Activity Listings
- Itinerary [handwritten]: Lowell Lectures, Boston [Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder #2.3] [also Filed under LP Travel: Box #1.002, Folder 2.4]
- Lecture Notes: Lowell Lecture, Molecular Structure and Disease. [Filed under LP Safe Contents Drawer 2, Folder 2.025]
- Letter from Barbara Kamb, Dodd, Mead & Company, to LP RE: Thanks LP for the check to Mercedes and writes that they will try to insert the changes he suggested into the third printing, but that it will delay the printing by about a week. Mentions that they have managed to keep abreast of the demand for copies, which is a bit slower now. [Letter from LP to Kamb October 4, 1958] [Filed under LP Books: 1958b3.1]
- Letter from Clinton Hunt, World Peace Foundation to LP, RE: Hunt is sending LP addition ideas that he did not put in his letter to LP on September 27, 1958. Among Hunt's ideas are weather control, water control, and satellite control. Hunt wants to focus on at least paving the way for a World Peace Research Organization though he notes that this will be a very lengthy process. [Filed under LP Peace: (Assorted Peace Groups, Wo-Yo), Box #4.017, Folder #17.6]
- Letter from D.A. MacInnes, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, to LP RE: Thanks LP for sending the copy of No More War! and hopes the title is more than just a hope. Wishes he had the courage and energy to do something about the problem as LP has, but hopes he will call on him if LP feels he can be of use. [Letter from LP to MacInnes December 8, 1958] [Filed under LP Books: 1958b3.1]
- Letter from James Martin, to LP. RE: Encourages him to continue in his fight. [Filed under LP Correspondence: (M: Correspondence, 1958) #257.3]
- Manuscript: Notes for Lowell Lecture on "Molecular Structure and Disease," Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1958s2.8]
- Memorandum from Dora E. Young, The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation to LP RE: Discusses the interviews she has gone ahead and scheduled for LP. [Letter from LP to Young October 7, 1958] [Filed under LP Science: Helen Hay Whitney Foundation—Scientific Advisory Committee: Correspondence 1954-1959: Box #15.002, Folder #2.4]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Pauling Sees End of War," Oakland (California) Tribune, October 9, 1958. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: 1958n2.51]
- Newspaper Clipping: "Radiation Linked to Birth Defect," Syracuse Herald-Journal, October 9, 1958. [Filed under LP Books: 1958b3.1]
- Typescript: Lowell Lecture on "Molecular Structure and Disease," Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. 3 copies. [Filed under LP Speeches: 1958s2.8]