Activity Listings
- Check from LP to The Biltmore, RE: $600.00. [Filed under LP Biographical: Financial, Box 4.029, Folder 29.1]
- Hotel bill: The Biltmore, New York City [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.2]
- Letter form Marcelia J. Hill Secretary to LP to William P. Steven Vice President World Book Encyclopedia Science Service RE: Informs him that LP is currently away and she is forwarding his letter in hopes that it will reach him in time to comply with his request. [Filed under LP Correspondence: S: Correspondence, 1966-1967: Box #384, Folder #384.1]
- Letter from John T. Edsall, Harvard University, to Michael Levi Matar and LP, RE: Provides Matar with some biographical information, as per his request, with a handwritten note to LP above. [Filed under LP Biographical: Legal, Box 3.016, Folder 16.3]
- Letter from Professor Dr. Werner Hartke to LP RE: Discusses the Robert Havemann situation. [Typed in German][Letter from LP to Hartke February 21, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: H: Correspondence, 1966: Box #169, Folder #169.4]
- Memo from Marcy to LP RE: Encloses a letter from Robert H. Carleton of the NSTA, and a letter from Jeremiah Stamler. Informs that Ruth Brooks reminds him of the deadline for signing up for Medicare. [Filed under LP Correspondence: H: Individual Correspondence (Hill, Marcella): Box #159, Folder #159.6]
- Note from Lucien Baillaud, Faculty of Science, Botanique, to LP RE: Provides a quote by MacFarlane Burnet discussing LP’s work. Asks if he thinks there is any opposition between replicating patterns and physical and structural chemistry. [Letter from LP to Baillaud April 17, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: B: Correspondence 1966, Box #41, Folder #41.2]
- Receipt from Texaco, RE: $9.42. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial, Box 4.061, Folder 61.2]