Letter from Linus Pauling to William Hart. Page 1. July 25, 1968
Letter from Linus Pauling to William Hart. July 25, 1968. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 1 p.  View Transcript

Activity Listings

  • Letter from Albert C. Oliver to LP, RE: Writes about the large amount of scientific evidence that psychic disorders are physiological in origin and not psychological. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 301, Folder# 301.3]
  • Letter from Chief Accountant, State Bank of India, to LP, RE: Requests forms regarding the opening of a joint account in the name of Linus Pauling and Ava Helen Pauling, and states that approval has been requested from the Reserve Bank of India for this non-resident account. [Letter from Chief Accountant, State Bank of India, to Shri Tram Rehman, Secretary Indian Council for Cultural Relations 6, 1968] [Either or Survivorship Form, State Bank of India] [Letter from Chief Accountant, State Bank of India, to LP December 16, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
  • Letter from Chief Accountant, State Bank of India, to Shri Tram Rehman, Secretary Indian Council for Cultural Relations, RE: Needs a signature regarding an account opened by LP. [Letter from Chief Accountant, State Bank of India, to LP 6, 1968] [Either or Survivorship Form, State Bank of India] [Letter from Chief Accountant, State Bank of India, to LP December 16, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
  • Letter from Mr. Paul M. Papadeas to the Les Crane Show, RE: Asks if they could send him the name and address of the clinic in Canada LP mentioned in his conversation in the Show. [Letter from Mrs. Jana Junkermann to Paul M. Papadeas, 1968] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Correspondence concerning orthomolecular psychiatry, 1962-1988, Box# 11.079, Folder# 79.3]
  • Letter from Mrs. Lillian Doyle to LP, RE: Doyle writes to LP to ask for some literature on the subject of mental disorders being caused by a chemical imbalance. She writes about her family. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 100, Folder# 100.2]
  • Research Notebook of LP RE: Selenium, Trigonal Compressibility. p. 18. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 31R] 
  • Unfinished Handwritten Letter from AHP to Elisa RE: AHP expresses her regrets upon selling their Santa Barbara house.
  • letter from John T. Edsall to LP, RE: Edsall asks LP if he would sign an enclosed form asking the Academy to correct a statement made the Sonic Boom. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 106, Folder# 106.5]