Activity Listings
- Letter fro LP to Dr. Gustav Albrecht, RE: Notifies of his reappointment at CIT and writes that he sent a letter to Professor Hammond stating that Albrecht should be reappointed. Asks if Albrecht or Jenny could look for a journal called Summary and to send a Xerox copy. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 4, Folder# 4.2]
- Letter from Beatrice Safran to Les Crane, WNEW-TV, RE: Asks for information as to where she can communicate with LP. [Letter from LP to Beatrice Safran 9, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 385, Folder 385.1]
- Letter from LP to Mr. Carl Berkley, RE: After examining the manuscript, he suggests that the paper not be accepted for publication and explains why. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 42, Folder# 42.2]
- Letter from Mrs. Herbert A. Trebing to LP, RE: Writes about her son's condition and asks if there is a place for him in LP's research program or if he is collaborating with anyone in the New York City area. [Letter from LP to Mrs. Herbert A. Trebing October 17, 1968] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box 412, Folder 412.5]
- Letter from Mrs. Jana Junkermann, Secretary to LP, to Mr. Carl Berkley, RE: Encloses a copy of the manuscript titled Electromagnetic Hemoglobinometry with LP's comments. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 42, Folder# 42.2]
- Letter from Mrs. Marion Krist to LP, RE: Gives a brief description of her son's medical history and asks LP for advice. [Letter from LP to Mrs. Marion Krist, 1, 1969] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Correspondence concerning orthomolecular psychiatry, 1962-1988, Box# 11.079, Folder# 79.3]
- Letter from Mrs. R. Waldemar Anderson to LP, RE: Gives a brief description of her daughter's medical history and asks LP to suggest a doctor in the Seattle area who they could turn to for help. [Letter from LP to Mrs. R. Waldemar Anderson, 1, 1969] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Correspondence concerning orthomolecular psychiatry, 1962-1988, Box# 11.079, Folder# 79.3]
- Letter from Phil and Anne Phaff to LP, RE: Express how impressed they are with LP"s great concern for humanity and for humans. Ask for help with their 26-year-old son suffering from several mental health problems. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 315, Folder# 315.5]
- Letter from Samuel J. Nachwalter to LP, RE: Writes about his sister suffering from a mental illness and how she suffers from "pellagra". Asks if there are any physicians practicing orthomolecular psychiatry in New York. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box# 289, Folder# 289.4]