24 April 1946
Dearest Mom and Dad,
On April 22, 14 hours, 49 minutes, 30 seconds, I became once more a civilian. A very
happy occasion. I hitch-hiked up in 12 hours flat, which you will agree is phenomenal since
Beale is 60 or so miles above Sacramento. And only 45 hours after arrival I walked out free.
And I got back here Tuesday morning, early enough to send the kids and Arletta off to school so
I could take an uninterrupted nap.
Affairs are proceeding here very smoothly. Arletta wants to stay, I think, so I told her
we'd be glad to have her. J.H.S. came for supper last night. Taka and I seem to be keeping going.
I have trouble keeping track of the house and garden because I'm not familiar with the routine yet.
Your gardener Fred came up before I left and delivered an Easter plant for you, some
amazing creation with brick red leaves shaped like this:
Birds, plants, rabbits, and chickens are all doing well. We're having trouble with thick
smog, though. It isn't nearly so nice here as it is all the way north from the Ridge. Sacramento
was too hot for comfort. Very nice here as for as temp. goes.
All my love, and best wishes for a good time for you. I hope those theatre tickets were
P.S. Say hello to Mae for me.