Activity Listings
- Letter from LP to Dr. Warren Weaver RE: LP encloses a copy of his radio talk and his revisions of the revision. LP explains that he has made some changes because of the need for accuracy and some with the hope that he could retain more of his own literary style. Looks forward to being in New York on October 13th. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.11]
- Letter from W. H. Freeman, W. H. Freeman and Company to LP RE: Tells him that Geissman and Winstein are taken with their idea, believes it is because they are not rushing them to a book to make big profits for the next two years, and they see the need for an integrated series like they propose, and he gave them their ideas for the first organic book. Apologizes about the Lucas-Pressman ms, explains that it would not have been well-received by the market, which LP understands. [Letter from LP to Freeman August 15, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: 439.4]
- Writes cheque to “Kalnobach Publishing Co. 1 years sub to ‘Trains' for Crellie” $2.50 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.5]