"Foreign Policies and Disarmament." Cover. 1964
"Foreign Policies and Disarmament." 1964. Cover  Larger Images / More Information. 21 pp.

Travel: Madras, India

Activity Listings

  • Itinerary: Madras [Filed under LP Travel, Box 1.004, Folder 4.3] 
  • Letter from John B. Weeks Tau Beta Pi Stanford University to LP RE: Invites LP to speak at the Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honors Society initiation banquet. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 447 Folder 447.2]
  • Letter from Malvika Chakravarty to LP RE: Expresses her respect and esteem of him. Asks if he might send her an autographed photo and correspond with her. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 78 Folder 78.2]
  • Letter from Newton da Costa to LP RE: Writes saying he has a son who is suffering from alkaptonuria and says that the doctors in Kenya, where he lives, know very little about this disease. Requests that LP give him more information about it and suggest a course to be followed in treating or improving symptoms. [Filed under LP Correspondence Box 78 Folder 78.2]
  • Letter from Vuppuluri Kalidas, Editor, The Radhakrishnan Number, to LP RE: Asks LP to submit a piece of writing for the journal; Dr. Albert Schweitzer had contributed to the first issue [Filed under LP Travel, Box 1.004, Folder 4.3] 
  • Reprint: “Foreign Policies and Disarmament,” The Fourth Lecture under the M. Ct. M. Chidambaram Chettyar Memorial Trust Endowment. [Filed under LP Publications: (Publications of LP, 1967), Box 1967p, Folder 1967p.2]
  • Speech: Foreign Policies and Disarmament, M. Ct. M. Chidambaram Chettyar Memorial Lectures, University of Madras, Printed copy. [Filed under LP Speeches: Box 1967s2, Folder 1967s2.3]