Activity Listings
- Bank Book Entry: Polycrystal. $45.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Bank Book Entry: Rodale Books, Inc. $8.95. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Bank Book Entry: Society Soc. Resp. $25.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Letter from Barclay Kamb, California Institute of Technology, to LP RE: Informs him that the computer he is interested in is made by Wang Laboratories. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 447 Folder 447.2]
- Letter from James W. Meadows, Jr. to President Lyndon B . Johnson January 26, 1966(copy to LP with note "Please continue working for peace") RE: No Dead Society, No Guilty Society, No War With Our Ideals Twisted Up And Tied Behind America's Back. Decency, Truth, Peace. Writes in support of President Johnson for his efforts for peace in Vietnam saying that America's true strength is in her ideals and morality. Asks the President to lead, not force the world. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 1.A Folder 1.4
- Letter from LP to Arthur Cherkin, Veterans Administration Hospital, RE: Thanks Cherkin for letting him know that he was not to be allowed to speak at the San Fernando Veterans Administration Hospital. Requests that he write with news on why this occurred. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 64 Folder 64.9]
- Letter from LP to Carlton Midyette and Dan McNeill RE: Informs them about the progress of his work with valence bond theory in response to letter April 12, 1967. Directs them towards his book on the subject entitled The Nature of the Chemical Bond. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 260 Folder 260.3]
- Letter from LP to Dave Muza Moffett Ford RE: Informs him that he has received a better offer from another Ford dealer and has therefor exchanged his station wagon for a new one. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 260 Folder 260.3]
- Letter from LP to Dr. Karl Sollner, National Institute of Health, RE: Thanks him for sending a reprint of a paper on "Carrier Mechanisms in the Movement of Ions Across Porous and Liquid Ion Exchanger Membranes". [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 384 Folder 384.2]
- Letter from LP to J.R. Webster, Consolidated Olive Growers, RE: Informs him that his book College Chemistry is in the 3rd edition and his book General Chemistry is available in the 2nd edition in response to Mr. Webster's questions of April 12, 1967. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 447 Folder 447.2]
- Letter from LP to James F. Mathias RE: Thanks Mathias for his letter and for having the Treasurer send a check for the balance of the grant. [Letter from Mathias to LP April 13, 1967] [Filed under LP Science: (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1953-1975), Box 14.015, Folder 15.9]
- Letter from LP to Madame B. Lejeune RE: Informs her that he does not have any background relating to the question she poses in letter dated April 25, 1967 concerning intoxication by a gas like cyanide or fluorine. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 234 Folder 234.1]
- Letter from LP to Mr. James F. Mathias, Secretary of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, RE: Thanks Mathias for sending a letter and for the check. [Filed under LP Science: Box 14.015, Folder 15.9]
- Letter from LP to Professor Henry W. Elliott, Annual Review of Pharmacology, RE: Writes to inform Elliott that he will be unable to contribute a review on "Mechanisms of Anesthesia" for the Annual Review of Pharmacology Volume 9 1969 as requested January 13, 1967. Suggests instead Dr. Arthur Cherkin. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 113 Folder 113.8]
- Letter from LP to Professor Thomas Ford Hoult, Arizona State University, RE: Informs him that he believes his statement is perfect, summing up what LP and others have been saying. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 170 Folder 170.1]
- Letter from LP to Professor V.A. Yakovlev, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R, RE: Thanks Professor Yakovlev for sending him a copy of the Russian translation of John Webb''s book Enzyme and metabolic Inhibitors. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 462 Folder 462.23]
- Letter from LP to William Pfaff Publishing Company and J. J. Loh RE: Addresses an article in which false, defamatory, and libelous statements were made of LP. Asks for a correction and retraction of the statements in accordance with California law and for an apology. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal Issues: Box 3.060, Folder 60.2]
- Letter from LP to William Pfaff Publishing Company and J. J. Loh RE: Requests that a correction and retraction be made to the April 6, 1967 article titled, “Linus Pauling Talks with ‘Forked Tongue.’” Two copies. [Letter from May Korngiebel to Sidney M. Weisman April 17, 1967, Newspaper Clipping: “Linus Pauling Talks with ‘Forked Tongue’” April 6, 1967, Rough Draft of Letter from LP to William Pfaff Publishing Company and J. J. Loh April 28, 1967, Letter from Carlton B. Casjens to LP May 17, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Assorted Legal Disputes, 1965-1992: Box 3.060 Folder 60.2]
- Letter from LP to fellow scientists RE: Invites them to meet with other scientists participating in the Pacem in Terris-II Convention in Geneva. Also, extends an invitation to dinner on Tuesday, May 30. [Filed under LP Peace Section]
- Letter from Otto Bastiansen, University of Oslo, to LP RE: Responds to LP's suggestion in his letter of April 13, 1967 saying that it was discussed but that they maintain the view that there should be no delegates from the countries involved in the Vietnam conflict. Offers to pick LP and AHP up at the airport when they arrive in Oslo and invites him to attend a meeting of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters which LP is a member of. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 24 Folder 24.3]
- Letter from Professional Tape Company, Inc. to LP RE: Advertisement of self-sticking vinyl coated labels. LP purchases labels. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia: Box 1.036, Folder 36.6]
- Letter from Professor Martin Ottesen, Carlsburg Laboratorium, to LP RE: Informs him with regret that he will be in the United States at the time when LP will be in Copenhagen. (Response to letter dated April 24, 1967). [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 301.2]
- Letter from Professor Raymond Klibansky, McGill University, to LP RE: Invites him to write and article for the upcoming issue of Contemporary Philosophy. Suggests an essay on the Responsibility of the Scientist. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 203 Folder 203.1]
- Letter from Victor J. Danilov, Executive Editor, to LP RE: Sends the uncorrected galley proofs of LP's article. Informs the material is scheduled to be printed on May 2. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Articles: Box 1967a, Folder 1967a.1]
- Memorandum from LP to Dr. Williams A. Gibbons, The Rockefeller University, RE: Informs him that he believes the publisher of his book The Architecture of Molecules has the right to give permission for use of drawings, but that LP has no objection for their use in Gibbons' lecture. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 143 Folder 143.2]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Radio, Television Critics Cite Ways of Improvement", Barney Brantingham, Santa Barbara News Press, RE: LP deplores television's emphasis on crime, violence, and luring youngsters to smoking while rarely emphasizing significant world news. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Box 1967n2, Folder 1967n2.2]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Texts of Major Sections of Report by Senate Ethics Committee in Dodd Case", The New York Times. [Filed under LP Biographical: Political Issues: Box 2.024, Folder 24.28]
- Receipt from The Sansum Clinic Pharmacy to LP RE: $2.60. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Receipt from The Sansum Clinic Pharmacy to LP RE: $2.60. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box 4.030, Folder 30.2]
- Rough Draft of Letter from LP to William Pfaff Publishing Company and J. J. Loh RE: Requests that a correction and retraction be made to the April 6, 1967 article titled, “Linus Pauling Talks with ‘Forked Tongue.’”[Newspaper Clipping: “Linus Pauling Talks with ‘Forked Tongue,’” Letter from LP to William Pfaff Publishing Company and J. J. Loh April 28, 1967] [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal: Assorted Legal Disputes, 1965-1992: Box 3.060 Folder 60.2]