"The Social Responsibilities of Scientists and Science". Page 1. April 3, 1966
"The Social Responsibilities of Scientists and Science". April 3, 1966. Page 1  Larger Images / More Information. 4 pp.

Travel: New York, NY

Activity Listings

  • Bill from Montecito County Water District, RE: $8.69, with note: "Previous month's bill is past due. Pay now to avoid penalty." [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, RE: Box 4.061, Folder 61.1]
  • Hotel bill: The Biltmore, New York City [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.2] 
  • Letter from C. A. Hanson, Gettysburg College, to LP RE: Hopes that it will be possible for him to come to their college. [Letter from LP to Hanson April 27, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: H: Correspondence, 1966: Box #169, Folder #169.4] 
  • Letter from Curtis Shuman to LP RE: Says he would like to apply for a summer assistant position under LP. [Filed under LP Correspondence: S: Correspondence, 1966-1967: Box #384, Folder #384.1]
  • Letter from Irwin Stone to LP RE: After hearing LP say that he wanted to live another 15 years he enclosed his High Level Ascorbic Acid Regimen so that he remains in good health. He also enclosed two other papers on his work with Ascorbic Acid just in case LP was interested. [Filed under LP Correspondence: S: Individual Correspondence (Stone - Stosick): Box #369, Folder #369.1]
  • Letter from Jack H. Sonnenfield to LP RE: Says that he is a doctoral candidate in the Science Education Department at the Teachers College, Columbia University and his doctoral dissertation has much in common with LP's speech at the National Science Teachers Association convention in New York City on April 3rd. He asks if LP thinks there is a place in New York City for a specialized high school of science and if so what he thinks its prime role should be in the future. [Filed under LP Correspondence: S: Correspondence, 1966-1967: Box #384, Folder #384.1]
  • Subscription to information from United of Omaha from LP RE: Name: Linus, Carl Pauling City: Pasadena If under 18, parent must sign here: Mr. Harry Pauling. [Filed under LP Correspondence: P: Organizational Correspondence. (Pa - Pu): Box #310, Folder #310.10]