Activity Listings
- Card from Margaret Fleming, to LP. RE: Is proud to have LP and AHP as her friends. Was angered by what the Gilbert woman put in the Santa Barbara paper. [Filed under LP Correspondence: F: Correspondence, 1960-1969: Box #129 Folder #129.9]
- Check from AHP to Pearl Lang RE: $15.00. [Bank Statement from First Western Bank to LP and AHP April 23, 1965] [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.028, Folder #28.2]
- Invoice from The Fund for the Republic, Inc., Accounting Department, to LP RE: Total of $1.25 for xerox copies. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.062, Folder #62.1]
- Letter from David Rein, to LP. RE: Appreciates his coming to Washington to testify. Asks for a statement of his expenses so he can be reimbursed. Returns the volumes of his testimony. [Letter from LP April 15, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: R: Correspondence (1965): Box #343 Folder #343.2]
- Letter from Gurdon Woods, San Francisco Art Institute, to LP. RE: Invites him to speak at commencement [Letter from LP April 14, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: W: Correspondence, 1965: Box # 446 Folder #446.3]
- Letter from J. A. Stratton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to LP. RE: Invites him to participate in a session on the Life Sciences and the Future of Man on December 3. [Letter from LP April 14, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: S: Correspondence (1965): Box #383 Folder #383.2]
- Letter from LP to Alan N. Bloch, University of Kentucky. RE: Informs him that he does not have an opening for him this summer. [Letter from Bloch April 3, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: B: Correspondence, 1965-1966: Box #41 Folder #41.1]
- Letter from LP to F. Arasa, Folia Humanistica. RE: Thanks him for the book El Drama del Hombre en el Mundo Actual, and for the issues of Folia Humanistica. [Letter from Arasa April 5, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: A: Correspondence, 1962-1965: Box #14 Folder #14.4]
- Letter from LP to President Oscar L. Mendes. RE: Is unable to accept the invitation to participate in the Ninth Latin American Congress of Chemistry. [Letter from Mendes April 1, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: M: Correspondence, (1965-1967): Box #260 Folder #260.1]
- Letter from LP to Rosemarie C. Bell. RE: Thanks her for the check, a repayment for the loan made to her. [Filed under LP Correspondence: B: Correspondence, 1965-1966: Box #41 Folder #41.1]
- Letter from LP to Sidney W. Fox, University of Miami. RE: Thanks him for his letter and the typescript on copolymerized amino acids. [Letter from Fox April 5, 1965] [Filed under LP Correspondence: F: Individual Correspondence: Box #120 Folder # 120.12]
- Newspaper Clipping: “3 Are Convicted In Contempt Case,” New York Times, April 9, 1965. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1965: Box #1965n, Folder #1965n.31]
- Newspaper Clipping: “Court Convicts Peace Workers,” York (Pennsylvania) Gazette and Daily, April 9, 1965. [Filed under LP Newspaper Clippings: Newspaper Clippings, Magazine and Journal Articles related to LP, 1965: Box #1965n, Folder #1965n.32]
- Research Notebook of LP RE: Fission, pp. 160-161. [Filed under LP Research Notebooks: 25R]
- Statement from Southern California Edison Company RE: Total of $17.43. [Filed under LP Biographical: Business and Financial: Box #4.061, Folder #61.2]