Letter from Linus Pauling to B.L. Kabacoff. August 30, 1955

Pauling writes that he does not think that he would be successful in writing an article for the AAScW Newsletter regarding the resonance controversy. Pauling feels that he does not adequately understand the arguments presented on the subject by Russian writers. He adds that Dr. Murray Vernon King of the Protein Research Project has been trying to arrange to have a series of articles written on this subject: one by a Russian chemist, one by Pauling, and one by Professor Coulson. King has not been successful in soliciting an article by the Russian chemist.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to B.L. Kabacoff. Page 1. August 30, 1955
Page 1

Associated: Murray Vernon King, Charles Coulson, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute

ID: corr200.20-lp-kabacoff-19550830

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