Click on a day for specific listings and a related image.

  • Article: “Linus Pauling”, Chemical Bulletin, June 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.5]
  • Article: “Pauling Awarded Gibbs Medal for Work on Structural Chemistry”, Drug, Vitamin and Allied Industries, June 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.4]
  • Journal Article: “Pauling Awarded Gibbs Medal for Work on Structural Chemistry”, Drug, Vitamin and Allied Industries, (June 1946). [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.100]
  • Magazine Cover: “Linus Pauling – Willard Gibbs Medalist, 1946", Chemical Bulletin, June 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.5]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Here's News on Molecule”, Publication Unknown, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.5]
  • Pamphlet titled “The Objects of the Society for Freedom in Science; Second Edition (June, 1964).” [Filed under LP Correspondence: (S: Correspondence, 1946), #377.16]

June 1
  • Letter from John G. Kirkwood to LP RE: Congratulates LP for winning the Willard Gibbs Medal. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Karl Compton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to LP RE: Congratulates LP on receiving Willard Gibbs Medal. Sends his regrets for not being able to attend the ceremony. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from L. O. Brockway, University of Michigan, to LP RE: Congratulates LP on receiving the Willard Gibbs medal. Regrets that he will be unable to attend the ceremony. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Mildred P. Meyer to Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Writes that his telegram was forwarded to her and encloses a donation. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.6
  • Note from Simon, University of Chicago, to LP RE: Congratulates LP on being awarded the Willard Gibbs Medal and looks forward to seeing him soon. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Telegram from Dr. John T. Edsall, Department of Physical Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, to LP RE: Requests LP talk on intermolecular forces at the symposium in honor of John Ferry receiving the Lilly award in Chicago on September 12th. [Telegram from Edsall to LP June 3, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #106.5, file:(Edsall, John T., 1938-1939, 1941, 1945-1946, 1949-1951, 1953-1958, 1965, 1967-1968, 1971-1972, 1975, 1978-1979, 1987, 1993)]

June 2
  • Note from E.C. Gilbert, Oregon State College, to LP RE: Congratulates LP on receiving the Willard Gibbs Medal, calling it a well-earned recognition. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]

June 3
  • Agenda for the meeting of the CIT Board of Trustees on June 3, 1946. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.019
  • Entry in Calendar: “Eric - 2pm. 467 E. Green sp 2-1311” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from H.B. Hass, Purdue University, to LP RE: Congratulates LP on receiving the Gibbs Medal. Invites LP to present a week long lecture series for his graduate students at his convenience. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Chauncey D. Leake RE: Thanks Leake for his letter of congratulations. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Warren Weaver RE: LP informs Weaver of his change of plans and explains that he will be coming East about September 28 and remain until October 23. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.11]
  • Telegram from Dr. John T. Edsall, Department of Physical Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, to LP RE: Regrets that LP will be unable to come to the symposium in September. Adds that he is inviting Dr. Corey to speak on X-ray studies in a separate telegram. [Telegram from Edsall to LP June 1, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #106.5, file:(Edsall, John T., 1938-1939, 1941, 1945-1946, 1949-1951, 1953-1958, 1965, 1967-1968, 1971-1972, 1975, 1978-1979, 1987, 1993)]
  • Transcript: No Title, [“The Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions presents Fredric March, Olivia de Haviland, Danny Kaye, Margo and Dr. Linus Pauling from Hollywood – Robert W. Kenny, Jack F. Shelley, Edund G. (Pat) Brown and Mr. Lucille Gleason from San Francisco”] Columbia Broadcasting System, June 3, 1946. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Interviews with and about Linus Pauling, 1946-1960: Box #5.019, Folder 19.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Eric's," $13.50. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Finance, Box 4.018, Folder 18.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Haggins," $13.27. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Finance, Box 4.018, Folder 18.1]
  • Writes cheque to "Southern Pacific RR," $304.69. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Finance, Box 4.018, Folder 18.1]
  • Writes cheque to “Coast Van Lines. Storage unit for Taka” $3.10 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]

June 4
  • APS Newsletter vol. 1, no. 11, Published by the Association of Pasadena Scientists. Gives information on meeting of may 21, agenda for June 4 meeting, and includes information on election and personals. [Filed under LP Peace: Box 4.009, Folder 9.2]
  • Entry in Calendar: “Crellin's Birthday Party” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Malcolm Dole RE: Thanks him for his congratulations. Regrets that he will be unable to participate in the symposium on “Molecular Models” at the Chicago Convention of the ACS in September. Suggests Verner Schomaker be considered for presenting at the symposium. [Letter from Dole to LP May 20, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence Box: #98.11, file:(D: Correspondence, 1946)]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Caltech Chemist Awarded Gibbs Medal”, Pasadena (California) Star-News, June 4, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.1]
  • Writes cheque to “210.39 2nd taxes + penalty. H. L. Byram” [$210.39] [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]
  • Writes cheque to “Stewart & Quigley. Two inservants. [Note: “They returned 3.92"]” $13.92 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.3]

June 5
  • Entry in Calendar: “Leave for St. Louis SP” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Mary Lytle to Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Encloses a donation to the committee. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
  • Letter from Paul A. Giguère to LP RE: Congratulates LP on winning the Gibbs Medal. And suggests that LP come to visit Quebec sometime soon. Shares with LP his own plans to travel to Pasadena next Spring and the work he would like to complete while there. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Dr. Linus Pauling Wins Award”, Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.1]
  • Press Release: “Willard Gibbs Medal Given to Linus Pauling”, Science Service, June 5, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.2]
  • Propositions Submitted by William N. Lipscomb for the PhD Oral Examination. [LP Biographical CIT: Materials re: Teaching and Advising of Graduate Students by Linus Pauling, 1935-1963: Box #1.016, Folder 16.2]
  • Writes cheque to “LA Times” $3.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • [from Pauling's diary:] Lv Alahambra 11:34 AM S. P. Golden State Ltd 41 BrC[?]

June 6
  • Letter from Harvey R. Goslee, Heck-Cattell Publishing, to LP . RE: Goslee will be in Chicago at the same time as LP, and would like to meet with him to discuss publishing possibilities. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.12]
  • Letter from John G. Kirkwood, Cornell University Department of Chemistry, to LP. Explains that he is flattered by the offer to join the staff at CIT, but would like to take his time with the decision. Provides LP with an address at which to reach him while he is on the Bikini expedition. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.019
  • Letter from LP to C.R. Heck, RE: LP is returning the contract which Heck sent him, with his apologies that he will not be able to sign it. His circumstances have changed with the acceptance of a position with W.H. Freeman and Co., and he has signed a contract with them already. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.12]
  • Note from Dr. Thomas Addis to LP RE: Writes about LP's recent radio appearance the night before the elections, expressing his compliments and also mentioning Addis' own continued efforts in the atomic bomb issue. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #2.2, file:(Addis, Thomas 1946-1947)]
  • Note from M. Gomberg to LP RE: Regrets that he will be unable to attend the presentation of the Willard Gibbs Award but sends his congratulations for his great honor. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]

June 7  (St. Louis)
  • Entry in Calendar: “Linda's Party at Jurgensen's. Arrive St. Louis. Barbecue at Inman's- Civic open air opera” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Dr. Otto Beeck to LP RE: Asks LP's opinion of Dr. R. E. Rundle for the position at the Shell Development Company. Mentions that Dr. Palmer, who they had accepted, decided not to leave his previous employment. [Letter from Sturdivant to Beeck June 12, 1946]
  • Letter from Edward W. Sinnott to LP RE: Invites LP to attend the Convocation in celebration of the Centennial of the Sheffield Scientific School on October 17th. Asks that LP present one of the Silliman Lectures which will take place a few days before the convocation. Explains that Yale University will pay for any travel or maintenance expenses needed. [LP's reply: July 3, 1946] [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1947s.19]
  • Letter from Millard Mayer to Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Encloses a donation to show his interest in the work of the committee. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.4
  • Letter from O. Beeck, Shell Development Co., to LP RE: States that Dr. Kenneth Palmer will be staying with the Western Regional Laboratories. States that Dr. Henri Levy will not be leaving the Clinton Laboratories and asks LP for more suggestions. [Letter from J. H. Sturdivant, Caltech, to Dr. Otto Beeck June 12, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #336.12]
  • Memorandum from Robert B. Corey to LP. RE: Encloses a copy of a letter from Cleveland Norcross. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted LP War Work, 1940-1946: Box #13.006 Folder #6.1]
  • [from Pauling's diary:] Ar St. Louis 12:10 PM Visit Joisy's[?] Jack Inman wants to go to CIT fine man

June 8

June 10

June 11
  • Letter from A. H. Maude to Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Encloses another donation made by friends. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.4
  • Letter from Charles C. Thomas, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, to LP . RE: Thomas asks if LP might be interested in presenting some of his findings in a book, and perhaps letting Thomas publish it. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.20]
  • Letter from LP to Walther A. Schmidt RE: Is sorry to learn that Mrs. Schmidt is not feeling well. Thanks him for his letter of congratulations. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Louis Wright to LP RE: Congratulates LP on receiving the Willard Gibbs Award. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Milton Harris to LP RE: Congratulates LP for winning the Willard Gibbs Medal. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]

June 12
  • Entry in Calendar: “Back to St. Louis to Chicago” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Alice Hunter, HICCASP, to LP. Appreciates contribution of LP's services to their radio activities in the recent primary elections. LP Peace: Box 4.012, Folder 12.7
  • Letter from J. H. Sturdivant, Caltech, to Dr. Otto Beeck, Shell Development Co., RE: States he is writing in LP's absence. Recommends highly Dr. R. E. Rundle, but states that Rundle may not want to leave Iowa State. [Letter from O. Beeck to LP June 7, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #336.12]
  • Letter from J.H. Sturdivant to Dr. Otto Beeck RE: Sends a provisional response on behalf of LP concerning the suitability of Dr. R. E. Rundle for a position at the Shell Development Co. [Letter from Beeck to LP June 7, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.13, file:(B: Correspondence 1946)]
  • Letter from LP to F.S. Crofts, F.S. Crofts and Co., RE: LP regrets not writing Crofts sooner, but says that he has made the decision to publish his text through W.H. Freeman and Co. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.7]
  • Letter from LP to Richard Thornton, Ginn and Co., RE: LP apologizes for his delay in writing, but says that he has chosen W.H. Freeman and Co. to publish his chemistry textbook. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.10]
  • Letter from Members of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at CIT to LP RE: Congratulates LP for receiving the Willard Gibbs Medal. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Swarthmore College to LP RE: After reading in the New York Times about LP he sends his sincere congratulations for receiving the Willard Gibbs Medal. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Note from Winston H. Price, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, to LP RE: Expresses a desire to come work in LP's laboratory the following fall for the duration of a year or more. Describes his previous training and background in zoology and his work with enzymes. Encloses a list of his publications between 1942 and 1946. [Letters from Carl Niemann, Chairman, Graduate Committee, Division of chemistry and Chemical Engineering, to Winston H. Price June 21, 1946, from LP July 1, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #312.11]
  • Weight-Height Record for Crellin Pauling: Height 51.8 Inches, Weight 64.6 Pounds. Gain since Sept. 1945, 2 Inches, 7.4 Pounds. [Filed under LP Biographical: Personal & Family, Family Correspondence: Edward Crellin Pauling. 1930-1995, No Date: Box #5.048, Folder 48.1]

June 13
  • Entry in Calendar: “Dinner at Hogness'” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Dr. W.A. Jamieson, Director, Biological Division, Lilly Research Laboratories, RE: Regrets that they have no pneumococcus polysaccharides to send him at this time, as mentioned in his letter to Dr. Clowes. [Letter from LP to Jamieson July 1, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #111.4, file:(Eli Lilly and Company, 1946-1951, 1953-1956, 1964-1968, 1970-1972)]
  • Letter from Edward B. Barrett, Secretary, to Mr. Jurg Waser, cc: LP, J.P. Youtz, and W.R. Scott. Notifies him that his title was changed from Instructor in Chemistry to Senior Research Fellow in Chemistry. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.019
  • Letter from LP to A.N. Clark, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.21]
  • Letter from LP to Edward Tyler, Harper and Brothers Publishing, RE: LP informs Tyler that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.11]
  • Letter from LP to Henry Holt and Co., RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.13]
  • Letter from LP to John A. Behnke, W.B. Saunders Company, RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.17]
  • Letter from LP to John S. Snyder, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.22]
  • Letter from LP to Kenneth B. Demaree, McGraw-Hill, RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.15]
  • Letter from LP to Paul R. Andrews, Prentice-Hall, RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.16]
  • Letter from LP to W.L. Butler, J.W. Stacey, Inc., RE: LP says that he has accepted appointment as the editor of a series of chemistry text to be published by W.H. Freeman and Co., and so has submitted his own text to Freeman and Co., which has accepted it for publication. He apologizes for not having written sooner. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.18]

June 14  (Chicago)

June 15
  • Entry in Calendar: “To Reno” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Cancer Study Leans on Ancient Theory,” New York World-Telegram, June 15, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.4]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Pauling Hails Advances Made by Chemistry,” Chicago Daily Tribune, June 15, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.4]
  • Press Release: No Title [re: LP's Gibbs Medal speech] Science Service, June 15, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.4]
  • Report of the CIT Executive Committee Conference on June 15, 1946. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.019

June 17  (Reno, NV)

June 18  (Reno, NV)
  • Letter from A .Raush, Development Department, Walter Kidde and Company, to LP. RE: Would like to be informed of who is handling the oxygen instrument commercially. [Letter from LP to Rauch, July 2, 1946] [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.2]
  • Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to J. Mortimer Lichtenauer, Artist Painter. Thanks him for his donation. [Letter from Lichtenauer to Einstein June 14, 1946, Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to J. Mortimer Lichtenauer, January 21, 1947]. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
  • Letter from Henry Russell to LP RE: Congratulates LP on winning the Willard Gibbs Medal. Goes on to report on his own health. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from N.R. Feasley, Henry Hold and Co., to LP RE: Feasley is disappointed to learn that LP will not be able to publish with them. He wishes LP the best of luck. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.13]
  • Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee, Pacific Division, AAAS. [Filed under LP Science: American Association for Advancement of Science, 1938-1964: Box #14.001 Folder #1.3]
  • [from Pauling's diary:] Reception Maclsay[?] Quad 4-6

June 19  (Reno, NV)

June 20  (Reno, NV)
  • Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to Benjamin Liebowitz. Thanks him for his donation. [Letter from Liebowitz to Einstein, June 17, 1946, Letter from Ray to Liebowitz, April 28, 1948]. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
  • Letter from Harry H. Wood, Ginn and Company Educational Publishers, to LP RE: Regrets to learn that his publishing company will not have the opportunity to publish LP's general chemistry. Congratulates LP on winning the Willard Gibbs Medal. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Paul D.V. Manning to LP RE: Apologizes for not being able to attend the meeting in Chicago where LP received the Willard Gibbs Medal. Sends his sincerest congratulations and regrets he was unable to celebrate with him. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from W.L. Butler, J.W. Stacey, Inc., to LP . RE: Butler is disappointed, but understands LP's position. He thanks LP for informing them so promptly. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.18]
  • Minutes from the meeting of the Executive Committee, Pacific Division, AAAS. [Filed under LP Science: American Association for Advancement of Science, 1938-1964: Box #14.001 Folder #1.3]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Determining Structure of Giant Molecules Declared Most Pressing Problem Facing Biological Chemists”, Nevada State Journal, June 20, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.3]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Alfred (New York) Sun [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.37]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Big Sandy (Montana) Mountaineer [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.41]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Bruning (Nebraska) Banner [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.52]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Buda (Illinois) Dealer [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.13]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Buffalo (South Dakota) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.20]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Chicopee (Massachusetts) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.62]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Conrad (Montana) News [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.16]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Culbertson (Montana) Searchlight [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.42]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Danburg (North Carolina) Reporter [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.54]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Edna (Kansas) Sun, Edna, Kansas [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.24]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Elko (Nevada) Independent [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.40]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Ellendale (Minnesota) Eagle [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.51]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Fairfield (Montana) Times [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.12]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Fairfield (Nebraska) Auxiliary [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.30]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Flathead (Montana) Monitor [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.43]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Graham (North Carolina) Gleaner [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.18]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Gretna (Nebraska) Breeze [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.17]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Gunnison (Colorado) Courier, [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.28]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Hamburg (New York) Independent [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.50]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Hamlet (North Carolina) News [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.19]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Hardin (Illinois) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.11]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Harrisburg (Nebraska) News [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.31]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Haverstraw (New York) Messenger [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.64]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Highland Falls (New York) Highlands [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.46]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Highmore (South Dakota) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.56]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Hingham (Massachusetts) Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.29]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Homedale (Idaho) Chronicle [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.57]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Hope Valley (Rhode Island) Advertiser [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.14]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, King Ferry (New York) Tribune [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.35]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Lanesboro (Minnesota) Leader [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.58]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Lewiston (Montana) Argus [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.63]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Lewistown (Montana) Argus [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.25]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Marshall (North Carolina) Record [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.22]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Meta (Missouri) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.60]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Milton (West Virginia) Record [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.48]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Minot (North Dakota) Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.61]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Mound Valley (Kansas) Times-Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.36]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Mullens (West Virginia) Advocate [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.53]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, New Virginia (Iowa) Virginian [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.21]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Norway (Michigan) Current [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.33]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Orchard Park (New York) Press [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.47]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Pendleton (Oregon) Record [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.10]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Ponca (Nebraska) Journal-Leader [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.59]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Randolph (Iowa) Enterprise [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.39]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Raritan (Illinois) Reporter [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.23]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Rockwell (Iowa) Tribune [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.15]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Scribner (Nebraska) Rustler [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.32]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Shelby (Montana) Promoter [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.49]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Stanford (Montana) Press [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.26]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Steubenville (Ohio) Jeffersonian [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.55]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Thompsonville (Connecticut) Press [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.44]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Ulysses (Nebraska) Dispatch [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.38]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Wagner (South Dakota) Post [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.45]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Wallace (Nebraska) Winner [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n34]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Yorktown Heights (New York) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.27]
  • Note from Dr. Paulus de Bruyn to LP RE: Informs LP of his observations on the spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #37.13, file:(B: Correspondence 1946)]
  • [from Pauling's diary:] Riverside Hotel Reno

June 21  (Reno, NV)
  • Entry in Calendar: “Drove to SF with Latimers” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Handwritten note from Karl Paul Link [?], University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture, to LP and Carl Niemann. Tells them that H.O.L. Fischer, who lectured in Wisconsin the previous September, plans to move to the Pacific Coast in July. Discusses Fischer's work in the sugar field. Discusses his plans for the fall and the work of the men at his laboratory. LP Safe Drawer 2, Folder 2.039
  • Letter from Carl Niemann, Chairman, Graduate Committee, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, to Winston Price, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, RE: Confirms he has received Price's request to work in the Gates and Crellin Laboratories in the coming year. Poses questions about Price's intentions. States he will notify LP of the request. [Note from Winston Price to LP June 12, 1946, letter from LP to Winston Price July 1, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: #312.11]
  • Letter from F.S. Crofts, F.S. Crofts and Co., to LP . RE: Crofts thanks LP for this thoughtfulness in writing. He regrets that LP has chosen another publisher but says that as Freeman is a close personal friend, that LP could not have chosen a better publisher. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.7]
  • Letter from R.P. Hobbs, Rinehart and Co., to LP . RE: Hobbs thanks LP for his letter and wishes LP and Freeman the best of success publishing LP's textbook. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.9]
  • Letter from Robert H. MacMurphey, Henry Hold and Co., to LP . RE: MacMurphey is disappointed to learn that LP has accepted another publishing offer, but understands the circumstances behind the choice. He wishes LP and his book success. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.13]
  • Memorandum from Cleveland Norcross, Executive Secretary, Office of Scientific Research and Development. RE: Establishment of Division Administrative Group. [Filed under LP Science: Assorted LP War Work, 1940-1946: Box #13.006 Folder #6.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Anselmo (Nebraska) Enterprise [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.83]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Burlington (Washington) Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.78]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Clarks (Nebraska) Enterprise [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.88]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Cornell (Illinois) Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.74]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Dunning (Nebraska) Booster [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.70]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Elmsford (New York) Independent [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.90]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Fertile (Minnesota) Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.85]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Halifax (Pennsylvania) Gazette [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.91]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Hanover (Kansas) Democrat [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.80]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Jacksonville Beach (Florida) Reporter [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.82]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Knox (North Dakota) Advocate [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.77]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Litchfield (Nebraska) Monitor [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.84]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Long Point (Illinois) Advocate [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.69]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Long Point (Illinois) Advocate [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.75]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Millbury (Massachusetts) Journal [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.71]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Mokena (Illinois) News [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.66]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Mount Herald (Illinois) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.67]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Mount Olive (Illinois) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.76]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Mt. Vernon (Indiana) Republican [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.81]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Peetz (Colorado) Gazette [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.68]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Sparks (Nevada) Tribune [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.73]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Springfield (Georgia) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.79]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Steeleville (Illinois) Ledger [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.86]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Tryon (North Carolina) News [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.87]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Webster (Wisconsin) Enterprise [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.89]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Wells (Nevada) Progress [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.72]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Wilmar (California) Independent [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.65]
  • [from Pauling's diary:] Excursion to Pyramid Lake 8:30 AM

June 22
  • Entry in Calendar: “Dinner in SF” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Paul Weiss, University of Chicago, to LP. RE: Informs him that the AAAS has set us a standing Committee on Scientific Policy. Lists the members. Asks if he would like to be a member. [Filed under LP Science: American Association for Advancement of Science, 1938-1964: Box #14.001 Folder #1.3]

June 23
  • Entry in Calendar: “Dr Addis” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Ancient Theory Used in Cancer War”, Richmond (Virginia) Times Dispatch, July 23, 1946. [Filed under LP Scrapbooks, 1946-1950: Box #6.005, Folder 5.4]

June 24
  • Entry in Calendar: “Dinner at Addis' Home on the Lark” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from A. J. Richard, Editor, Paramount News, to Miss Eileen A. Fry, Secretary, ECAS. Responds to letter inquiring in to the possibility of a duplicate negative. Cannot oblige at the moment, but as soon as the selection is used in a newsreel, they will furnish a print. [Letter from Fry to Richard, June 18, 1946]. LP Peace: Box 3.013, Folder 13.1
  • Letter from F.A. Gilfillan to LP RE: Congratulates LP on winning the Willard Gibbs Medal. Explains some conditions in Corvallis. [Filed under: LP Speeches 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Henry Allen Moe, Guggenheim Foundation, to LP. RE: Encloses a list of post-Service awards. Asks if he minds being listed as a member of the Committee of Selection. Asks that the answer be wired to him. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952: Box #14.014 Folder #14.1]
  • Letter from John A. Behnke, W.B. Saunders Company, to LP . RE: LP's letter came as a surprise to Behnke, and he is sorry that LP made his decision before speaking to Mr. Greene. He thanks LP for writing and asks that he return the copy of the blank contract he sent. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.17]
  • Letter from W. Bradford Wiley, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., to LP . RE: Wiley regrets that he will nt be able to publish LP's manuscript. He says that he is interested to learn of LP's editor position. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.22]

June 25
  • Entry in Calendar: “Arrived home” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to Herman A. Mintz. Thanks him for his donation and support. [Letter from Mintz to Gentlemen of Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, June 19, 1946] LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.6
  • Letter from Frederick D. Rossini, Chief, Section on Thermochemistry and Hydrocarbons, National Bureau of Standards, to LP RE: Sends the requested tables and ultraviolet spectrograms. Notes that the infrared spectrograms will be sent in several weeks. [Letter from LP to National Bureau of Standards June 10, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #283.4, file:(National Bureau of Standards)]
  • Letter from Kenneth B. Demaree, McGraw-Hill, to LP . RE: Demaree is disappointed to learn that LP won't be publishing with McGraw-Hill, but understands LP's situation. He extends his best wishes for the success of LP's book. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.15]
  • Letter from LP to Henry Allen Moe, Guggenheim Foundation. RE: Glad to be named a member of the Committee of Selection. Is sure they made the right decision. [Filed under LP Science: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1946-1952: Box #14.014 Folder #14.1]
  • Letter from Richard Thornton, Ginn and Co., to LP . RE: Thornton regrets that LP will not be publishing with them. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.10]

June 26
  • Entry in Calendar: “Went shopping” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Letter from Dr. A. L. Patterson, Department of Physics, Bryn Mawr College to LP RE: Informs that he and his wife will be in Pasadena August 1 - August 5 and would like to visit the laboratory. Wishes also to discuss ambiguities. [Letter from LP to Patterson July 2, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #304.8, file: (Patterson, A. L.)]
  • Letter from Dr. Verner Schomaker, Cal Tech, to Dr. Gilbert W. King, Arthur D. Little, Inc., cc: LP RE: Writes on behalf of LP, as he is not in Pasadena. As requested describes the International Business Machines that have been installed at Cal Tech. Requests in a post-script reprints on the asymmetric rotor. [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #200.11, file:(K: Correspondence, 1946)]
  • Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd. Thanks her for her donation and support. [Letter from Marion M. Lloyd to Dr. Albert Einstein, June 20, 1946]. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.3
  • Letter from LP to Dr. Paul D.V. Manning RE: Thanks Manning for his letter of congratulations for receiving the Willard Gibbs Medal. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.8]
  • Letter from Paul R. Andrews, Prentice-Hall, to LP . RE: Andrews is sorry that LP has chosen to publish elsewhere, but offers his best wishes for LP's success and thanks him for writing. [Filed under LP Manuscripts of Books, 1947b5.16]
  • Letter from Robert C. Miller, Secretary, Pacific Division, AAAS, to LP. RE: Encloses a check to reimburse him for his travel expenses. [Filed under LP Science: American Association for Advancement of Science, 1938-1964: Box #14.001 Folder #1.3]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Groton (New York) Courier [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.94]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Knox (Indiana) Republican [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.93]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Muscoutah (Illinois) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.95]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Roberts (Illinois) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.92]
  • Writes cheque to “Dr. HA Whipple” $6.00 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • Writes cheque to “Milk. Adohr” $26.07 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • Writes cheque to “Mira Loma Mutual H2O” $10.91 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • Writes cheque to “Ray Huff Studios. Pictures children & Paddy” $180.40 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • Writes cheque to “S. Cal. Ed. Co. 2 months” $21.60 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • Writes cheque to “S. Cal. Tel. Co. 2 months & long distance” $17.05 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]
  • Writes cheque to “Southern Counties Gas Co. Three months” $24.92 [LP Biographical: Business and Financial 4.073, folder 73.4]

June 27
  • Entry in Calendar: “Tea Dr. Birch & Dr. Windsor. wife two children” [Filed under LP's Daily Calendar of Events, 1946, 1958-1966, 1968-1970, 1973-1979: Box #5.012, Folder 12.1]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Blandisville (Illinois) Gazette [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.97]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Sidney (Iowa) Argus Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.96]
  • Shipping invoice from F.D. Rossini, Bureau of Standards, to LP RE: Lists the shipment of one set of infrared spectrograms. [Letter from Rossini to LP June 25, 1946] [Filed under LP Correspondence: Box #283.4, file:(National Bureau of Standards)]

June 28
  • Letter from F. B. Jewett, President, to Members of the Academy. RE: Informs them of the appointments made of administrative officers in the National Research Council. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951: Box #14.019 Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Frank B. Jewett, President, to Members of the National Academy of Sciences. RE: Encloses a copy of the President's statement. [Filed under LP Science: National Academy of Sciences, 1945-1951: Box #14.019 Folder #19.1]
  • Letter from Frank R. Mayo, United States Rubber Company, to LP RE: Invites LP to address the New Jersey Section of the American Chemical Society sometime next year. Explains that the months of December, January, February and April will be open for him to lecture and that the Section will gladly bear all of the traveling expenses to New York and return. [Filed under: LP Speeches, 1946s.11]
  • Memorandum from D. C. Miles, Administrative Executive Intelligence, to LP. RE: Revised Form of Secrecy Agreement. Enclosed new form. Points out differences. [Filed under LP Science: Scientific War Work - Materials re: the Pauling Oxygen Meter, 1940-1947: Box #13.001 Folder #1.2]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Harrah (Oklahoma) Herald [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.98]
  • Newspaper Clipping: “Prodigy of Science”, Zephyrhills (Florida) News [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1946n.99]
  • Report of the CIT Executive Committee Conference on June 28, 1946. LP Safe: Drawer 3, Folder 3.019

June 29
  • Letter from Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists to Gentlemen of Minnesota Woolen Company. Thanks them for their generous donation and support. LP Peace: Box 3.005, Folder 5.6

June 30
  • California Institute of Technology Comparative Proposed Current Funds Budget for the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1946. [Filed under LP Biographical: Academia, California Institute of Technology: Assorted Financial Materials: 1945-1965: Box #1.032, Folder 32.1]