Activity Listings
- Article: “Peptide Chain Synthesis of Human Hemoglobins A and A2*,” The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 241, March 10, 1966. RE: LP has marked the page with “Hb” indicating that the article needed to be inserted into the hemoglobin section of his vertical file. [Filed under LP Science: (Non-Pauling Reprints re: Hemoglobin research, 1960s-1980s), Box #6.011, Folder #11.1]
- Hotel bill: The Biltmore, New York City [Filed under LP Travel, Box #1.004, Folder 4.2]
- Letter from Genevieve Armanasco, College Association for Public Events and Services, to LP RE: Asks if he would be interested in giving a series of twelve lectures in Northern and Southern California. [Letter from LP to Armanasco June 10, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: A: Correspondence, 1966: Box #15, Folder #15.1]
- Letter from James Long, Oregon Journal, to LP RE: Asks if he would be willing to contribute something to his anthology being compiled on modern and moral problems. [Letter from LP to Long May 3, 1966][Filed under LP Correspondence: L: Correspondence, 1966: Box #233, Folder #233.3]
- Letter from Marcelia J. Hill Secretary to LP to Mr. James C. Warf RE: Informs him that LP is currently away and isn't expected back until the 16th of March. [Filed under LP Correspondence: W: Correspondence, 1966-1970: Box #447, Folder #447.1]
- Letter from Wayne Morse, US Senate, to LP . RE: Acknowledges receipt of LP's petition. [Filed under LP Biographical: Political, Box 2.013, Folder 13.5]
- Newspaper clipping: "Biologist Links Death and Sex," New York Times. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1966n.22]
- Newspaper clipping: "Park Barred to Peace Marchers," New York World-Telegram and Sun. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1966n.24]
- Newspaper clipping: "Urged Buckley to Alter Text, Rusher Says," New York Post. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings, 1966n.23]
- Note from John C. Vaughns, Triton Jr. College and Technical Institute, to W. H. Freeman and Co. RE: Says that LP’s General Chemistry is an excellent text, and that its systematic discussion of theoretical principles should be a challenge to a general chemistry course. [Filed under LP Books: (General Chemistry, Third Edition, by LP. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1970, 959 pages), Box #1970b4, Folder # 1970b4.1]