Oregon State UniversitySpecial Collections & Archives Research Center

History of Atomic Energy Collection, 1896-1991

3. The Struggle for International Control. 1945-1980.

This series covers the early legislative history of atomic energy up to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

96 items

(Page: 1 - 97)

ACHESON, DEAN. Present at the Creation. My Years in the State Department. 798 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Norton. 1969. E744 .A21
ALPEROVITZ, GAR. Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam. The Use of the Atomic Bomb and the American Confrontation with Soviet Power. 317 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1965. E813 .A57
AMERICANS UNITED FOR WORLD ORGANIZATION INC. Atomic Age Dinner. Official menu-programme. 4 leaves. Photograph of mushroom cloud on upper cover. 8vo, unbound. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. November 28, 1945.
Listed Guests of Honor include Edward Condon, Enrico Fermi, J.H. Von Neumann, Robert Oppenheimer, I.I. Rabi, William Shockley, Henry D. Smyth, Leo Szilard, Harold Urey, et al. Speakers include Brian McMahon and Col. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. Includes a printed "Statement of Dr. Albert Einstein."
"ATOMIC ENERGY: Agreed Declaration by the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the Prime Minister of Canada." IN: The Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 334. November 18, 1945. pp. 777-820. 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of State. November 18, 1945.
FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS DECLARATION, signed at the White House on November 15, by Truman, Attlee and King.
BARNARD, CHESTER I., J.R. OPPENHEIMER, DAVID E. LILIENTHAL, et al. A Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy. Prepared for the Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy by a Board of Consultants. 61 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. March 16, 1946. UF767 .U58 1946
BARNARD, CHESTER I., J.R. OPPENHEIMER, DAVID E. LILIENTHAL, et al. A Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy. Prepared for the Secretary of State's Committee on Atomic Energy by a Board of Consultants. Preface by Dr. I.I. Rabi. 55 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST TRADE EDITION. Garden City: Doubleday. 1946. QC173 .U58 1946
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume I. June 14, 1946. 51 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Supervised by Richard C. Tolman. Includes "Introduction to Atomic Energy" by R.F. Bacher and R.P. Feynman; "The Military Effectiveness of the Atomic Bomb" by A.K. Solomon and Philip Morrison, etc.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume II. July 10, 1946. Foreword by Richard C. Tolman. Preface by J. R. Oppenheimer. 20 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
"Primarily concerned with the future beneficial uses of atomic energy." -Foreword. Contributions by A.H. Compton, Ernest O. Lawrence, Harold C. Urey, et al.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume III. Bibliography and Check List. August 15, 1946. 25 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume IV. Nuclear Power. September 5, 1946. Foreword by Richard C. Tolman. 6 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Study made by members of the Monsanto Clinton Laboratories Staff.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume V. Medical Uses of Atomic Energy. September 23, 1946. Foreword by Richard Tolman. 12 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Text by Dr. C.P. Rhoads, Director of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research.
BARUCH, BERNARD M., OFFICE OF. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume VI. Technological Control of Atomic Energy Activities. October 14, 1946. 57 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
Incorporates 2 reports by Manhattan District technical committees.
BARUCH, BERNARD M. Scientific Information Transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative. Volume VII. Expert Testimony on Technological Control of Atomic Energy Activities. December 15, 1946. 38 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Small 4to, printed wrappers. New York. 1946. QC173 .S3 1946
BATCHELDER, ROBERT C. The Irreversible Decision 1939-1950. 306 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1962. BR115.A85 B3
BEERS, LT. COLONEL BARNET W. Anticipated Effects of Atomic and Radiological Attack. A Staff Study. 25 pages. Mimeographed typescript. Illustrated. 4to, stapled. N.p.: War Department General Staff. 19 September 1947.
John B. Miles's copy, signed by him on the title-leaf.
BIORKLUND, ELIS. Atompolitiken under ett decennium. En historisk-politisk undersokning av atomvapnens problem under aren 1945-1954. 132 pages. Folding map. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Stockholm: Gebers Forlag. 1955.
BIORKLUND, ELIS. International Atomic Policy During a Decade. An historical-political investigation into the problem of atomic weapons during the period 1945-1955. Translated in Stockholm by Albert Read. 148 pages. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Princeton: Van Nostrand. 1956. JX1974 .B5 1956
BLACKETT, P.M.S. Fear, War, and the Bomb. Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy. 244 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Whittlesey House. 1949. HD9698 .B5
BLACKETT, P.M.S. Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy. 216 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Turnstile Press. 1948. UF767 .B58 1948
BOHR, NIELS. Open Letter to the United Nations, June 9th, 1950. 13 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Copenhagen: Schultz Forlag. 1950. JX1963 .B6773 1950
BORDEN, WILLIAM LISCUM. There Will Be No Time. The Revolution in Strategy. 225 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Macmillan. 1946. U42 .B57 1946
BOUTARIC, A. Au Seuil de l'Ere Atomique. 210 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, printed wrappers. Paris: Flammarion. 1947. QC173 .B687 1947
BRITISH BROADCASTING COMPANY. Atomic Challenge. A Symposium. Professor J.D. Cockroft, et al. 180 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. London: Winchester Publications. 1947. TK9145 .A8 1947
Text of the talks given on B.B.C.'s "Atomic Week." Includes Cockroft, J. Bronowski, P.M.S. Blackett, Bertrand Russell, Henry A. Wallace, and others.
BRODIE, BERNARD, Editor. The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order. By Frederick S. Dunn, Bernard Brodie, Arnold Wolfers, Percy E. Corbett, William T.R. Fox. 214 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1946. UF767 .B7
BUSH, VANNEVAR. Modern Arms and Free Men. A Discussion of the Role of Science in Preserving Democracy. 273 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1949. U42 .B8
BUSH, VANNEVAR. Modern Arms and Free Men. A Discussion of the Role of Science in Preserving Democracy. 116 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1949. U102 .B985 1949b
COALE, ANSLEY J. The Problem of Reducing Vulnerability to Atomic Bombs. xvi, 116 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Princeton University Press. 1947. UF767 .C6 1947
THE CONTROL OF ATOMIC ENERGY: Proposals Before the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission and Unofficial Plans. 438 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1946.
Comprises International Conciliation. No. 423, September 1946.
COUSINS, NORMAN. Modern Man is Obsolete. 59 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Viking. 1945. HM101 .C6
DENNETT, RAYMOND & ROBERT K. TURNER, Editors. Documents on American Foreign Relations, Vol. VIII. July 1, 1945-December 31, 1946. 962 pages. 8vo, cloth. Princeton U. Press for World Peace Foundation. 1948.
Pp. 544-576 deal with atomic energy issues.
DENNETT, RAYMOND & ROBERT K. TURNER, Editors. Documents on American Foreign Relations, Vol. IX. January 1-December 31, 1947. 759 pages. 8vo, cloth. Princeton U. Press for World Peace Foundation. 1949.
"International Control of Atomic Energy," pp. 341-349.
DESSAUER, FRIEDRICH. Atomenergie und Atombombe. Fassliche wissenschaftliche Darstellung und Wuerdigung. Zweite bedeutend erweiterte Auflage. 342 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Olten: Otto Walter AG. 1947. QC778 .D4 1945
DISARMAMENT AND ARMS CONTROL: An International Quarterly Journal. Volume I, Number I. 110 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Summer 1963.
Includes "The International Control of Missile Material Production" by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. "Atomic War or Peace." As told to Raymond Swing. IN: The Atlantic, Volume 180, Number 5, pp. 29-32. 192 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Atlantic Monthly. November 1947.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Atomic War or Peace. 4 leaves. 4to, unbound. Princeton: Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. n.d. (1947).
Reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly. Laid in is a single-sheet "Statement by the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists" summarizing their program and appealing for funds.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. "Einstein on the Atomic Bomb." By Albert Einstein as told to Raymond Swing. IN: The Atlantic, Volume 176, Number 5. pp. (43)-45. 176 pages. Illustrated. 4to, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Atlantic Monthly. November 1945.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Out of My Later Years. 282 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. QC6 .E49
Includes "The Way Out," "Atomic War or Peace (I & II)," and other essays relating to atomic weapons.
EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Typed letter to "Dear Friend," signed with stamped signature. Single sheet 4to, 20 lines, on Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists letterhead stationery. Princeton, New Jersey. February 10, 1947.
Appeals to the recipient for a pledge toward a $1,000,000 educational fund "to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding of the simple facts of atomic energy and its implications for society."
EMERGENCY COMMITTEE OF ATOMIC SCIENTISTS. Albert Einstein, Chairman. Harold C. Urey, Vice-Chairman. "The Last Hour Before Midnight." Text of the Statement Issued on June 30, 1947. 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. (Princeton, New Jersey: ECAS.). June 30, 1947.
Critique of the failure of the year-long discussions in the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission to achieve international control. The source of Einstein's oft-quoted statement, "one cannot prepare for war and expect peace." Co-signers of the letter include H.A. Bethe, Leo Szilard, and Victor Weisskopf.
FIGUEIREDO, NUNO FIDELINO DE. O Problema de Energia Atomica. 152 pages. 8vo, decorative wrappers. Lisboa: Cosmos. 1946.
FOX, WILLIAM T.R. "The Struggle for Atomic Control." 32 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, pictorial wrappers. Washington, D.C.: National Committee on Atomic Information. 1947. HD9698.A3 A35 1947
Comprises Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 129.
FRIENDLY, ALFRED. Civilian vs. Military Control of Atomic Age. 8 articles reprinted from The Washington Post. 4 pages, printed in newspaper format. Folio, unbound. Washington D.C.: The Washington Post. 1946.
Friendly's collected articles for the Post. Very scarce in this format.
GALLOWAY, EILENE. Atomic Power. Issues Before Congress. Mimeographed typescript. 143 pages + folding table "Comparative Summary of Six Atomic Energy Bills." 4to, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service. 1946.
GOTLIEB, ALBERT. Achieving International Control of Atomic Energy. Critical Thinking for a New Age. 66 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. New York: Columbia University. 1947. HD9698.A3 A353 1947
HADLEY, HAMILTON. The United States: Guardian of Atomic Weapons. 43 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. New York: Tyrell for the Author. 1947. TK9145 .H3
"The thesis of this pamphlet is that neither the Baruch Plan nor any sort of international police force or superstate offers any prospect of effective control of atomic weapons, and that if atomic warfare is to be avoided it can only be by means of control by the United States and its Allies."
HARRIS, HENRY W. To Wage Peace. Russia Now Has the Atomic Bomb! But There Is Something We Can Do About It. 183 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Aldino Feliciani. 1949. D843 .H3 1949
HERKEN, GREG. The Winning Weapon. The Atomic Bomb 1945-1950. 425 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Knopf. 1980. D843 .H438 1980
Excellent analysis of post World War II atomic politics.
HESSLER, WILLIAM H. Operation Survival. America's New Role in World Affairs. 282 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1949. E744 .H5 1949
HILL, DAVID L., EUGENE RABINOWITCH & JOHN A. SIMPSON, JR. "The Atomic Scientists Speak Up." Nuclear Physicists Say There is No Secrecy in Atomic Bomb and No Defense Against It. IN: Life, Vol. 19, No. 18, pp. 45-48. 148 pages. Illustrated. Folio, pictorial wrappers. Chicago: Time, Inc. October 29, 1945.
Statement prepared on behalf of the executive committee of the atomic scientists of Chicago, comprising most ofthe scientists attached to the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago during the Manhattan Project. Advocates International Control.
HUTCHINS, ROBERT M. "The Atomic Bomb Versus Civilization." 14 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: Human Events, Inc. 1945.
Comprises the Human Events Pamphlets Number I. December 1945.
JORDAN, VIRGIL. Manifesto for the Atomic Age. 70 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. N.p.: Rutgers U. Press. 1946. E169.1 .J6
By the President of the National Industrial Conference Board.
LAPP, RALPH E. Must We Hide? 182 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Cambridge: Addison-Wesley. 1949. UF767 .L3
LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I. The Scorpion and the Tarantula. The Struggle to Control Atomic Weapons 1945-1949. 460 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1970. JX197.7 .L46
LOSEE, MADELEINE W. Legislative History of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (public Law 703, 83rd Congress). 3 volumes. Irregular pagination. Very thick 4to, buckram. Washington, D.C.: USAEC. 1955. KF2138.A313 A15
MARKS, HERBERT S. & GEORGE F. TROWBRIDGE. Framework for Atomic Industry. A Commentary on the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. 119 pages + extensive Appendix. 4to, silver-gilt flexible plastic. FIRST EDITION. Washington: BNA Inc. 1955. KF2138.15 .M37 1955
MASTERS, DEXTER & KATHERINE WAY, Editors. One World or None. A Report to the Public on the Full Meaning of the Atomic Bomb. Foreword by Niels Bohr. Introduction by A.H. Compton. 79 pages. 4to, printed red and black wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1946. QC173 .M18
A landmark publication in the abortive movement for international control. Contributors include Hans Bethe, Albert Einstein, Irving Langmuir, J.R. Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, Harold Urey, and other luminaries.
MIDDLETOWN OHIO. Crossroads Middletown. 24 pages. Illustrated. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Middletown Ohio. 1946.
This is a very unusual grass-roots publication by the citizens of a small midwest town, calling for strengthened resolutions in the U.N. to control the spread of atomic weapons. It advocates a version of "The Quota Force Plan," which had been developed by the noted Bridge expert Ely Culbertson and others. This is Ely Culbertson's copy, and is signed by him on the front wrappers.
MUSTE, A.J. "The Atomic Bomb and the American Dream." 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: Fellowship. 1945.
Offprint from the October 1945 issue of Fellowship. A plea for international control, by the noted activist A.J. Muste.
MUSTE, A.J. An Open Letter to Dr. Einstein. 1 leaf broadsheet. 4to, unbound. New York: Fellowship. 1946.
Calls on the community of scientists to refuse to participate in the making of atomic bombs.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. "12 Proposed Russian Amendments to the First Report of the U. N. Atomic Energy Commission." Submitted to the Security Council February 18, 1947 showing Omissions, Modifications and Additions. 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: NCAI. 1947.
Reprinted from the United Nations Weekly Bulletin.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. Discussion Outline on Atomic Energy. 8 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: NCAI. 1946. HD9698.A2 N3
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. Twelve Points on Atomic Energy. 1 leaf, printed broadsheet. Folio, unbound. Washington, D.C.: NCAI. n.d. (circa 1946).
Information sheet supporting the American plan for International Control.
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC INFORMATION. "U. N. Scientific and Technical Report on Atomic Energy Control." 10 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers, stapled. New York: NCAI. 1946.
This is the full text of the first official international report on the control of atomic energy, originally published as a special to the New York Times, September 28, 1946.
NEWMAN, JAMES R. & BYRON S. MILLER. The Control of Atomic Energy. A Study of its Social, Economic, and Political Implications. 434 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. New York: Whittlesey House. 1948. HD9698.U52 N4 1948
NEW REPUBLIC. Breaking the Atomic Deadlock. First of a Series by the Editors * Who Prevents Atomic Agreement? Part II. Together, 2 consecutive issues. Each 23 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: New Republic. April 3-10, 1950.
A history of international negotiations on the atom bomb and atomic energy, and an analysis of the reasons for the deadlock in International Control. The first part includes a separate 8-page insert on "Atomic Energy: The Technical Facts."
OSBORN, FREDERICK H. "The Search for Atomic Control." IN: The Atlantic, Volume 181, Number 4, pp. 48-50. 120 pages. 4to, pictorial wrappers. Concord: Atlantic Monthly. April 1948.
The Author was Deputy U.S. Representative on the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. This issue also includes "Russia, the U.S., and the Atom. By a Foreign Observer."
PLAN FOR THE ATOM. "What Russia and the West Could Do Now." A Proposal for Atomic Peace. Feature article IN: New Republic, Volume 121, Number 19. 23 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. New York: New Republic. November 7, 1949.
Presents a plan for international ownership of all atomic plants in the hope of breaking the U.N. deadlock on atomic energy control.
POSIN, DANIEL Q. I Have Been to the Village. Introduction by Albert Einstein. 151 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers. 1948. HD9698.A2 P6 1948
SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. Record of a speaking tour through rural North Dakota, and a plea for International Control.
SMITH, ALICE KIMBALL. A Peril and a Hope. The Scientists' Movement in America: 1945-1947. 591 pages. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST EDITION. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1965. Q127.U6 S5
Excellent history of the post-war "atomic scientists' movement." "Records the dramatic change in [the] attitude of scientists toward public affairs which followed on the release of atomic energy."
SPAIGHT, J.M. The Atomic Problem. 56 pages. 8vo, boards. FIRST EDITION. London: Arthur Barron. 1948. JX5133.A7 S67 1948
On post WWII nuclear policy.
SYMPOSIUM ON ATOMIC ENERGY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS. Papers read at the Joint Meeting of the American Philosophical Society and the National Academy of Sciences November 16 and 17, 1945. 79 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 1946. QC780 .S9 1945
Includes papers by Oppenheimer, Fermi, Smyth, et al.
SZILARD, LEO. Memorandum on "Citizens' Committee." 9 leaves, printed on one side only. 4to, unbound, stapled. N.p. March 27, 1950.
The is a contemporary mimeographed copy of a typed letter to Albert Einstein, concerning the "setting up of an organization to study what type of an over-all Russian and American settlement would provide a framework in which international control of atomic energy could satisfactorily operate."
TAYLOR, HON. GLEN H. Creation of a World Republic. Speech in the Senate of the United States Wednesday, October 24, 1945. 4 pages. 4to, printed self-wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Record. 1945.
Calls for a world government as the only effective means of assuring the survival of civilization in the age of atomic weapons.
THOMAS, MORGAN. Atomic Energy and Congress. 301 pages. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press. 1956. HD9698.U5 T5
TUTIN, JOHN, Editor. Atomic Energy Year Book. 237 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, dust jacket. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1949.
"At once a history, a contemporary account, and a prediction of things to come."
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. First Report. . . to the Security Council December 31, 1946. 101 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1947.
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. The International Control of Atomic Energy. The Second Report. . . to the Security Council September 11, 1947. 106 pages. 8vo, cloth. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1947. HD9698.A3 A263 1947
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. The International Control of Atomic Energy. The Second Report of the UNAEC to the Security Council 11 September 1947. Mimeographed typescript. 91 pages. 4to, printed wrappers. N.p.: United States Mission to the United Nations. 1947. HD9698.A2 U272 1947
UNITED NATIONS. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. Third Report. . . to the Security Council. May 17, 1948. 78 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Department of State. 1948.
UNITED NATIONS. Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Control of Atomic Energy. The Full Text of the First Report. 42 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Lake Success: U.N. 1946. HD9698.A24 S3
U.S. CONGRESS. Hearing Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on Investigation into the United States Atomic Energy Project. Parts 1-17, 21 & 22. Together, 19 volumes. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. HD9698.U52 A5 1949c
Hearings into charges by Senator Hickenlooper that "the United States atomic energy program is virtually a failure."
U.S. CONGRESS. Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on Los Alamos Retrocession Bill and AEC Contract Policy. February 17, 21, and 24, 1949. 127 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. JS999.L8 A24 1949
U.S. CONGRESS. Hearings Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.. Eighty-Third Congress Second Session on S. 3323 and H.R. 8862, to Amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. 2 volumes. 1157 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO. 1954. KF25 .A8 1954s
U.S. CONGRESS. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY. The Hydrogen Bomb and International Control: Technical and Background Information. 41 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. July 1950. UF767 .U48
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The International Control of Atomic Energy. Growth of a Policy. An Informal Summary Record of the Official Declarations...Made Between August 6, 1945 and October 15, 1946. 281 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State. 1946. QC173 .U58 1946a
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The International Control of Atomic Energy. Policy at the Crossroads. An Informal Summary Record of the Policy Developments...October 15, 1946-May 17, 1948. 251 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State. 1948.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. "United States Atomic Energy Proposals." Statement of the United States Policy on Control of Atomic Energy as Presented by Bernard M. Baruch, Esq., to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission June 14, 1946. 12 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept of State. 1946. HD9698.A2 B33
This is the text of Baruch's famous speech, beginning "We are here to make a choice between the quick and the dead...." Comprises The United States and the United Nations Report Series No. 2.
U.S. SENATE. Hearings Before the . . . Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on Confirmation of Gordon E. Dean and Henry DeWolf Smyth as Members of the Atomic Energy Commission. 36 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1949. KF25 .A8 1949
Includes a very interesting series of questions from Senator Hickenlooper to Dr. Smyth concerning the AEC and the "Loyalty Oath."
U.S. SENATE. Hearings before the Special Committee on Atomic Energy. . . on S. 1717. A Bill for the Development and Control of Atomic Energy. Parts 1-5 (complete). 539 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers, stapled. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1946. QC173 .U5 1946
This is the first printing of the famous "Atomic Energy Act of 1946," which defined U.S. nuclear policy until 1954. Very scarce.
U.S. SENATE. Hearings Before the Special Committee on Atomic Energy Seventy-Ninth Congress First Session Pursuant to S. Res. 179. A Resolution Creating a Special Committee to Investigate Problems Relating to the Development, Use, and Control of Atomic Energy. Parts 1-5 (complete). 573 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1945-1946. QC173 .U5 1945
Hearings from November 27, 1945-February 15, 1946. These are the FIRST CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS ON ATOMIC ENERGY. Includes testimony of Leslie Groves, Harold Urey, J.R. Oppenheimer, Hans A. Bethe, Leo Szilard, S.A. Goudsmit, S. A. Parsons, and many others. The present set bears the stamp "Office Copy-War Resisters League."
U.S. SENATE. Special Committee on Atomic Energy. Essential Information on Atomic Energy (Including a Glossary and Bibliography). . . Pursuant to S. Res. 179. A Resolution Creating a Special Committee to Investigate Problems Relating to the Development, Use, and Control of Atomic Energy. 94 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: USGPO. 1946. QC173 .U6 1946a
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ROUND TABLE. "The Atlantic Community Faces the Bomb." An NBC Radio Discussion by William Ogburn, Leo Szilard, Harold Urey and Louis Wirth. Including "A Personal History of the Atomic Bomb" by Leo Szilard. 16 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. University of Chicago. September 25, 1949.
Comprises The University of Chicago Round Table, Number 601.
U.S. CAMERA ANNUAL 1947. Edited by Tom Maloney. Profusely illustrated from photographs selected by Edward Steichen. 4to, cloth. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce. 1947.
Includes photo-essays on "The Atom Bombs," "Bikini-1946 by William L. Laurence," and "The Baruch Plan."
VYSHINSKY, A.Y. The Soviet Position on Prohibition of Atomic Weapons and International Control of Atomic Energy. Speeches at the Fourth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, November 1949. 56 pages. Portrait. 8vo, printed wrappers. Washington, D.C.: Information Bulletin of the Embassy of the USSR. 1949. HD9698.A28 V88 1949
WIMPERIS, H.E. World Power and Atomic Energy. The Impact on International Relations. 87 pages. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. London: Constable. 1946. HD9743.A2 W55 1946
WOODROW WILSON FOUNDATION. The Politics of Atomic Energy. By Harry D. Gideonse, Raymond B. Fosdick, William F. Ogburn, & Frederick L. Schuman. 56 pages. 8vo, printed wrappers. FIRST EDITION. New York: Woodrow Wilson Foundation. March 1946. JX1954 .P58 1946
WUESTHOFF, FREDA. Atomic Energy and Peace. 28 pages. 8vo, printed self-wrappers. Muenchen: Franz Wuesthoff. 1957.
Reprints the text of the inaugural speech for the "Working Programme for Lasting Peace" first given in 1947.