full complement of logo files created for the university and each of its colleges.
- "Discover Universatility.". (0:17:38) OSU student recruitment video, ca. early 1980s.
- The Liberal Arts at OSU, 1981. A five-part series produced by OSU Broadcasting students and hosted by J. Jerry O'Connor, head advisor in the OSU College of Liberal Arts. Getting Acquainted (0:07:08); Preparation (0:09:52); The Value (0:07:46); Reality (0:13:11); Writing (0:07:16).
- "Can't Do Without OSU," 1983. (0:10:08) Produced by the OSU Century Club with assistance from the Forestry Media Center.
- "Home Economics: A Survival Skill," 1985. (0:11:59) This video details the virtues of a home economics education in developing problem solving skills and dealing with daily stresses and responsibilities. The video focuses in particular on human development and the family; individual and family resource management; nutrition and foods; textiles and clothing; living environments; and careers in home ec. It also features an interview with OSU Dean of Home Economics, Kinsey Green.
- "Foreign Languages in Careers," 1986. (0:26:34) Produced and written by OSU German Professor Wolfgang Dill, this film features snippets of interviews with government officials, educators and employers speaking about the value of foreign language skills in the workplace.
- OSU Career Planning and Placement Center Orientation, 1987. (0:10:17) Resources noted include placement file, job match, interviews, directories and literature, help sessions, counseling, employment newsletter, co-op internships, Peace Corps and Sigi-Plus.
- "Making a Difference," 1992. (0:26:24) A film produced by OSU Human Resources and designed to give new staff an overview of Oregon State University as an employer. The production depicts the OSU mission and how faculty and staff work together to accomplish common goals, and includes footage of the OSU campus in Corvallis and other sites throughout the state; students; staff members doing their work; and interviews with university administrators.
- "What's New at OSU?" ca. 1992. (0:17:39) This promotional film includes segments devoted to OSU's global focus, its recent designation as a Space Grant institution, recent construction on campus, accomplishments in athletics, and the implementation of Total Quality Management university-wide.
- "To See the World in a Grain of Sand," 1993. (0:17:34) A film created to highlight the academic programs and research activities of the College of Science. Produced by Antares Videomedia, Ltd.
- "The College of Business: A Top Choice for Students," 1994. (0:05:31)
- "Oregon State University...A Stepping Stone for Success," 1994. (0:06:52) OSU student recruitment video.
- Oregon State University Recruitment Video – Alumni Version, 1994. (0:06:37)
- "OSU Extension Mini-College," 1994. (0:09:57) A promotional video for a "four-day learning vacation" marketed to women interested in learning or updating their knowledge and skills in a variety of areas. The OSU Mini-College offered more than seventy courses as well as a banquet, plenary and evening activities.
- "Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program," ca. 1995. (0:12:40) A film produced by the OSU College of Engineering to highlight its MECOP engineering internship program.
- "Enginuity," 1996. (0:15:09) A promotional and recruiting film for the OSU College of Engineering academic departments and programs.
- "The SMILE Program," KATU News segment, September 12, 1997. (0:03:04) News package highlighting the Science and Math Investigative Learning Experiences Program at OSU. Includes footage from an interview conducted with SMILE program director Sue Borden.
- "By the Beautiful Sea," 1997. (0:20:47) Highlights from a tour of the Oregon coast given by Geosciences Department faculty for OSU Foundation donors (the Council of Regents) in June 1997.
- New student orientation video, winter 1998. (0:16:21)
- "Developing Careers in Engineering: The Multiple Engineering Co-Op Program," 1998. (0:06:06) A series of short films created to promote the Multiple Engineering Co-Op Program (MECOP) at Oregon State University.
- "Mini-College: Oregon's Best-Kept Secret," 1998. (0:05:51) An overview of the OSU Mini-College, an adult summer enrichment program offering a wide variety of courses in many fields. The video shows examples of these courses and discusses residence and dining options available to participants.
- "Open Minds, Open Doors," 1998. (0:14:56) A university-wide promotional film that focuses on different aspects of the student experience at Oregon State University. Major topics include residential and dining options, transportation, academic programs, academic support services, extracurricular activities, and mechanisms for connecting with other students.
- "College of Engineering, Oregon State University: A Center of Engineering Excellence," circa 1990s. (0:05:27) Promotional film focusing on the new Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (present-day Owen Hall).
- Presentation on OSU History by George Edmonston Jr., 2000. (1:26:49) Edmonston was the editor of the Oregon Stater alumni magazine from 1986-2005.
- "Celebrate OSU," 2001. (0:14:18) A promotional video created by the OSU Foundation for use in donor development, this film discusses the impact that past gifts have made at Oregon State University as well as new giving opportunities related to faculty endowments, student scholarships and facilities renovation. Screened at the Presidents Club dinner held in October 2001.
- Campaign for OSU promotional videos, 2007: Highlighting excellence and character at Oregon State University, these videos were produced to raise awareness of the Campaign for OSU fundraising initiative. Video 1 (0:08:33); Video 2 (0:07:02)
- "Oregon State University Extended Campus," circa 2000s. (0:06:20)
- Mainframe computer, circa 1960. (0:03:50) Footage of a mainframe computer - possibly located at Oregon State College - in operation. Scenes include a demonstration of the computer running calculations as well as its ability to play tic-tac-toe.
- ROTC Apollo space flight simulator, 1962. (0:01:21) Silent footage of a simulator constructed by Air Force ROTC members at Oregon State University. The goal of the Apollo Project was to construct a three-man space simulator and train a crew for a 48-hour simulated flight, during which they would apply navigation principles to maintain a prescribed course of flight. The simulator was constructed of aluminum and plywood.
- "Air Force cadet moon flight simulator" broadcast, 1962. (0:03:36) A radio feature on the Apollo Project featuring cadet colonel Mike Mulligan, then a senior from Portland.
- Food Science technology, circa 1962. (0:05:15) Silent footage of OSU Food Science research activities including the use of a freeze dryer to extract juices from foods, and milkshake taste testing in the OSU Flavorium.
- Oceanographic research conducted off the Oregon Coast, 1961-1965. (0:47:56)
- Television Public Service Announcement footage, circa 1972. (0:11:35) Research-related silent footage produced by Denny Miles with topics as follows: 1. Cherry harvest; 2. Seal Rock archeological dig; 3. Tjeerd Hendrik van Andel (head of the Marine Geology and Geochemistry department) and the Alvin submersible; 4. O.H. Hinsdale Wave Tank under construction; 5. Anaplasmosis in cattle; 6. Wind tunnel for coastal modeling; 7. Oak Creek stream analysis.
- Warren Kronstad, Norman Borlaug and Oregon farmers studying CIMMYT wheat at the CIANO testing location near Ciudad Obregón, Mexico. April 1979. (0:17:30)
- Mount St. Helens venting and eruption footage, 1980. (0:46:08)
- Gray whale radio tagging footage, 1981. (0:37:46) Silent footage of Oregon State University scientist Bruce Mate and others radio tagging gray whales in the Pacific Ocean.
- McDonald Forest research and scenery, April 1982. (0:15:45)
- OSU Wave Basin, April 1982. (0:13:49)
- "Whatever Happened to Mr Wizard? (Or, How Do We Really Find Out About Science?)" 1983. (0:28:35) This film follows a news story on scientific research as it develops in a laboratory and is released to the public in a newspaper -- in this instance, the Corvallis Gazette-Times.
- "An Introduction to the Oregon State University Nuclear Radiation Center," ca. early 1980s.. (0:49:16) Includes footage of the OSU Radiation Center facility as well as staff engaging in research and routine activities. Among those individuals pictured in the film is Chih Wang, who served as Director of the Radiation Center from 1967 to his retirement in 1984.
- Home Economics - research and classwork footage, March 1983. (0:21:31)
- Oregon Productivity Center meeting and interviews, October 13, 1983. (0:17:16) Film concludes with an interview with Larry White, plant manager of the Oregon Sawchain Division Plant of Omark Industries, Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Grape Harvest on Clonal Test Plots, Knudsen-Erath Winery, Dundee, Oregon. October 1983. (0:11:04) Features footage of OSU horticulturalist Porter Lombard.
- OSU Ocean Dives footage, August 21, 1984. (0:09:38) Footage of OSU researchers conducting ocean dives in an ALVIN submersible.
- Sonic testing of wood - interview with Forestry professor Jim Wilson, May 1986. File also includes footage of a press conference with Athletic Director Lynn Snyder and head football coach Dave Kragthorpe on proposed improvements to Parker Stadium. (0:21:31)
- OSU sea floor research footage, 1987. (0:06:24) Raw footage of sea floor explorations conducted by the ALVIN deep-sea submersible.
- Joint OSU Forestry/NASA project to conduct remote sensing of forests in the Pacific Northwest, ca. 1980s. (0:06:32)
- OSU Mink and Cattle Farms, ca. 1980s. (0:15:26) OSU began conducting research involving mink and other fur bearing animals in the mid 1930s. Its Experimental Fur Farm was established in 1937, and closed in 1993. Beef cattle research at OSU dates to the early 20th century and continues today in locations throughout Oregon.
- Farm Bill legislation - impact on Oregon agriculture, 1991. (0:06:40) An interview between Mike Martin and Larry Lev, faculty members in the Agricultural and Resource Economics Department.
- Couples in Business Together, ca. 1990s. (29:10) Presented by the Austin Family Business Program at Oregon State University, this video provides information on techniques that families can use to thrive in the business environment. Includes footage of Ken and Joan Austin, among many others.
- "100 Years of Food Science and Technology at Oregon State University," October 19, 2018. (1:30:47)
- "Alma Mater," 1950. (0:02:39) Written by Homer Maris and arranged by Joseph Brye. Sung by the Oregon State College Choir, directed by Robert Walls. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Alma Mater," 1953. (0:03:15) Written by Homer Maris and arranged by Ted Mesang. Performed by the Oregon State College Band and Glee Club, Ted Mesang and Don Sites, Directors. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Alouette," 1939. (0:01:01) A theme song for Foresters in Action as sung by Forester's Chorus; recorded at KOAC Radio Station by J. M. Morris. Digitized from a Presto Disc.
- A Ceremony of Carols, December 7, 1958. (0:16:42) Performed as part of The Christmas Story concert by The Choralaires.
- Choralaires, 1955, Tape 1. (0:24:08) Includes: Land of the Empire Builders; Take a Ride to the Coast; The Girls of Oregon; Night; Turtle Dove; Lewis and Clark of the First Infantry; Oregon State College Creed.
- Choralaires, 1955, Tape 2. (0:10:46) Includes: Long Time Ago; Shenandoah; Hymn to the Trinity; One God.
- Choralaires, Renaissance and Baroque, Winter 1967. (0:16:12) Includes: Missa Brevis; Crucifixus; Hear the Murmuring Waters; Haste Thee, Nymph.
- Choralaires, The Romantic Age, Winter 1967. (0:31:08) Includes: Who is Sylvia?; A Wonderful Life; The Evening; All' meine Herzgedanken; Two verses of e.e. cummings; Sing We Merrily unto God Our Strength; Festival Te Deum; Nigra Sum; The Bells of Youth.
- Choralaires, Spring 1968. (0:27:54) Includes: Hear the Murmuring Waters; Lady, So Fair Thou Seemest; Farewell, My Love; Crucifixus; Jubilate Deo; Who is Sylvia?; Thou art Repose; Ali' meine Herzgedanken; The Vain Serenade.
- Choralaires, November 21, 1969. (0:54:44) Includes: O Music, Thou Most Lovely Art; May God Smile on You (wedding cantata); Many a Song; Antiphonal Hosanna; Psalm 150; From the Easter Cantata-Mourn, Mourn Ye Saints and Jesus Christ is Risen Today; Gloria in Excelsis; Rejoice in the Lamb; I saw a Stranger Yestereve.
- Christmas Concert, December 8, 1968. (0:35:14) Performed by The University Chorus and the OSU Chamber Orchestra. Includes The Saint Luke Christmas Story by Cecil Effinger.
- "Cruisers' Song," 1939. (0:01:08) Another theme song for Foresters in Action as sung by Forester's Chorus; recorded at KOAC Radio Station by J. M. Morris. Digitized from a Presto Disc.
- "The Face of Oregon," 1962. (Two sides - Side A, Side B - 0:21:50 total length) A concert of original music and script written, composed and conducted by members of the OSU teaching staff in honor of the 100th anniversary of the state of Oregon. Written and narrated by Robert Walls, music composed and conducted by Ted Mesang. Digitized from a 33 1/3 rpm sound disc. More about the concert is available here.
- "George W. - The Dean," 1939. (0:01:30) Another theme song for Foresters in Action as sung by Forester's Chorus; recorded at KOAC Radio Station by J. M. Morris. Digitized from a Presto Disc.
- "Hail to Old OSC," 1950. (0:01:29) The school fight song, written by Harold A. Wilkins and arranged by Joseph Brye. Sung by the Oregon State College Mens Choir, as directed by Robert Walls. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Hail to Old OSC," 1953. (0:01:30) Another version of the school fight song, performed by Oregon State College Glee Club; Don Sites, Director. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Indiana State Band," 1953. (0:01:52) A march performed by the OSC Band; Ted Mesang, Director. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "March of the Spanish Soldiery," 1953. (0:03:16) Performed by the OSC Band; Ted Mesang, Director. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Mighty Beavers," 1953. (0:01:33) Written by Joseph Brye, arranged by Ted Mesang, performed by the Oregon State College Band and Glee Club; Ted Mesang and Don Sites, Directors. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- Oregon Suite Choir with Piano, 1953. (0:12:14)
- Oregon State College medley, 1947. (0:02:38) Arranged by Captain H. L. Beard, Conductor, and performed by the Oregon State College Band. Recorded at G. F. Johnson Music Co. in Portland, Oregon. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- Oregon State College medley, 1953. (0:01:27) Arranged by Captain H. L. Beard, Conductor, and performed by the Oregon State College Band under the direction of Ted Mesang. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Oregon State Creed" (part 1), 1950. (0:03:26) Lyrics by E. T. Reed and music by Joseph Brye. Sung by the Oregon State College A Capella Choir, directed by Robert Walls. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Oregon State Creed" (part 2), 1950. (0:02:12)
- Oregon State Marching Song, (side 1) undated. (0:03:53) A reading of a letter to Lowell Stockman (Stocky) and his wife Dorcas in Pendleton. The letter-writer composed the music and a mutual friend, Vera, wrote the words. Song was sung by Jean Monroe. Digitized from a Presto Disc.
- Oregon State Marching Song, (side 2) undated. (0:02:41) Sung in harmony by a group of women in the "University School of Music." Digitized from a Presto Disc.
- "Oregon State's Year in Sound," 1955-1956. (0:20:08) Issued with the Oregon State College Beaver Yearbook, v.50, 1956. Side A contents: 9/17/1955 Football game versus BYU (Tommy Prothro's first game as OSC coach); 9/22/1955 Dr. Cheldelin speaking at the freshman pledge convocation; 9/23/1955 Freshman dance "Picking up paw paws."; Homecoming noise parade; Homecoming midnight show with Phil Carlin singing "Geology Rock" which refers to Professor Boyd; Homecoming queen, Jeanette McDonald; The Spades; Homecoming - Barbara Bogue; Homecoming football game - OSC vs WSC; fight song; "We want Prothro" chant. Side B contents: Charter Day--Chancellor of University of Nebraska; Honorary Degrees (Douglas McKay and one other); performance of Messiah in December; 1/14/1956 Military Ball, Donna McCoy chosen Little Colonel; Dr. Robert Hutchins (convocation?); 2/11/1956 Mortar Board Ball; Jerry Christopherson, King of Hearts; Dad's weekend; Intersorority sing "Lullaby of Broadway"; March 9 Basketball University of Oregon vs OSC in Eugene; Chancellor's cup to OSC next night in Corvallis; April 4-6 Model United Nations opened by Charles A. Sprague (former Governor of Oregon); Choralaires singing the Creed. Digitized from a vinyl disc.
- "Roadways," 1953. (0:02:32) Written by John Masefield and sung by the Oregon State College Glee Club, Don Sites, Director. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "Spring" from The Seasons (Haydn), 1966. (0:33:28) Performance by The University Chorus and The Choralaires.
- "Storm King," 1953. (0:01:43) Written by Walter Finlayson and performed by the Oregon State College Band, Ted Mesang, Director. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- Thanksgiving Concert, 1973. (0:51:16) Performed by The University Chorus and The Choralaires. Includes: O Sing with Full Voice; Ave Maria; Vere Languores; There is No Eye for Seeing; Comfort Ye; Alleluia; A Hymn to the Virgin; Adoramus Te; O All Ye Nations; Mary, Mary Where is Your Baby?; Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light; Hodie Christus Natus est; Bless This House; I Believe in Music; If I Had a Hammer; I Believe.
- "Toast to the Team," 1953. (0:01:30) Performed by the Oregon State College Glee Club, Don Sites, Director. Originally released on the album, Songs of Oregon State College - Within a Vale of Western Mountains. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.
- "A Tribute to Beard," 1947. (0:02:54) Music by Gordon A. Finlay, as played by the Oregon State College Band. Recorded at G. F. Johnson Music Co. in Portland, Oregon. Digitized from a 78 rpm sound disc.