Activity Listings
- Handwritten Note, LP, RE: "NYTimes Mag. 6 Oct 1968, U.S. 1054 Minuteman I or II ~1 Megaton + 656 Polaris (16 each, 41 subs.) ~ 1 Megton (or MORE) + Bombers, Some with multiple warheads. Ussr ~ 1100 ICBM's* ~ 600 others. (Some with multiple warheads) + Bombers *~200 SS9, can carry 1 25-MT or 3 5-MT bombs (LAIRD, Secy of Defense). Assume 1000MT from each side = 1/300th of stockpile = 400,000,000 dead on each side (by WWII rule) OVERKILL" [Filed under LP Peace Section: Pauling Peace Research Notes, Box # 6.012, Folder # 12.3, Assorted Pauling Peace Research Notes, 1960's.]
- Receipt: $103.83 for computer usage. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, University of California, San Diego, 1960, 1966-1969, 1970, 1978. Box # 1.037, Folder # 37.9 Budget Information, Grant Information and Receipts: University of California, San Diego, 1968.]